Thursday, 23 June 2011

#helpall #creatively #innovate #selflessly @WEBiversity #os #cc #nfp #gov #tedx #yeswecan #bigsociety

11. What is the best way to give the best and most up to date advice to any person about anything? Fund experts to provide impartial advice on specific subjects in any area a bit like but on every subject. Share the existing impartial information responsibly

12. How to make the most out of your skills? Share everything you do with everyone so the most people can benefit AND you gain because your work will attract the most attention and therefore people will find you and work with you. Only share information that can only be used for 'good' and can NOT be twisted for 'bad' use by selfish/ignorant people.

13. Can software be created that is easy to use by everyone so elites are prevented (which cause problems due to vested interests) so everyone is enabled to help everyone by solving any/every world problem cheaply and quickly with creative innovation? Can we work with you to do this? Who can make the open source software/ecosystem to do this? Maybe it is best to solve all world problems just with video as we all can make and consume this?

14. All organisations gradually evolve in good and bad ways over time and can often end up doing more harm than good because the people who work in them have morphed the organisation to suit them rather than to serve the global public. How to stop this from happening? EG Why are Music, art... not Olympic sports as they used to be when the Olympics were created? Who in the Olympic committe can change this ASAP for the 2012 games. How best to enable everyone to 'correct' the negative changes organisations make simply EG create own Olympic Art, Music... events. One solutions is to educate everyone to be selfless free and enable all organisations to create institutional innovation free

15. Freedom of speech is the freedom to speak. If any organisation restricts any human from speaking then they are effectively restricting their freedom of speech! Therefore any organisation that prevents anyone from speaking or commenting online or in real life ifs 'evil'?! Web technology has enables all web organisations to prevent everyone from speaking EG restricting comments on any/every webpage. This URGENTLY needs to be solved as it allows organisations to control humans in an undemocratic way! What other URGENT problems are there that need to be resolved and how can individuals highlight the problem to the best people solve them in the most suitable and susatinable ways?

16. How to stop the ignorant from hurting everyone EG with selfless competition that divides creating zero sum gains? Educate everyone with the best free education so we can all learn and share our knowledge so everyone can learn to become wise and selflessly help each other for a cumulative sum gain (and simple ways to help everyone be happy free).

17. How best to highlight, organise and share the best existing knowledge/data that is on the net, web, closed networks, social media, cultures and in our brains in the most effective ways to benefit everyone and what are the most important ones to share? Starting by sharing simple techniques to make everyone happy and wise right now so we all learn to love everyone and educate all out of ignorance?

18. Every human on the planet must be educated then empowered and enabled to work so that their life is fulfilling and that they can help everyone else on this planet using their potential and skill. Equally every human on this planet must be educated, empowered and enabled to INNOVATE using CREATIVITY so that they are able to efficiently progress and enhance humanities capability. Any individual, organisation or government that fails to enable every human in (and outside) their care to do this has failed them and also fails itself as a competing organisation/person/government will do this and therefore win due to increased productivity.  All governments are failing at this at the moment because they do not understand the potential of the web to educate and empower/employ everyone. If you would like help to do this please contact & watch http:/ as we can help you do this and more simply right now.

19. Every generation learns from the mistakes in the past and breaks new ground by learning from their parents and grandparents mistakes. What mistakes have our parents and grandparents made that we are learning from and solving? Also what mistakes are/will we make for the future that we can learn about and solve/stop right now and how can we allow everyone to create r/evolution so progress can be enabled? Current main problems...climate change & human/animal cruelty & hidden disabilities? What else?

20. EVERYTHING can be A. Open Source B. Creative Commons C. Run as a Charity D.Managed with Institutional Innovation... If you need to know why/how this is possible search the web for information and read we can help you do this instantly and you will benefit too.

We would love to work with you to solve these and many more existing and future problems simply quickly and effectively so we can help everyone have happier lives. Please add points and comments to and contact as we would love to help you in many areas you may not have thought of. There is so much that can be done with the smallest funding. If you know of funding and programmers do tell us as we can work with we can help you solve many problems quickly simply and cheaply by using creative innovation.

May I work with you to solve these and many more existing and future problems simply quickly and effectively so we can help everyone have happier lives. Please add points and comments to and contact as we would love to help you in many areas you may not have thought of. There is so much that can be done with the smallest funding. If you know of funding and programmers do tell us as we can work with we can help you solve many problems quickly simply and cheaply by using creative innovation to solve many of the worlds problems EG with creative education.

1. We all are ignorant! On a scale from zero to infinity we are all closer to zero than infinity when it comes to our individual & humanities knowledge so we can reasonably and logically assume that we all individually and collectively (this is rounded down) know next to nothing?!
It is an enlightening thought to know and relax in the knowledge (and relative wisdom of knowing we are ignorant) that we all know nothing.
This fact enables us all to do more as we can question everything and have compassion for every human as we are all struggling to survive in the smog of ignorance that all humanity is in and means that we can all help everyone to learn as much as possible to help everyone be as happy as possible right now (EG using meditation and smiling:)

I think therefore I THINK i am?!  What else do we think we are that could be false? Often Vice get many people confused about who they are and their capabilities (is apathy/ignorance a vice)? How is it best to help everyone educate everyone about taking charge of their lives to empower everyone and use virtues to help everyone?

2. Help all right now just by thinking happy! We can create the perfect present right now and perfect future just by imagining how great it could be and helping everyone we meet to make it as great as possible by using simple techniques (such as meditation to enjoy every second of life and smiling/helping everyone we meet:). We all get distracted with material things or vice's but need to help everyone by reminding how we all get longer deeper happiness by doing the simple things such as seflessly helping others to be happy.

3. If everyone who invents/creates makes their invention or creation into a charity then the whole world will quickly become charitable as all growth is created by innovation and creativity. Creatives and innovators therefore have a responsibility to prevent the ignorant/selfish from using or steal the innovations for selfish uses that harm others (often without their knowing). As new innovation takes over from old innovation this is a simple way to evolve out of date selfish competition to enlightened and wise compassionate collaboration. If you are talented enough to create innovation then you are able to create many innovations and so the joy is about creating rather than fame or glory. This means that you can donate your innovations to the world by making them into innovative charities (if you want fame or glory then please learn that there is more to life than that EG watch How can you as an individual plus using your personal/business links help this happen? Let us creatively enhance your personal and business work while helping everyone with innovative charity work? explains more.

4. Any/all loss making or bankrupt company that has gone into administration can be saved by turning the company or organisation into a charity. This is a simple process and can save any organisation from disappearing while also enabling it to run as a responsible charity for ever onwards. explains more. If you know of an organisation that is going bust or about to fail please contact us so we can help save it.

5. How is it possible to persuade funding bodies that is is best to educate and empower people so that they can solve problems rather than trying to solve the problems with/in organisations? For example if any organisation provided the tools/techniques needed to solve a problem for free it would be the cheapest and most effective way to solve the problem and can be shared at no cost around the world/web. There are simple ways to enable every organisation to do this but they have to be open minded enough to look for them on the web. We would love to help do this Eg with Who can we talk to about helping you do this so you can help the most people in the most effective way?

6. What are the best simple ways to empower anyone/everyone and the talented few (in the many different divisions of labour) so we all can improve our world for the better using simple proven techniques and technology EG meditating to enjoy every second of our lives and helping everyone help everyone selflessly so we all become happier?e so we all can selflessly help each other? Can we work with you to develop to do this?

7. What simple ways are there to enable creatives to concentrate on creatively solving the worlds problems? How to empower everyone to do this and enable everyone to earn a living so they can survive while selflessly helping everyone in a sustainable way? Which forward thinking funders and founders can be persuaded to spend funds in new proven ways so the funds benefit everyone and enable everyone to collaborate constructively? What simple ways are there to enable everyone to earn a living while selflessly creating innovative ways to help everyone? EG Can you make and help too?

8. How best to enable everyone to turn every idea they have into a responsible 'thing' that is run in a selfless wise way so that is can benefit everyone most effectively? EG has shown how this is possible but there is so much more that could be done with decentralized software that is designed to enable and empower everyone to help everyone. builds on this and we would love to work with you to develop so it can empower everyone to help everyone with simple free video and techniques/technology.

9. How to enable everyone to invest as much money as possible in the most innovative and productive selfless wise productions so that money (which is stored labour) can be used to help everyone in the most effective ways to benefit everyone. Invest in organisations that create institutional innovation and more. explains a simple way everyone can do this. Do help http:/// do this too.

10. How to encourage all organisations to create institutional innovation so that they can help many more people? Educate everyone EG and let anyone use the free business structure that creates institutional innovation.

What extra things can you suggest to help others?  If you have read this far you must suggest something that you know if a problem with at least one solution that you know to help everyone:). What simple solutions already exist to the most important problems and how best to share them with everyone?

We would love to work with you to solve these and many more existing and future problems simply quickly and effectively so we can help everyone have happier lives. Please add points and comments to and contact as we would love to help you in many areas you may not have thought of. There is so much that can be done with the smallest funding. If you know of funding and programmers do tell us as we can work with we can help you solve many problems quickly simply and cheaply by using creative innovation.

