Monday 25 January 2010

BEST @free @university @lectures and @talks for #everyone http://www.WEBiversityorg #iq2stiglitz #DLD10 FREE Educational Video Talks and Lectures from the web for everyone to enjoy. Watch, share and add the best video content you find to share it with others. Search for your chosen subject area in the search box above and find the best educational talks carefully sourced from across the internet.

This site is run as a not for profit by volunteers and uses open source software. We are using the not for profit business structure so that we can use any funds donated to invest in new not for profit innovative products or services that solve human problems efficiently.

For example...
Watch the great Warren Buffett MBA Talk and collaborate with everyone who is volunteering to share the best free education they have found here (while raising funds for good causes).

Contact @whymandesign for more details.

Posted via email from E's posterous

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