Monday 15 February 2010

@4ip @NESTA-uk @knightfdn @RSAmatthew #collaborate on #play #creating #community #cohesion

We are looking to find more co-production partners and co-funders who can benefit significantly for using the distribution network that will broadcast this Multiplatform format around the world as a research and awareness raising opportunity as well as an opportunity to fund the development of public service open source software at at least half the cost of building such software alone.

Are you looking to build on and enhance existing open source software to create a collaboration platform with brand new features?

Do you want to build links with an international broadcaster so that you can use their network to distribute content AND collect research date for the first time ever?

Do you want to raise awareness of your organisation in an efficient way using this broadcast network?

Do you want to draw communities together through the medium of play/games so that we can help to reduce future conflicts by increasing global community cohesion?

We are specifically looking for academic partners who can use the data that we collect about play and games in an educational research capacity that can be used to improve learning techniques.


Posted via email from Development

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