As we all know nothing the danger are those that think they know everything who try to force everyone to do what they say EG control freaks.
How best to help everyone learn to become wise/selfless/compassionate and to remind everyone to continually learn  EG using simple existing video

EVERYTHING can be improved/evolved and re/invented to serve everyone better especially with new web/tech that enables us all to help everyone simply. How best to get support/funds for organisations to enable everyone to selflessly help everyone in sustainable ways that are managed responsibly so they continue to help everyone the most? Can we help you do this EG

How can crowdsourcing and crowdfunding be used to fund unpopular/complex/boring/niche problems and solutions that may be the most innovative solutions to problems the majority are not aware of? And how to auto fund the many 000...'s of inventors/projects that can benefit everyone across the globe/web? EG can create a p2p auto funding crowdfund platform that everyone can use and develop/evolve easily with low/no skills?

What are the best simple ways to enhance how any government, charity, company or organisation is run so that it can benefit everyone most by creating creative innovation?
A. Educate everyone so we call learn to become wise and selfless so we can all help everyone help everyone creatively.
B. Create and manage simple yet constructive processes that enable and empower creative and disruptive innovation.
C. Enable everything to be shared openly so that we all can share and collaborate with open innovation.
D. Manage the organisation in a progressive & democratic way so that  it can quickly evolve and change while responsibly looking after everyone with open source/standards and selfless collaboration.

As all of humanity are and will continue to learn to become wise/er (because of the web) so we all learn to 'quest for knowledge' and selflessly work to help everyone what are the most important things for everyone to be working on? Happiness through education/wisdom?
A. Create sustainable income for everyone so we all can concentrate on selflessly creatively innovating to help everyone.
B. Prevent problems from happening with logical prediction and education
C. Solve simple problems that effect everyone and/or collate into large problems EG soft/social/cultural problems such as time management
D. Enabling everyone to rapidly prototype working products so creative innovation can
E. Enable everyone to manage existing and new products/services int he most beneficial way for everyone using open source/standards and selflessly sharing.

How does Finance & Economics work & how to make it work better?!
Finance/economics is a tool that captures and exchanges 'potential' in the form of stored labour that can be manipulated and enhanced in many ways. How best to help enhance this tool so that it can be used most effectively to help everyone?

All the money/finance/economics in the world is 'wealth' that is created by innovation or labour or theft or trade (which some argue is a zero sum gain so could be called theft) from the past / previous generations. This means that all wealth should be used to benefit everyone as much as possible as we all have equal right to ownership of it!  Therefore we should all use all the funds we have in the world to finance new innovation that benefits everyone effectively/efficiently. Also the most effective way to enable everyone to help everyone is by educating and empowering everyone to creatively innovate selflessly/wisely so that we all can help everyone solve as many human problems as possible. is a free way anyone can do this. How is it best to use money/finance/economics to benefit all? Use it to fund as much innovation as possible as this is the fastest way to create extra new wealth and progress as innovation is the only way to solve present and future problems. is a free way anyone can do this

Communication is always getting better so what existing communication techniques and technology need to be enhanced (all of them) and how is it best to do this? Communication methods that create a lot of noise and waste communication when used badly by everyone and salesmen/spam/trash mail need to be enhanced so they simplify the process so everyone has simpler lives. The web and search/social media also urgently needs to be improved and simplified so that everyone can search and discover what they want instantly. Often there are simple techniques or technology that can be created and shared with everyone that solve subtle/obvious communication problems for everyone. We would love to help you solve the many problems that exist by creatively innovating with you. Contact

There are many simple ways that could solve many of humanities problems so the question is why has the market not created products that solve these now? Is competition and even capitalism restricting progress as individuals/groups compete in zero sum gain competitions that are not very efficient? How can managers be helped to search out for better ways to run any organisation so they benefit everyone most? EG &

How can government, companies, charities and individuals be educated and enabled to fund new innovation that has large growth potential and can solve many of the worlds problems cheaply? There are many great innovations being created all over the place that would benefit from support, inspiration, funding... so that the creative innovators can go on to create even more useful inventions/innovations without wasting time on filling in forms or competing or applying for jobs that restrict their potential! is one free way to do this & inspires.

How can government charities and individuals educate and inspire young people, the unemployed and criminals to creatively innovate to help everyone have happier lives simply? Simply by funding new innovation's that benefit everyone by supporting, educating and empowering everyone to help everyone this can be done. Do help use video to inspire everyone.

What are the use of forms and application processes and competitions when most creative innovators evolve their work as they go along? How can we make recruitment, human resources, employers, agents and grant givers aware of the damage that application forms do as they waste everyones time and prevent the really talented people from doing more of their great work (by making 99% waste time filing in forms ). There are many simple ways that this can be solved and we would love to work with you to do this. Who can let us replace forms/competitions with simple proven processes that benefit everyone? Contact

The status quo can allways be improved and reinvented  with creative innovationand we would love to help you do this for any/every part of your business. Who can let us do this with simple proven processes that benefit everyone for you? Contact

We would love to work with you to solve these and many more existing and future problems simply quickly and effectively so we can help everyone have happier lives. Please add points and comments to and contact as we would love to help you in many areas you may not have thought of. There is so much that can be done with the smallest funding. If you know of funding and programmers do tell us as we can work with we can help you solve many problems quickly simply and cheaply by using creative innovation.

Finance and Economics continually evolve and progress as new techniques and technology are invented by creative innovators.
How have the latest creative innovations effected finance and how will existing and future innovations make finance serve everyone better?

Finance and Economics are designed to help enhance human exchange and therefore progress. Progress is created by knowledge/wisdom though creative innovation so finance and economics should be managed to it enhances creative innovation as much as possible.

Telephony, the web and new technology such as nanotechnology and microbiology (not to mention other new techniques/technology) are all changing the paradigms of how humans interact and therefore finance/society has to change significantly to keep up.

The simplest way for this to happen and solve almost/ifnot all human problems is to help educate everyone for free so everyone learns to become wiser so they are selfless and happy and open to using proven existing and new ways to doing things. Do help us do this at simply by watching and sharing video that makes everyone happy.

1. What simple economic processes can enable finance to support the creative innovators that create growth and help humanity progress as effectively as possible? is a simple process that enables any finance to be used as effectively as possible by funding institutional innovation as that is the most effective way to enable humans to create & innovate to add value and help other humans (by not doing this the selfish/ignorant are harming everyone including themselves as they are preventing innovation that would solve many of humanities problems).
This process can be implemented by anyone on any organisation right now from companies, charities to government and solves many institutional problems. Fund/Finance = Creative/Innovation + Selfless/collaboration = happiness/health for all.

All anyone has to do to implement this is to educate their team/peers with free education EG and explain how benefits everyone. Only the selfish ignorant will disagree with this as they are not able to creatively envision a better way of doing this so will need help to understand how they are harming themselves by not doing this.
You can also learn form history how previous innovations/technology/techniques have been implemented with or without the permission of those in control and the ignorant/selfish.

2. What simple economic processes can be created and invented to help humanity progress even more using new technology?
The web enables everyone to collaborate creatively using global geographic scale and software that can duplicate almost infinitely. Every human has always had a 'supercomputer' in their head but we all need to improve our mindfulness skills so we learn how to control and make the most of our amazing minds potential. The simplest and best way to do this is to provide free education for everyone so we all can help each other learn EG

3. How funds are managed and delegated is also very important as funds can be donated/invested in very productive ways if invested/donated creatively in the most innovative new products/services.
Collaboration beats competition when investing/donating as many brains can solve problems better by working together and funds can have larger impacts when the outcomes are shared. Funds used to be invested/donated using competition to cultivate progress but this creates wasteful duplication and 99% failure rates. Using new/web technology collaborative investing/donating is much more productive as it enables 100% success rates as many more people can be encouraged and supported to help each other and create a much wider variety of diversity within innovation ecosystems.

4. Enhancing existing organisations with proven new economic processes. Any organisation can be modified so that it is more efficient and also so that it serves the global public better. What simple ways can every organisation be modified so that they can do this simply? is a simples process that can be introduced by anyone to enhance any organisation in several simple ways.

A. Every organisation could be turned into and run as a democratic charity that is run openly so that all funds and personnel are accountable to the wider public. There are many significant benefits to this not to mention the goodwill HR and morale boost this will create. This also enables a company/government/charity that is having a negative impace EG by being inefficient with funds to evolve so that it has a positive impact by being efficient with money and ideas and who it serves/helps EG as many of the global public as possible.

B. With new technology funds may not be needed for wages or infrastructure but for soft skills support such as education that helps everyone so that everyone can then go on to creatively innovate to solve many problems that the funders/managers could not possibly comprehend (as the innovators are often amatours and way ahead of the funders/managers who concentrate on red tape.

C. Any/all failing or bankrupt organisations can be saved and enhanced. If you know of one that needs help please do contact us at We will then take it over so it can be run as a charity? You can keep working on it but the organisation will then become a charity so all surplus funds will then be used to fund charitable work? Could you turn your organisatin into a charity? If so we would love to help creatively enhance your work so you can save lives using your skills. Everything is possible with an open creative mind.

5. Who owns all the worlds money and what would they want that money to do (what do the worlds population democratically want that money to do is more important)? Probably to benefit everyone as effectively as possible as money is a means to an end and not an end in itself (it is stored labour). How to help those that control the worlds money use the finance to make significantly more progress so we all benefit by creatively innovating? We can help with

6. UNeconomics? What is the best economic system that benefits everyone? What is money actually worth (its real value and most effective use) and who needs it most? Which economic institutions are thinking open mindedly about new ways to reinvent economics now that the web links up the world and can scale products and services almost infinitely? We would love to help you enhance how you use economics to benefit everyone

7. What extra things can you suggest to help others?  If you have read this far you must suggest something that you know is a problem with at least one solution that you know to help everyone:). What simple solutions already exist to the most important problems and how best to share them with everyone?

