Sunday 11 November 2007

Public Service Publisher is an exciting example of society acknowledging and addressing commercial failure.

Public Service Publisher is an exciting example of society acknowledging and addressing commercial failure.

Does commercial failure exist?
Do a Google search and find out. What does Google tell you? That there are millions of pages but only a few that it profits from which could cause a problem as it dictates what is easily accessible for the masses on the web.

How to address commercial failure?
This is being addressed carefully by Ofcom (2004-to today and on until mid 2009.)

With help from advisors

and journalists

If it is accepted that Commercial failure exists why is nothing being done to address this now?

Thursday 18 October 2007

Join the UGCunion

Join the UGCunion where we are forming a group to take back ownership of User Generated Content websites for the Users such as you and I. Then they will be run within the business structure for everyones gain. Comment below if you want to join...