Sunday, 20 November 2011

How best to #interlink #everything for #good to #Helpall be #happy eg #sex #education? @WEBiversity #os #cc #nfp #gov #tedx #yeswecan #bigsociety

1. How best to manage / protect everyone, everything and every thought so that we all can help everyone the most?
Share everything with everyone so we all can gain more by sharing than anyone individual can possibly gain by depriving others so that they gain more (but actually loose more themselves as it is a self harming activity). It is important that all ideas are managed so that they benefit everyone in the most effective ways. Every previous way that we used to manage ideas are now out of date as the internet is connecting everyone instantly in real time so new models need to be created so that everyone benefits the most from creative collaboration and reinvention of everything. The main concern is that creatives need to be supported so that they are able to continue to make creative innovations that benefit everyone. Anyone that steals ideas and uses them for personal gain is therefore harming the whole of humanity as their selfishness is making them restrict the existing and potential positive benefits that the idea could be used for.

2. How is it best to compare and contrast every company, government, charity, organisation and person using different data dimensions? This could use/build on existing data For example how can & be built on so that ANYONE can add features to them eg using & ?

3. How best to make the stolen pound/dollar' reclaimed so that it is REGULATED so it is run in sustainable and responsible ways PLUS tax revenues are drawn from illegal industries so that they can pay to help everyone?;search:money

4. How to make sure that all organisations and leaders including government, charities, companies take care of long term effects and don't just make short term gains so they gain in profits/votes in the short term with negative effects in the long term?;search:money

5. How to help all organisations  and individuals be impartial without vested interests? EG could all charities be made to run as impartial organisations by having to prove that they are impartial?

6. How to help all organisations and individuals be as innovative as possible so that they can help more people?

7. There are infinite ways that everything can be improved the problem is where humanity thinks that it knows everything so it thinks that it knows the best solution and therefore prevents new innovation.

8. What are the best free techniques that can be used to help everyone? eg

9. How best to help anyone create technology innovation? Is the same way that everyone can now express themselves using drawing and writing how is it possible to enable everyone to express themselves without any limits using technology? EG Location;search:creative

10. What music/song saved your life? Share it with everyone you know as music is the way to share our soules:) or Do you know of a location we could use to showcase the latest creative commons music/art? If so please share it so we can run charity events.

11. Do you have a resource/skill/tallent that could be used to create charity events that are fun and save lives? How can we help you do this? If so please share what you have or want at

12. Is Sex education and family planning the most important problem to solve as it prevents almost all other problems? How best to enable everyone to continually learn about the most important health and sex education knowledge best? Viral adverts? If you would like to make these please do get in touch.

13. How is it best to enable everyone to help everyone?
A. Educate and empower everyone to help everyone eg by selflessly being happy.
B. Open up the governance/leadership of every organisations/structure/culture so everyone can contribute and help democratically?
C. Enable all funds and resources to be used on the most EFFECTIVE and EFFICIENT ways to help everyone eg happiness and preventing illness.;search:foundation

14. Simple ways anyone can improve society
Capitalism and society can be improved just by improving ourselves so that we can become aware of our own ego's and then taming our own ego and desires before we try to affect others.

For instance when we borrow and/or save if we choose to do this form the most reputable places then this cuts out all the liars/cheats so they go bust. One way to do this is to lend money to a charity bank that can then use the funds in the best way to benefit everyone. This is done by spending the funds on the most open innovation that benefits everyone.;search:money%20ad%20debt;search:money%20ad%20debt

15.  How is it best to maximise the use of resources, skills and funds/money so that they can be used most effectively to enable everyone to have the best life? Eg should anyone need more than $1,000,000 dollars a year salary or should any more that people are paid be used to fund charity work.

16. ALL public service funds should be spent on creative commons and open source products that can be used to benefit EVERYONE in the most EFFECTIVE ways. How best to make sure this happens?

17. How is it possible to be enabled to enhance every broadcast or public service so that they have extra added open free and libre services that can easily benefit and enhance everyones lives in the most effective ways?

18. What are the best simple ways to reform any system EG the banking system so that the funds/resources available are used in the most effective way to help everyone the most? EG to make everyone happy just by sharing knowledge so we all become wise instead of selfish.

19. How to make anything from scratch easily without any skill time talent or contacts:)

What are the main problems that need to be solved? Probably the smallest ones that effect us all eg happiness (if we are all happy we stop wanting more and happiness can be created just by helping everyone we meet:)

A. Write down what you like/hate and share it by publishing it on your own blog and facebook/twitter
B. List a plan of action about what needs to be done and what you think could be done.
C. Ask anyone you meet what they think.
D. Question what your doing and why and repeat.