We would love to work with you to solve these and many more existing and future problems simply quickly and effectively so we can help everyone have happier lives. Please add points and comments to and contact as we would love to help you in many areas you may not have thought of. There is so much that can be done with the smallest funding. If you know of funding and programmers do tell us as we can work with we can help you solve many problems quickly simply and cheaply by using creative innovation. explained in more detail below. = Not / For Profit + Institutional Innovation + Philanthropy (generating goodwill which enhances success and make everyone richer with performance pay) This is a FREE way for any organisation to get instant goodwill and create Institutional Innovation so you gain more success and can help more people.

Get RICHER and do good for FREE! Sounds too good to be true but it is true. The hard part is to give away 100% net profit (which sounds counter intuitive but is the genius part when you get over the egoic greed of wanting to own the profit). When you give away 100% net profit your organisation essentially becomes a charity fundraising organisation so the enhanced goodwill you get will create so much success that you will get more back in performance pay from working in your organisation. So you can get richer by giving away your wealth! The cooperative have been doing this for generations but they did not invest all the funds in innovative charitable activity and that is the second stroke of genius. By investing the funds in INNOVATIVE charitable activity your funds can solve problems in the most efficient way once and for all enabling you to go on and work on new exciting solutions to other problems. If you dont know how to find innovative solutions ask us @whymandesign @FREEtraid

All you have to do is pledge to donate 100% net profit into new Innovative ways to solve human problems and you will gain...
Enhanced Goodwill - leading to customer/client/supplier/employee/customer loyalty and enhanced productivity which makes you more successfull and is an added USP you can use against your competition which allows everyone in your company to get richer through enhanced performance paySave lives - You can save lives by using your net profit to innovatively create ways to solve human health/education... problemFunds are therefore continually iinvested in new charitable projects that benefit everyone creating an infinitely scaling cycle of success. = COOP where funds are donated to INNOVATIVE charitable use rather than given to members =  SHAREHOLDER owned company where dividends are donated to INNOVATIVE charitable use rather than given to shareholders =  CHARITY where funds are donated to INNOVATIVE charitable use rather than given to the same old charitable =  GOVERNMENT where funds are donated to INNOVATIVE charitable use rather than given to the same old government

How best to help everyone learn to become wise enough to selflessly innovate to help all help everyone? Free education
1. The best thing anyone can do to help everyone is to educate their team/peers with free education EG and explain how benefits everyone. Only the selfish ignorant will disagree with this as they are not able to creatively envision a better way of doing this so will need help to understand how they are harming themselves by not doing this.

You can also learn form history how previous innovations/technology/techniques have been implemented with or without the permission of those in control and the ignorant/selfish have been surpassed by the selfless/wise.

2. As all humans learn to become selflessly wise and creative so we all innovate to help everyone how will this effect the way society works and how will organisations have to evolve quickly so they do not become problems that restrict progress (that they already are becoming)? We can look back to the past to learn from how humans used to interact in selfless groups that wanted to help everyone they knew (when selflessness was key to survival).

3. How are humans and societies/humanities aims and desires evolving as we all continually learn to become selfless and wise with free education provided on the web? First humans fought to survive, then we learned to collaborate to thrive, then they learned to educate everyone to excel so what do we want now that we have the ability to learn to live and die happy by being selfless?

4. Modern art/music is at the cutting edge of most intellectual discoveries and has proven a great atheist replacement for religion. How can artists/musicians be encouraged to do even more (without funding) outside of institutions/control sustainably? Educate everyone to create more art/music in diverse ways with inspiring video

5. How can all organisations be made to continually evolve and change over time so they do not continually become the barriers to progress that they have proven to be in the past and present? is one free way to do this that anyone can use. Maybe it would be best to get rid of all organisations so everyone collaborates as individuals? Social media is proving how this can work even with the basic existing technology.

6. How can we all continually encourage change/improvement despite ignorant people who fight change/reinvention due to vested interest/ignorance (evolution has always changed and always sped up so enhanced change is inevitable)?

7. Whenever we learn from others we all need to be enabled to share who taught us and how so everyone can learn from everyone more effectively. This is equally important with regard to credit for ideas/innovation so that liars/cheaters/thief's are caught out and that those that help others the most with creative innovation are encouraged and rewarded so they can go on to do even more great work.

8. How to create ideas to help everyone? List problems, analyse to see if they are the actual problem and if they are a problem, search for existing solutions online, share the problems and solutions with your peers using social media, invent simple solutions to the problem using creative innovation. We can help you with this .

9. How can we make sure that all technology is designed and built by selfless people that invent and create products that will benefit everyone and not just the selfish few? As consumers we can make this happen by only buying from suppliers that use selfless practices like open standards such as Open Source and also suppliers that donate net profits to NEW INNOVATION that selflessly helps everyone explains more.

10. How to make all organisations more innovative and responsible with their innovation? All organisations could be run democratically where the global population can vote on the best course of action.

11. Helping everyone help everyone is as simple as providing free education that we all want to consume? How to spark the quest for knowledge in everyone? How to make and share the best free education for everyone EG ? Any person or organisation that prevents everyone from gaining access to the best free education is therefore a negative force and are causing existing and future death due to ignorance.

12. What extra things can you suggest to help others?  If you have read this far you must suggest something that you know is a problem with at least one solution that you know to help everyone:). What simple solutions already exist to the most important problems and how best to share them with everyone?

We would love to work with you to solve these and many more existing and future problems simply quickly and effectively so we can help everyone have happier lives. Please add points and comments to and contact as we would love to help you in many areas you may not have thought of. There is so much that can be done with the smallest funding. If you know of funding and programmers do tell us as we can work with we can help you solve many problems quickly simply and cheaply by using creative innovation.

How to help everyone have happier lives and live in bliss every second of their lives? It is possible and simple but we just need to enable everyone to KNOW the simple techniques and HELP SUPPORT each other as we put them into practice. We can all selflessly help everyone selflessly with our talents (no matter what they are) and this makes us all happy!

Simple happiness/bliss techniques that are so simple we all forget to use them from time to time (so here is a friendly reminder:)...
1. Comprehensively question what aims/problems you have in life and why you want to solve them? (is that really an aim/problem or is the aim/problem something much simpler or are we all inventing problems for ourselves and each other:)? Many people run around trying to find answers without stopping to question what the question that they are asking of life is?!
EG What is my aim in life and why? Is it fame/riches/success or do I just want people to like me? If so simply smile/help everyone you meet:)
2. See if there is a simple solution to the problem/aim that already exists on the web/video (take a long time on this bit as there nearly always is).
3. Ask all your peers using social media/blogs about life/aims and if they can help solve problems (best to help someone else solve their problem while asking yours as it is a win win & cumulative sum gain:).
4. Learn/educate yourself so you are wiser and therefore better able to solve the problem (how to help anyone spark the thirst for knowledge?).
5. Learn to observe your own mind (we all live in our heads and can all become aware of our mind and EGO racing round and round then start to slowly train ourselves to enjoy every second of life JUST by watching/smelling/listening to every second of the life that we are having
6. Help others discover what they want (simply by sharing this list & video at to start). Make sure your having the best outcomes (most efficient use of your time:).
7. Is it as simple as that? Just by spending our lives helping others have happier lives we therefore make our lives happier and blissful?!  Trying this to see if it works a couple of times is all that we can do. What is the worst that could happen? We could become happier for the rest of our lives( (and make others happy;)?!
6. We are more than happy to help you discover/invent and share happiness/bliss if you would like to collaborate with us on this & innovate in many more groundbreaking ways that deliver proven results that are above and beyond expectations. If you are interested please contact and we will collaborate with you free to help everyone with simple happiness and creative innovation solutions.

Great videos on simple ways to make everyone happy/er

More info in video format from a woman;search:happy and from a man;search:happy

Free technique/comment/suggestion/ideas competition where EVERYONE wins (free prizes) and we can all selflessly help everyone with our talents (no matter what they are).

A. Problem Solving & Innovation techniques that are so simple we all forget to use them from time to time (so here is a friendly reminder:)...
1. Comprehensively question what problem do you want to solve and why (is that really the problem or is the problem something much simpler:)?
EG What is my aim in life and why? Is it fame/riches/success or do I just want people to like me? If so simply smile/help everyone you meet:)
2. See if there is a simple solution to the problem that already exists on the web (take a long time on this bit as there often is).
3. Ask all your peers using social media/blogs if they can help solve it (best to help someone else solve their problem while asking yours as it is a win win & cumulative sum gain:).
4. Learn/educate yourself so you are wiser and therefore better able to solve the problem.
5. Help others discover what they want (simply by sharing this list & video at ).
6. We are more than happy to help you innovate in many more groundbreaking ways that deliver proven results that are above and beyond expectations. If you are interested please contact

Posted via email from Research

#help #create #free #social #innovation to #helpall @WEBiversity #os #cc #nfp #gov #tedx #yeswecan #bigsociety

May I work with you to solve these and many more existing and future problems simply quickly and effectively so we can help everyone have happier lives. Please add points and comments to and contact as we would love to help you in many areas you may not have thought of. There is so much that can be done with the smallest funding. If you know of funding and programmers do tell us as we can work with we can help you solve many problems quickly simply and cheaply by using creative innovation to solve many of the worlds problems EG with creative education.

1. We all are ignorant! On a scale from zero to infinity we are all closer to zero than infinity when it comes to our individual & humanities knowledge so we can reasonably and logically assume that we all individually and collectively (this is rounded down) know next to nothing?!
It is an enlightening thought to know and relax in the knowledge (and relative wisdom of knowing we are ignorant) that we all know nothing.
This fact enables us all to do more as we can question everything and have compassion for every human as we are all struggling to survive in the smog of ignorance that all humanity is in and means that we can all help everyone to learn as much as possible to help everyone be as happy as possible right now (EG using meditation and smiling:)

I think therefore I THINK i am?!  What else do we think we are that could be false? Often Vice get many people confused about who they are and their capabilities (is apathy/ignorance a vice)? How is it best to help everyone educate everyone about taking charge of their lives to empower everyone and use virtues to help everyone?

2. Help all right now just by thinking happy! We can create the perfect present right now and perfect future just by imagining how great it could be and helping everyone we meet to make it as great as possible by using simple techniques (such as meditation to enjoy every second of life and smiling/helping everyone we meet:). We all get distracted with material things or vice's but need to help everyone by reminding how we all get longer deeper happiness by doing the simple things such as seflessly helping others to be happy.

3. If everyone who invents/creates makes their invention or creation into a charity then the whole world will quickly become charitable as all growth is created by innovation and creativity. Creatives and innovators therefore have a responsibility to prevent the ignorant/selfish from using or steal the innovations for selfish uses that harm others (often without their knowing). As new innovation takes over from old innovation this is a simple way to evolve out of date selfish competition to enlightened and wise compassionate collaboration. If you are talented enough to create innovation then you are able to create many innovations and so the joy is about creating rather than fame or glory. This means that you can donate your innovations to the world by making them into innovative charities (if you want fame or glory then please learn that there is more to life than that EG watch How can you as an individual plus using your personal/business links help this happen? Let us creatively enhance your personal and business work while helping everyone with innovative charity work? explains more.

4. Any/all loss making or bankrupt company that has gone into administration can be saved by turning the company or organisation into a charity. This is a simple process and can save any organisation from disappearing while also enabling it to run as a responsible charity for ever onwards. explains more. If you know of an organisation that is going bust or about to fail please contact us so we can help save it.

5. How is it possible to persuade funding bodies that is is best to educate and empower people so that they can solve problems rather than trying to solve the problems with/in organisations? For example if any organisation provided the tools/techniques needed to solve a problem for free it would be the cheapest and most effective way to solve the problem and can be shared at no cost around the world/web. There are simple ways to enable every organisation to do this but they have to be open minded enough to look for them on the web. We would love to help do this Eg with Who can we talk to about helping you do this so you can help the most people in the most effective way?

6. What are the best simple ways to empower anyone/everyone and the talented few (in the many different divisions of labour) so we all can improve our world for the better using simple proven techniques and technology EG meditating to enjoy every second of our lives and helping everyone help everyone selflessly so we all become happier?e so we all can selflessly help each other? Can we work with you to develop to do this?

7. What simple ways are there to enable creatives to concentrate on creatively solving the worlds problems? How to empower everyone to do this and enable everyone to earn a living so they can survive while selflessly helping everyone in a sustainable way? Which forward thinking funders and founders can be persuaded to spend funds in new proven ways so the funds benefit everyone and enable everyone to collaborate constructively? What simple ways are there to enable everyone to earn a living while selflessly creating innovative ways to help everyone? EG Can you make and help too?

8. How best to enable everyone to turn every idea they have into a responsible 'thing' that is run in a selfless wise way so that is can benefit everyone most effectively? EG has shown how this is possible but there is so much more that could be done with decentralized software that is designed to enable and empower everyone to help everyone. builds on this and we would love to work with you to develop so it can empower everyone to help everyone with simple free video and techniques/technology.

9. How to enable everyone to invest as much money as possible in the most innovative and productive selfless wise productions so that money (which is stored labour) can be used to help everyone in the most effective ways to benefit everyone. Invest in organisations that create institutional innovation and more. explains a simple way everyone can do this. Do help http:/// do this too.

10. How to encourage all organisations to create institutional innovation so that they can help many more people? Educate everyone EG and let anyone use the free business structure that creates institutional innovation.

What extra things can you suggest to help others?  If you have read this far you must suggest something that you know if a problem with at least one solution that you know to help everyone:). What simple solutions already exist to the most important problems and how best to share them with everyone?

We would love to work with you to solve these and many more existing and future problems simply quickly and effectively so we can help everyone have happier lives. Please add points and comments to and contact as we would love to help you in many areas you may not have thought of. There is so much that can be done with the smallest funding. If you know of funding and programmers do tell us as we can work with we can help you solve many problems quickly simply and cheaply by using creative innovation.

As we all know nothing the danger are those that think they know everything who try to force everyone to do what they say EG control freaks.
How best to help everyone learn to become wise/selfless/compassionate and to remind everyone to continually learn  EG using simple existing video

EVERYTHING can be improved/evolved and re/invented to serve everyone better especially with new web/tech that enables us all to help everyone simply. How best to get support/funds for organisations to enable everyone to selflessly help everyone in sustainable ways that are managed responsibly so they continue to help everyone the most? Can we help you do this EG

How can crowdsourcing and crowdfunding be used to fund unpopular/complex/boring/niche problems and solutions that may be the most innovative solutions to problems the majority are not aware of? And how to auto fund the many 000...'s of inventors/projects that can benefit everyone across the globe/web? EG can create a p2p auto funding crowdfund platform that everyone can use and develop/evolve easily with low/no skills?

What are the best simple ways to enhance how any government, charity, company or organisation is run so that it can benefit everyone most by creating creative innovation?
A. Educate everyone so we call learn to become wise and selfless so we can all help everyone help everyone creatively.
B. Create and manage simple yet constructive processes that enable and empower creative and disruptive innovation.
C. Enable everything to be shared openly so that we all can share and collaborate with open innovation.
D. Manage the organisation in a progressive & democratic way so that  it can quickly evolve and change while responsibly looking after everyone with open source/standards and selfless collaboration.

As all of humanity are and will continue to learn to become wise/er (because of the web) so we all learn to 'quest for knowledge' and selflessly work to help everyone what are the most important things for everyone to be working on? Happiness through education/wisdom?
A. Create sustainable income for everyone so we all can concentrate on selflessly creatively innovating to help everyone.
B. Prevent problems from happening with logical prediction and education
C. Solve simple problems that effect everyone and/or collate into large problems EG soft/social/cultural problems such as time management
D. Enabling everyone to rapidly prototype working products so creative innovation can
E. Enable everyone to manage existing and new products/services int he most beneficial way for everyone using open source/standards and selflessly sharing.

How does Finance & Economics work & how to make it work better?!
Finance/economics is a tool that captures and exchanges 'potential' in the form of stored labour that can be manipulated and enhanced in many ways. How best to help enhance this tool so that it can be used most effectively to help everyone?

All the money/finance/economics in the world is 'wealth' that is created by innovation or labour or theft or trade (which some argue is a zero sum gain so could be called theft) from the past / previous generations. This means that all wealth should be used to benefit everyone as much as possible as we all have equal right to ownership of it!  Therefore we should all use all the funds we have in the world to finance new innovation that benefits everyone effectively/efficiently. Also the most effective way to enable everyone to help everyone is by educating and empowering everyone to creatively innovate selflessly/wisely so that we all can help everyone solve as many human problems as possible. is a free way anyone can do this. How is it best to use money/finance/economics to benefit all? Use it to fund as much innovation as possible as this is the fastest way to create extra new wealth and progress as innovation is the only way to solve present and future problems. is a free way anyone can do this

Communication is always getting better so what existing communication techniques and technology need to be enhanced (all of them) and how is it best to do this? Communication methods that create a lot of noise and waste communication when used badly by everyone and salesmen/spam/trash mail need to be enhanced so they simplify the process so everyone has simpler lives. The web and search/social media also urgently needs to be improved and simplified so that everyone can search and discover what they want instantly. Often there are simple techniques or technology that can be created and shared with everyone that solve subtle/obvious communication problems for everyone. We would love to help you solve the many problems that exist by creatively innovating with you. Contact

There are many simple ways that could solve many of humanities problems so the question is why has the market not created products that solve these now? Is competition and even capitalism restricting progress as individuals/groups compete in zero sum gain competitions that are not very efficient? How can managers be helped to search out for better ways to run any organisation so they benefit everyone most? EG &

How can government, companies, charities and individuals be educated and enabled to fund new innovation that has large growth potential and can solve many of the worlds problems cheaply? There are many great innovations being created all over the place that would benefit from support, inspiration, funding... so that the creative innovators can go on to create even more useful inventions/innovations without wasting time on filling in forms or competing or applying for jobs that restrict their potential! is one free way to do this & inspires.

How can government charities and individuals educate and inspire young people, the unemployed and criminals to creatively innovate to help everyone have happier lives simply? Simply by funding new innovation's that benefit everyone by supporting, educating and empowering everyone to help everyone this can be done. Do help use video to inspire everyone.

What are the use of forms and application processes and competitions when most creative innovators evolve their work as they go along? How can we make recruitment, human resources, employers, agents and grant givers aware of the damage that application forms do as they waste everyones time and prevent the really talented people from doing more of their great work (by making 99% waste time filing in forms ). There are many simple ways that this can be solved and we would love to work with you to do this. Who can let us replace forms/competitions with simple proven processes that benefit everyone? Contact

The status quo can allways be improved and reinvented  with creative innovationand we would love to help you do this for any/every part of your business. Who can let us do this with simple proven processes that benefit everyone for you? Contact

We would love to work with you to solve these and many more existing and future problems simply quickly and effectively so we can help everyone have happier lives. Please add points and comments to and contact as we would love to help you in many areas you may not have thought of. There is so much that can be done with the smallest funding. If you know of funding and programmers do tell us as we can work with we can help you solve many problems quickly simply and cheaply by using creative innovation.

Finance and Economics continually evolve and progress as new techniques and technology are invented by creative innovators.
How have the latest creative innovations effected finance and how will existing and future innovations make finance serve everyone better?

Finance and Economics are designed to help enhance human exchange and therefore progress. Progress is created by knowledge/wisdom though creative innovation so finance and economics should be managed to it enhances creative innovation as much as possible.

Telephony, the web and new technology such as nanotechnology and microbiology (not to mention other new techniques/technology) are all changing the paradigms of how humans interact and therefore finance/society has to change significantly to keep up.

The simplest way for this to happen and solve almost/ifnot all human problems is to help educate everyone for free so everyone learns to become wiser so they are selfless and happy and open to using proven existing and new ways to doing things. Do help us do this at simply by watching and sharing video that makes everyone happy.

1. What simple economic processes can enable finance to support the creative innovators that create growth and help humanity progress as effectively as possible? is a simple process that enables any finance to be used as effectively as possible by funding institutional innovation as that is the most effective way to enable humans to create & innovate to add value and help other humans (by not doing this the selfish/ignorant are harming everyone including themselves as they are preventing innovation that would solve many of humanities problems).
This process can be implemented by anyone on any organisation right now from companies, charities to government and solves many institutional problems. Fund/Finance = Creative/Innovation + Selfless/collaboration = happiness/health for all.

All anyone has to do to implement this is to educate their team/peers with free education EG and explain how benefits everyone. Only the selfish ignorant will disagree with this as they are not able to creatively envision a better way of doing this so will need help to understand how they are harming themselves by not doing this.
You can also learn form history how previous innovations/technology/techniques have been implemented with or without the permission of those in control and the ignorant/selfish.

2. What simple economic processes can be created and invented to help humanity progress even more using new technology?
The web enables everyone to collaborate creatively using global geographic scale and software that can duplicate almost infinitely. Every human has always had a 'supercomputer' in their head but we all need to improve our mindfulness skills so we learn how to control and make the most of our amazing minds potential. The simplest and best way to do this is to provide free education for everyone so we all can help each other learn EG

3. How funds are managed and delegated is also very important as funds can be donated/invested in very productive ways if invested/donated creatively in the most innovative new products/services.
Collaboration beats competition when investing/donating as many brains can solve problems better by working together and funds can have larger impacts when the outcomes are shared. Funds used to be invested/donated using competition to cultivate progress but this creates wasteful duplication and 99% failure rates. Using new/web technology collaborative investing/donating is much more productive as it enables 100% success rates as many more people can be encouraged and supported to help each other and create a much wider variety of diversity within innovation ecosystems.

4. Enhancing existing organisations with proven new economic processes. Any organisation can be modified so that it is more efficient and also so that it serves the global public better. What simple ways can every organisation be modified so that they can do this simply? is a simples process that can be introduced by anyone to enhance any organisation in several simple ways.

A. Every organisation could be turned into and run as a democratic charity that is run openly so that all funds and personnel are accountable to the wider public. There are many significant benefits to this not to mention the goodwill HR and morale boost this will create. This also enables a company/government/charity that is having a negative impace EG by being inefficient with funds to evolve so that it has a positive impact by being efficient with money and ideas and who it serves/helps EG as many of the global public as possible.

B. With new technology funds may not be needed for wages or infrastructure but for soft skills support such as education that helps everyone so that everyone can then go on to creatively innovate to solve many problems that the funders/managers could not possibly comprehend (as the innovators are often amatours and way ahead of the funders/managers who concentrate on red tape.

C. Any/all failing or bankrupt organisations can be saved and enhanced. If you know of one that needs help please do contact us at We will then take it over so it can be run as a charity? You can keep working on it but the organisation will then become a charity so all surplus funds will then be used to fund charitable work? Could you turn your organisatin into a charity? If so we would love to help creatively enhance your work so you can save lives using your skills. Everything is possible with an open creative mind.

5. Who owns all the worlds money and what would they want that money to do (what do the worlds population democratically want that money to do is more important)? Probably to benefit everyone as effectively as possible as money is a means to an end and not an end in itself (it is stored labour). How to help those that control the worlds money use the finance to make significantly more progress so we all benefit by creatively innovating? We can help with

6. UNeconomics? What is the best economic system that benefits everyone? What is money actually worth (its real value and most effective use) and who needs it most? Which economic institutions are thinking open mindedly about new ways to reinvent economics now that the web links up the world and can scale products and services almost infinitely? We would love to help you enhance how you use economics to benefit everyone

7. What extra things can you suggest to help others?  If you have read this far you must suggest something that you know is a problem with at least one solution that you know to help everyone:). What simple solutions already exist to the most important problems and how best to share them with everyone?

We would love to work with you to solve these and many more existing and future problems simply quickly and effectively so we can help everyone have happier lives. Please add points and comments to and contact as we would love to help you in many areas you may not have thought of. There is so much that can be done with the smallest funding. If you know of funding and programmers do tell us as we can work with we can help you solve many problems quickly simply and cheaply by using creative innovation. explained in more detail below. = Not / For Profit + Institutional Innovation + Philanthropy (generating goodwill which enhances success and make everyone richer with performance pay) This is a FREE way for any organisation to get instant goodwill and create Institutional Innovation so you gain more success and can help more people.

Get RICHER and do good for FREE! Sounds too good to be true but it is true. The hard part is to give away 100% net profit (which sounds counter intuitive but is the genius part when you get over the egoic greed of wanting to own the profit). When you give away 100% net profit your organisation essentially becomes a charity fundraising organisation so the enhanced goodwill you get will create so much success that you will get more back in performance pay from working in your organisation. So you can get richer by giving away your wealth! The cooperative have been doing this for generations but they did not invest all the funds in innovative charitable activity and that is the second stroke of genius. By investing the funds in INNOVATIVE charitable activity your funds can solve problems in the most efficient way once and for all enabling you to go on and work on new exciting solutions to other problems. If you dont know how to find innovative solutions ask us @whymandesign @FREEtraid

All you have to do is pledge to donate 100% net profit into new Innovative ways to solve human problems and you will gain...
Enhanced Goodwill - leading to customer/client/supplier/employee/customer loyalty and enhanced productivity which makes you more successfull and is an added USP you can use against your competition which allows everyone in your company to get richer through enhanced performance paySave lives - You can save lives by using your net profit to innovatively create ways to solve human health/education... problemFunds are therefore continually iinvested in new charitable projects that benefit everyone creating an infinitely scaling cycle of success. = COOP where funds are donated to INNOVATIVE charitable use rather than given to members =  SHAREHOLDER owned company where dividends are donated to INNOVATIVE charitable use rather than given to shareholders =  CHARITY where funds are donated to INNOVATIVE charitable use rather than given to the same old charitable =  GOVERNMENT where funds are donated to INNOVATIVE charitable use rather than given to the same old government

How best to help everyone learn to become wise enough to selflessly innovate to help all help everyone? Free education
1. The best thing anyone can do to help everyone is to educate their team/peers with free education EG and explain how benefits everyone. Only the selfish ignorant will disagree with this as they are not able to creatively envision a better way of doing this so will need help to understand how they are harming themselves by not doing this.

You can also learn form history how previous innovations/technology/techniques have been implemented with or without the permission of those in control and the ignorant/selfish have been surpassed by the selfless/wise.

2. As all humans learn to become selflessly wise and creative so we all innovate to help everyone how will this effect the way society works and how will organisations have to evolve quickly so they do not become problems that restrict progress (that they already are becoming)? We can look back to the past to learn from how humans used to interact in selfless groups that wanted to help everyone they knew (when selflessness was key to survival).

3. How are humans and societies/humanities aims and desires evolving as we all continually learn to become selfless and wise with free education provided on the web? First humans fought to survive, then we learned to collaborate to thrive, then they learned to educate everyone to excel so what do we want now that we have the ability to learn to live and die happy by being selfless?

4. Modern art/music is at the cutting edge of most intellectual discoveries and has proven a great atheist replacement for religion. How can artists/musicians be encouraged to do even more (without funding) outside of institutions/control sustainably? Educate everyone to create more art/music in diverse ways with inspiring video

5. How can all organisations be made to continually evolve and change over time so they do not continually become the barriers to progress that they have proven to be in the past and present? is one free way to do this that anyone can use. Maybe it would be best to get rid of all organisations so everyone collaborates as individuals? Social media is proving how this can work even with the basic existing technology.

6. How can we all continually encourage change/improvement despite ignorant people who fight change/reinvention due to vested interest/ignorance (evolution has always changed and always sped up so enhanced change is inevitable)?

7. Whenever we learn from others we all need to be enabled to share who taught us and how so everyone can learn from everyone more effectively. This is equally important with regard to credit for ideas/innovation so that liars/cheaters/thief's are caught out and that those that help others the most with creative innovation are encouraged and rewarded so they can go on to do even more great work.

8. How to create ideas to help everyone? List problems, analyse to see if they are the actual problem and if they are a problem, search for existing solutions online, share the problems and solutions with your peers using social media, invent simple solutions to the problem using creative innovation. We can help you with this .

9. How can we make sure that all technology is designed and built by selfless people that invent and create products that will benefit everyone and not just the selfish few? As consumers we can make this happen by only buying from suppliers that use selfless practices like open standards such as Open Source and also suppliers that donate net profits to NEW INNOVATION that selflessly helps everyone explains more.

10. How to make all organisations more innovative and responsible with their innovation? All organisations could be run democratically where the global population can vote on the best course of action.

11. Helping everyone help everyone is as simple as providing free education that we all want to consume? How to spark the quest for knowledge in everyone? How to make and share the best free education for everyone EG ? Any person or organisation that prevents everyone from gaining access to the best free education is therefore a negative force and are causing existing and future death due to ignorance.

12. What extra things can you suggest to help others?  If you have read this far you must suggest something that you know is a problem with at least one solution that you know to help everyone:). What simple solutions already exist to the most important problems and how best to share them with everyone?

We would love to work with you to solve these and many more existing and future problems simply quickly and effectively so we can help everyone have happier lives. Please add points and comments to and contact as we would love to help you in many areas you may not have thought of. There is so much that can be done with the smallest funding. If you know of funding and programmers do tell us as we can work with we can help you solve many problems quickly simply and cheaply by using creative innovation.

How to help everyone have happier lives and live in bliss every second of their lives? It is possible and simple but we just need to enable everyone to KNOW the simple techniques and HELP SUPPORT each other as we put them into practice. We can all selflessly help everyone selflessly with our talents (no matter what they are) and this makes us all happy!

Simple happiness/bliss techniques that are so simple we all forget to use them from time to time (so here is a friendly reminder:)...
1. Comprehensively question what aims/problems you have in life and why you want to solve them? (is that really an aim/problem or is the aim/problem something much simpler or are we all inventing problems for ourselves and each other:)? Many people run around trying to find answers without stopping to question what the question that they are asking of life is?!
EG What is my aim in life and why? Is it fame/riches/success or do I just want people to like me? If so simply smile/help everyone you meet:)
2. See if there is a simple solution to the problem/aim that already exists on the web/video (take a long time on this bit as there nearly always is).
3. Ask all your peers using social media/blogs about life/aims and if they can help solve problems (best to help someone else solve their problem while asking yours as it is a win win & cumulative sum gain:).
4. Learn/educate yourself so you are wiser and therefore better able to solve the problem (how to help anyone spark the thirst for knowledge?).
5. Learn to observe your own mind (we all live in our heads and can all become aware of our mind and EGO racing round and round then start to slowly train ourselves to enjoy every second of life JUST by watching/smelling/listening to every second of the life that we are having
6. Help others discover what they want (simply by sharing this list & video at to start). Make sure your having the best outcomes (most efficient use of your time:).
7. Is it as simple as that? Just by spending our lives helping others have happier lives we therefore make our lives happier and blissful?!  Trying this to see if it works a couple of times is all that we can do. What is the worst that could happen? We could become happier for the rest of our lives( (and make others happy;)?!
6. We are more than happy to help you discover/invent and share happiness/bliss if you would like to collaborate with us on this & innovate in many more groundbreaking ways that deliver proven results that are above and beyond expectations. If you are interested please contact and we will collaborate with you free to help everyone with simple happiness and creative innovation solutions.

Great videos on simple ways to make everyone happy/er

More info in video format from a woman;search:happy and from a man;search:happy

Free technique/comment/suggestion/ideas competition where EVERYONE wins (free prizes) and we can all selflessly help everyone with our talents (no matter what they are).

A. Problem Solving & Innovation techniques that are so simple we all forget to use them from time to time (so here is a friendly reminder:)...
1. Comprehensively question what problem do you want to solve and why (is that really the problem or is the problem something much simpler:)?
EG What is my aim in life and why? Is it fame/riches/success or do I just want people to like me? If so simply smile/help everyone you meet:)
2. See if there is a simple solution to the problem that already exists on the web (take a long time on this bit as there often is).
3. Ask all your peers using social media/blogs if they can help solve it (best to help someone else solve their problem while asking yours as it is a win win & cumulative sum gain:).
4. Learn/educate yourself so you are wiser and therefore better able to solve the problem.
5. Help others discover what they want (simply by sharing this list & video at ).
6. We are more than happy to help you innovate in many more groundbreaking ways that deliver proven results that are above and beyond expectations. If you are interested please contact and we will collaborate with you free to help everyone with creative innovation.

B. How best to educate & empower everyone to create ideas & make them happen selflessly/wisely & easily to benefit everyone most? EG enabling selfless collaboration and rewarding important human social traits like compassion and love? What other ways are there to make it easy and fun to selflessly innovate & collaborate in many different ways that are not currently accessible (or can be improved)? How best to do this so they can be used most effectively to help everyone help everyone the most and who within any organisations will LET us do this with them so we can save lives together (only share ideas that can be used for good and not manipulated!:)? Should these/all products/services/organisations be run as progressive forward thinking democracies (as the least worst option) or is there a good way to manage meritocracies so they are not as selfishly egocentric (and prevent founder syndrome...)?! 1. Post suggestions here and also prizes you are prepared to give away for others that can solve problems relating to these organisations. 2. We will give free books to everyone who helps EG 3. What funds/prize would you like to get in order to work on this for one weekend or a week (we know many solutions to the problems but need to work with programmers to make them happen)? 4. We would love to help your work with UI/X and social media/design work too:) Check for free inspiring videos too:) We have funds and ideas and would like to work with programmers to solve many human problems so do contact us saying what you want to do and what funds you need to do it.

A. Create FREE ART and GIVE IT AWAY to help everyone and win free prizes. Submit your art to!/group.php?gid=352077702670 by doing this you win an inspiring video from
B. Suggest prizes that you can give away to help everyone (EG ) and win free prizes from us if you give them away. Submit your suggestion to!/group.php?gid=352077702670
C. What can we all invest in and donate towards to help everyone the most EG education. Win free prizes from us if you donate to the most important causes that help everyone. Submit your suggestion to!/group.php?gid=352077702670
D. What books can you give away and who would gain the most from them? Win free prizes from us if you donate as many books to others as you can. Submit your suggestion to!/group.php?gid=352077702670
E. What are the best video's that you have seen that improved your life that you can share with everyone? Win free prizes from us if you share as many videos as you can with others at Submit your suggestion to!/group.php?gid=352077702670
F. Can we help Mozilla help everyone?
G. Can you help build an open source charity collaboration site to help everyone make every second of their life happy with mindfulness? (can be done in 2 days and we will pay you:) Contact

Below are some collaborative projects started to help everyone that you may like/to help...

Posted via email from Research

#creative #social #finance #knowledge & #systems to #helpall be #happy @WEBiversity #os #cc #nfp #gov #tedx #yeswecan #bigsociety

As we all know nothing the danger are those that think they know everything who try to force everyone to do what they say EG control freaks.
How best to help everyone learn to become wise/selfless/compassionate and to remind everyone to continually learn  EG using simple existing video

EVERYTHING can be improved/evolved and re/invented to serve everyone better especially with new web/tech that enables us all to help everyone simply. How best to get support/funds for organisations to enable everyone to selflessly help everyone in sustainable ways that are managed responsibly so they continue to help everyone the most? Can we help you do this EG

How can crowdsourcing and crowdfunding be used to fund unpopular/complex/boring/niche problems and solutions that may be the most innovative solutions to problems the majority are not aware of? And how to auto fund the many 000...'s of inventors/projects that can benefit everyone across the globe/web? EG can create a p2p auto funding crowdfund platform that everyone can use and develop/evolve easily with low/no skills?

What are the best simple ways to enhance how any government, charity, company or organisation is run so that it can benefit everyone most by creating creative innovation?
A. Educate everyone so we call learn to become wise and selfless so we can all help everyone help everyone creatively.
B. Create and manage simple yet constructive processes that enable and empower creative and disruptive innovation.
C. Enable everything to be shared openly so that we all can share and collaborate with open innovation.
D. Manage the organisation in a progressive & democratic way so that  it can quickly evolve and change while responsibly looking after everyone with open source/standards and selfless collaboration.

As all of humanity are and will continue to learn to become wise/er (because of the web) so we all learn to 'quest for knowledge' and selflessly work to help everyone what are the most important things for everyone to be working on? Happiness through education/wisdom?
A. Create sustainable income for everyone so we all can concentrate on selflessly creatively innovating to help everyone.
B. Prevent problems from happening with logical prediction and education
C. Solve simple problems that effect everyone and/or collate into large problems EG soft/social/cultural problems such as time management
D. Enabling everyone to rapidly prototype working products so creative innovation can
E. Enable everyone to manage existing and new products/services int he most beneficial way for everyone using open source/standards and selflessly sharing.

How does Finance & Economics work & how to make it work better?!
Finance/economics is a tool that captures and exchanges 'potential' in the form of stored labour that can be manipulated and enhanced in many ways. How best to help enhance this tool so that it can be used most effectively to help everyone?

All the money/finance/economics in the world is 'wealth' that is created by innovation or labour or theft or trade (which some argue is a zero sum gain so could be called theft) from the past / previous generations. This means that all wealth should be used to benefit everyone as much as possible as we all have equal right to ownership of it!  Therefore we should all use all the funds we have in the world to finance new innovation that benefits everyone effectively/efficiently. Also the most effective way to enable everyone to help everyone is by educating and empowering everyone to creatively innovate selflessly/wisely so that we all can help everyone solve as many human problems as possible. is a free way anyone can do this. How is it best to use money/finance/economics to benefit all? Use it to fund as much innovation as possible as this is the fastest way to create extra new wealth and progress as innovation is the only way to solve present and future problems. is a free way anyone can do this

Communication is always getting better so what existing communication techniques and technology need to be enhanced (all of them) and how is it best to do this? Communication methods that create a lot of noise and waste communication when used badly by everyone and salesmen/spam/trash mail need to be enhanced so they simplify the process so everyone has simpler lives. The web and search/social media also urgently needs to be improved and simplified so that everyone can search and discover what they want instantly. Often there are simple techniques or technology that can be created and shared with everyone that solve subtle/obvious communication problems for everyone. We would love to help you solve the many problems that exist by creatively innovating with you. Contact

There are many simple ways that could solve many of humanities problems so the question is why has the market not created products that solve these now? Is competition and even capitalism restricting progress as individuals/groups compete in zero sum gain competitions that are not very efficient? How can managers be helped to search out for better ways to run any organisation so they benefit everyone most? EG &

How can government, companies, charities and individuals be educated and enabled to fund new innovation that has large growth potential and can solve many of the worlds problems cheaply? There are many great innovations being created all over the place that would benefit from support, inspiration, funding... so that the creative innovators can go on to create even more useful inventions/innovations without wasting time on filling in forms or competing or applying for jobs that restrict their potential! is one free way to do this & inspires.

How can government charities and individuals educate and inspire young people, the unemployed and criminals to creatively innovate to help everyone have happier lives simply? Simply by funding new innovation's that benefit everyone by supporting, educating and empowering everyone to help everyone this can be done. Do help use video to inspire everyone.

What are the use of forms and application processes and competitions when most creative innovators evolve their work as they go along? How can we make recruitment, human resources, employers, agents and grant givers aware of the damage that application forms do as they waste everyones time and prevent the really talented people from doing more of their great work (by making 99% waste time filing in forms ). There are many simple ways that this can be solved and we would love to work with you to do this. Who can let us replace forms/competitions with simple proven processes that benefit everyone? Contact

The status quo can allways be improved and reinvented  with creative innovationand we would love to help you do this for any/every part of your business. Who can let us do this with simple proven processes that benefit everyone for you? Contact

We would love to work with you to solve these and many more existing and future problems simply quickly and effectively so we can help everyone have happier lives. Please add points and comments to and contact as we would love to help you in many areas you may not have thought of. There is so much that can be done with the smallest funding. If you know of funding and programmers do tell us as we can work with we can help you solve many problems quickly simply and cheaply by using creative innovation.

Finance and Economics continually evolve and progress as new techniques and technology are invented by creative innovators.
How have the latest creative innovations effected finance and how will existing and future innovations make finance serve everyone better?

Finance and Economics are designed to help enhance human exchange and therefore progress. Progress is created by knowledge/wisdom though creative innovation so finance and economics should be managed to it enhances creative innovation as much as possible.

Telephony, the web and new technology such as nanotechnology and microbiology (not to mention other new techniques/technology) are all changing the paradigms of how humans interact and therefore finance/society has to change significantly to keep up.

The simplest way for this to happen and solve almost/ifnot all human problems is to help educate everyone for free so everyone learns to become wiser so they are selfless and happy and open to using proven existing and new ways to doing things. Do help us do this at simply by watching and sharing video that makes everyone happy.

1. What simple economic processes can enable finance to support the creative innovators that create growth and help humanity progress as effectively as possible? is a simple process that enables any finance to be used as effectively as possible by funding institutional innovation as that is the most effective way to enable humans to create & innovate to add value and help other humans (by not doing this the selfish/ignorant are harming everyone including themselves as they are preventing innovation that would solve many of humanities problems).
This process can be implemented by anyone on any organisation right now from companies, charities to government and solves many institutional problems. Fund/Finance = Creative/Innovation + Selfless/collaboration = happiness/health for all.

All anyone has to do to implement this is to educate their team/peers with free education EG and explain how benefits everyone. Only the selfish ignorant will disagree with this as they are not able to creatively envision a better way of doing this so will need help to understand how they are harming themselves by not doing this.
You can also learn form history how previous innovations/technology/techniques have been implemented with or without the permission of those in control and the ignorant/selfish.

2. What simple economic processes can be created and invented to help humanity progress even more using new technology?
The web enables everyone to collaborate creatively using global geographic scale and software that can duplicate almost infinitely. Every human has always had a 'supercomputer' in their head but we all need to improve our mindfulness skills so we learn how to control and make the most of our amazing minds potential. The simplest and best way to do this is to provide free education for everyone so we all can help each other learn EG

3. How funds are managed and delegated is also very important as funds can be donated/invested in very productive ways if invested/donated creatively in the most innovative new products/services.
Collaboration beats competition when investing/donating as many brains can solve problems better by working together and funds can have larger impacts when the outcomes are shared. Funds used to be invested/donated using competition to cultivate progress but this creates wasteful duplication and 99% failure rates. Using new/web technology collaborative investing/donating is much more productive as it enables 100% success rates as many more people can be encouraged and supported to help each other and create a much wider variety of diversity within innovation ecosystems.

4. Enhancing existing organisations with proven new economic processes. Any organisation can be modified so that it is more efficient and also so that it serves the global public better. What simple ways can every organisation be modified so that they can do this simply? is a simples process that can be introduced by anyone to enhance any organisation in several simple ways.

A. Every organisation could be turned into and run as a democratic charity that is run openly so that all funds and personnel are accountable to the wider public. There are many significant benefits to this not to mention the goodwill HR and morale boost this will create. This also enables a company/government/charity that is having a negative impace EG by being inefficient with funds to evolve so that it has a positive impact by being efficient with money and ideas and who it serves/helps EG as many of the global public as possible.

B. With new technology funds may not be needed for wages or infrastructure but for soft skills support such as education that helps everyone so that everyone can then go on to creatively innovate to solve many problems that the funders/managers could not possibly comprehend (as the innovators are often amatours and way ahead of the funders/managers who concentrate on red tape.

C. Any/all failing or bankrupt organisations can be saved and enhanced. If you know of one that needs help please do contact us at We will then take it over so it can be run as a charity? You can keep working on it but the organisation will then become a charity so all surplus funds will then be used to fund charitable work? Could you turn your organisatin into a charity? If so we would love to help creatively enhance your work so you can save lives using your skills. Everything is possible with an open creative mind.

5. Who owns all the worlds money and what would they want that money to do (what do the worlds population democratically want that money to do is more important)? Probably to benefit everyone as effectively as possible as money is a means to an end and not an end in itself (it is stored labour). How to help those that control the worlds money use the finance to make significantly more progress so we all benefit by creatively innovating? We can help with

6. UNeconomics? What is the best economic system that benefits everyone? What is money actually worth (its real value and most effective use) and who needs it most? Which economic institutions are thinking open mindedly about new ways to reinvent economics now that the web links up the world and can scale products and services almost infinitely? We would love to help you enhance how you use economics to benefit everyone

7. What extra things can you suggest to help others?  If you have read this far you must suggest something that you know is a problem with at least one solution that you know to help everyone:). What simple solutions already exist to the most important problems and how best to share them with everyone?

We would love to work with you to solve these and many more existing and future problems simply quickly and effectively so we can help everyone have happier lives. Please add points and comments to and contact as we would love to help you in many areas you may not have thought of. There is so much that can be done with the smallest funding. If you know of funding and programmers do tell us as we can work with we can help you solve many problems quickly simply and cheaply by using creative innovation. explained in more detail below. = Not / For Profit + Institutional Innovation + Philanthropy (generating goodwill which enhances success and make everyone richer with performance pay) This is a FREE way for any organisation to get instant goodwill and create Institutional Innovation so you gain more success and can help more people.

Get RICHER and do good for FREE! Sounds too good to be true but it is true. The hard part is to give away 100% net profit (which sounds counter intuitive but is the genius part when you get over the egoic greed of wanting to own the profit). When you give away 100% net profit your organisation essentially becomes a charity fundraising organisation so the enhanced goodwill you get will create so much success that you will get more back in performance pay from working in your organisation. So you can get richer by giving away your wealth! The cooperative have been doing this for generations but they did not invest all the funds in innovative charitable activity and that is the second stroke of genius. By investing the funds in INNOVATIVE charitable activity your funds can solve problems in the most efficient way once and for all enabling you to go on and work on new exciting solutions to other problems. If you dont know how to find innovative solutions ask us @whymandesign @FREEtraid

All you have to do is pledge to donate 100% net profit into new Innovative ways to solve human problems and you will gain...
Enhanced Goodwill - leading to customer/client/supplier/employee/customer loyalty and enhanced productivity which makes you more successfull and is an added USP you can use against your competition which allows everyone in your company to get richer through enhanced performance paySave lives - You can save lives by using your net profit to innovatively create ways to solve human health/education... problemFunds are therefore continually iinvested in new charitable projects that benefit everyone creating an infinitely scaling cycle of success. = COOP where funds are donated to INNOVATIVE charitable use rather than given to members =  SHAREHOLDER owned company where dividends are donated to INNOVATIVE charitable use rather than given to shareholders =  CHARITY where funds are donated to INNOVATIVE charitable use rather than given to the same old charitable =  GOVERNMENT where funds are donated to INNOVATIVE charitable use rather than given to the same old government

How best to help everyone learn to become wise enough to selflessly innovate to help all help everyone? Free education
1. The best thing anyone can do to help everyone is to educate their team/peers with free education EG and explain how benefits everyone. Only the selfish ignorant will disagree with this as they are not able to creatively envision a better way of doing this so will need help to understand how they are harming themselves by not doing this.

You can also learn form history how previous innovations/technology/techniques have been implemented with or without the permission of those in control and the ignorant/selfish have been surpassed by the selfless/wise.

2. As all humans learn to become selflessly wise and creative so we all innovate to help everyone how will this effect the way society works and how will organisations have to evolve quickly so they do not become problems that restrict progress (that they already are becoming)? We can look back to the past to learn from how humans used to interact in selfless groups that wanted to help everyone they knew (when selflessness was key to survival).

3. How are humans and societies/humanities aims and desires evolving as we all continually learn to become selfless and wise with free education provided on the web? First humans fought to survive, then we learned to collaborate to thrive, then they learned to educate everyone to excel so what do we want now that we have the ability to learn to live and die happy by being selfless?

4. Modern art/music is at the cutting edge of most intellectual discoveries and has proven a great atheist replacement for religion. How can artists/musicians be encouraged to do even more (without funding) outside of institutions/control sustainably? Educate everyone to create more art/music in diverse ways with inspiring video

5. How can all organisations be made to continually evolve and change over time so they do not continually become the barriers to progress that they have proven to be in the past and present? is one free way to do this that anyone can use. Maybe it would be best to get rid of all organisations so everyone collaborates as individuals? Social media is proving how this can work even with the basic existing technology.

6. How can we all continually encourage change/improvement despite ignorant people who fight change/reinvention due to vested interest/ignorance (evolution has always changed and always sped up so enhanced change is inevitable)?

7. Whenever we learn from others we all need to be enabled to share who taught us and how so everyone can learn from everyone more effectively. This is equally important with regard to credit for ideas/innovation so that liars/cheaters/thief's are caught out and that those that help others the most with creative innovation are encouraged and rewarded so they can go on to do even more great work.

8. How to create ideas to help everyone? List problems, analyse to see if they are the actual problem and if they are a problem, search for existing solutions online, share the problems and solutions with your peers using social media, invent simple solutions to the problem using creative innovation. We can help you with this .

9. How can we make sure that all technology is designed and built by selfless people that invent and create products that will benefit everyone and not just the selfish few? As consumers we can make this happen by only buying from suppliers that use selfless practices like open standards such as Open Source and also suppliers that donate net profits to NEW INNOVATION that selflessly helps everyone explains more.

10. How to make all organisations more innovative and responsible with their innovation? All organisations could be run democratically where the global population can vote on the best course of action.

11. Helping everyone help everyone is as simple as providing free education that we all want to consume? How to spark the quest for knowledge in everyone? How to make and share the best free education for everyone EG ? Any person or organisation that prevents everyone from gaining access to the best free education is therefore a negative force and are causing existing and future death due to ignorance.

12. What extra things can you suggest to help others?  If you have read this far you must suggest something that you know is a problem with at least one solution that you know to help everyone:). What simple solutions already exist to the most important problems and how best to share them with everyone?

We would love to work with you to solve these and many more existing and future problems simply quickly and effectively so we can help everyone have happier lives. Please add points and comments to and contact as we would love to help you in many areas you may not have thought of. There is so much that can be done with the smallest funding. If you know of funding and programmers do tell us as we can work with we can help you solve many problems quickly simply and cheaply by using creative innovation.

How to help everyone have happier lives and live in bliss every second of their lives? It is possible and simple but we just need to enable everyone to KNOW the simple techniques and HELP SUPPORT each other as we put them into practice. We can all selflessly help everyone selflessly with our talents (no matter what they are) and this makes us all happy!

Simple happiness/bliss techniques that are so simple we all forget to use them from time to time (so here is a friendly reminder:)...
1. Comprehensively question what aims/problems you have in life and why you want to solve them? (is that really an aim/problem or is the aim/problem something much simpler or are we all inventing problems for ourselves and each other:)? Many people run around trying to find answers without stopping to question what the question that they are asking of life is?!
EG What is my aim in life and why? Is it fame/riches/success or do I just want people to like me? If so simply smile/help everyone you meet:)
2. See if there is a simple solution to the problem/aim that already exists on the web/video (take a long time on this bit as there nearly always is).
3. Ask all your peers using social media/blogs about life/aims and if they can help solve problems (best to help someone else solve their problem while asking yours as it is a win win & cumulative sum gain:).
4. Learn/educate yourself so you are wiser and therefore better able to solve the problem (how to help anyone spark the thirst for knowledge?).
5. Learn to observe your own mind (we all live in our heads and can all become aware of our mind and EGO racing round and round then start to slowly train ourselves to enjoy every second of life JUST by watching/smelling/listening to every second of the life that we are having
6. Help others discover what they want (simply by sharing this list & video at to start). Make sure your having the best outcomes (most efficient use of your time:).
7. Is it as simple as that? Just by spending our lives helping others have happier lives we therefore make our lives happier and blissful?!  Trying this to see if it works a couple of times is all that we can do. What is the worst that could happen? We could become happier for the rest of our lives( (and make others happy;)?!
6. We are more than happy to help you discover/invent and share happiness/bliss if you would like to collaborate with us on this & innovate in many more groundbreaking ways that deliver proven results that are above and beyond expectations. If you are interested please contact and we will collaborate with you free to help everyone with simple happiness and creative innovation solutions.

Great videos on simple ways to make everyone happy/er

More info in video format from a woman;search:happy and from a man;search:happy

Free technique/comment/suggestion/ideas competition where EVERYONE wins (free prizes) and we can all selflessly help everyone with our talents (no matter what they are).

A. Problem Solving & Innovation techniques that are so simple we all forget to use them from time to time (so here is a friendly reminder:)...
1. Comprehensively question what problem do you want to solve and why (is that really the problem or is the problem something much simpler:)?
EG What is my aim in life and why? Is it fame/riches/success or do I just want people to like me? If so simply smile/help everyone you meet:)
2. See if there is a simple solution to the problem that already exists on the web (take a long time on this bit as there often is).
3. Ask all your peers using social media/blogs if they can help solve it (best to help someone else solve their problem while asking yours as it is a win win & cumulative sum gain:).
4. Learn/educate yourself so you are wiser and therefore better able to solve the problem.
5. Help others discover what they want (simply by sharing this list & video at ).
6. We are more than happy to help you innovate in many more groundbreaking ways that deliver proven results that are above and beyond expectations. If you are interested please contact and we will collaborate with you free to help everyone with creative innovation.

B. How best to educate & empower everyone to create ideas & make them happen selflessly/wisely & easily to benefit everyone most? EG enabling selfless collaboration and rewarding important human social traits like compassion and love? What other ways are there to make it easy and fun to selflessly innovate & collaborate in many different ways that are not currently accessible (or can be improved)? How best to do this so they can be used most effectively to help everyone help everyone the most and who within any organisations will LET us do this with them so we can save lives together (only share ideas that can be used for good and not manipulated!:)? Should these/all products/services/organisations be run as progressive forward thinking democracies (as the least worst option) or is there a good way to manage meritocracies so they are not as selfishly egocentric (and prevent founder syndrome...)?! 1. Post suggestions here and also prizes you are prepared to give away for others that can solve problems relating to these organisations. 2. We will give free books to everyone who helps EG 3. What funds/prize would you like to get in order to work on this for one weekend or a week (we know many solutions to the problems but need to work with programmers to make them happen)? 4. We would love to help your work with UI/X and social media/design work too:) Check for free inspiring videos too:) We have funds and ideas and would like to work with programmers to solve many human problems so do contact us saying what you want to do and what funds you need to do it.

A. Create FREE ART and GIVE IT AWAY to help everyone and win free prizes. Submit your art to!/group.php?gid=352077702670 by doing this you win an inspiring video from
B. Suggest prizes that you can give away to help everyone (EG ) and win free prizes from us if you give them away. Submit your suggestion to!/group.php?gid=352077702670
C. What can we all invest in and donate towards to help everyone the most EG education. Win free prizes from us if you donate to the most important causes that help everyone. Submit your suggestion to!/group.php?gid=352077702670
D. What books can you give away and who would gain the most from them? Win free prizes from us if you donate as many books to others as you can. Submit your suggestion to!/group.php?gid=352077702670
E. What are the best video's that you have seen that improved your life that you can share with everyone? Win free prizes from us if you share as many videos as you can with others at Submit your suggestion to!/group.php?gid=352077702670
F. Can we help Mozilla help everyone?
G. Can you help build an open source charity collaboration site to help everyone make every second of their life happy with mindfulness? (can be done in 2 days and we will pay you:) Contact

Below are some collaborative projects started to help everyone that you may like/to help...

Posted via email from Research