20. What are the most/least important problems that need to be solved and how best to solve them?
Is happiness the most important problem to solve because if everyone is happy we don't waste our lives trying to achieve/consume more and just enjoy every second of life eg by selflessly helping others?

21. What are the best/worst organisations, governments, companies, people in every sector and how best to support them?
EG but what about innovation and charitable aims? eg

22. What are the best/worst organisations that anyone could invest in and why? is one nice way to share and find info about any company but we need an impartial list comparing all companies. is a nice way to do this for company finance but more is needed to compare their outcomes.

23. What are the most/least effective charities for helping the most people in the most important ways? and could be even better. is a nice way to do this for charity finance but more is needed to compare their outcomes.

Do you know any programmers we can work with to make simple open source ways to help everyone? If so please share their url at

How best to enable any data or information or organisation to inter/link with any organisation or person so that this can only be used in a good way by being used selflessly to help everyone have happy lives?

How best to do this in a way that benefits everyone in the most useful ways?

How best to educate everyone simply so that we all can learn to make our own lives better by learning to be more selfless?;search:selfless

How best to learn from the masters of the past and reinterpret or reinvent the knowledge for todays context?

How to help everyone learn from the past and use simple techniques to solve problems with love?;search:love

How best to educate everyone with the skills to love everyone and help teach the selfish ignorant?;search:love

How best to order/prioratize tasks/causes/information/time?

How to make the most of what you have?;search:time

How to help all survive while making the most of their time by innovating?;search:innovate

How to get data/information/knowledge from the web to individuals on and offline?;search:share

How to help organisatioins governments and cultures to continually r/evolve so they can serve everyone best?;search:art

A big danger with open innovation is that the minority that have access to the largest scales can take any part of it and beat/control everyone else just by using their scale. How best to enable everyone to combat this so that innovation is used to benefit everyone the most (often in the simplest ways just by making us all happy!)? Can you let us help you do this?

How is it possible to enable or make all organisations, government companies, charities empower and enable everyone to improve their services so that they can serve everyone in the best possible way? Educate everyone to innovate selflessly?

EG how can automatically interlink with all parts of and and and independent organisation such as plus any software with any data with ?... Can we help you help them do this?

As every human has what they need in their head right now, how do we all remind/teach each other to  enjoy what we already have so we can instantly help everyone have happier lives by helping everyone? Sharing the best free educational video's with everyone we know? eg

1. How is it best to enable everyone to prioritize what we do in life as that is the single most effective way to enhance everyones lives and increase what we do with the little time we have while making everyone happy instantly? Healthy & happiness are all we need right?

Read this paragraph especially if you dont have time to!
All those that say they are too busy to take the time to prioritize what they do are actually the ones that need to do it the most (as they are rushing around doing inefficient and/or pointless things without realising it). This is caused by the ego making the person adamant that they are right (in effect assuming that they know everything which no one can) so they refuse to listen to other people or even care for them. How best to enable everyone to routinely stop and reflect on what they are doing? Now stop put the computer down and take 5 minutes to just watch your hands and enjoy how lucky you are to be alive and see/smell/touch/taste... everything in just one second.
(more points below on doing important things first and how to solve any problem simply & check out the Douglas Adams talk at the base)

2. How best to stop organisations or structures from preventing humans from living the best lives? educate the people that are running the organisations/structures so they can change the way they are run

For example how can any government or any company/charity or individual enable everyone to help them serve everyone better? This can be done simply by asking the public what they want and helping them to achieve it by supporting them with the right tools techniques and education so we all can continuously learn to improve ourselves. Helping everyone to educate everyone by sharing the best free video is the simplest way to do this as we all can do it easily and all benefit by gaining the most important thing of all which is wisdom/enlightenment so we all become selflessly compassionate so stop causing problems and start enjoying every second of life. Can we help you with

3. Help everyone do what you do as there is always at least one person who can do it better.
Many hands/heads make light/ideas work/excel so it is selfish and self harming not to collaborate with everyone to help everyone.

4. Everyone is amazing but some think that they are more amazing than others (how to remind us all to be aware of our ego and out dated animal instincts)? As everyone is different and we all have different failures and features and undiscovered talents/traits how best to enable everyone to connect with and complement the past/present/future knowledge/wisdom?

5. If there are only 7 learning styles then we all nead to work in teams of at lest 7+ in order to progress up the pyramid of Mazlows hierarchy
What is your team of 7+ and how can we all help each other find the 7 that are most near/relevant?

6. Success is failure and failure is success? How can we all discover/learn/share historic experiences to turn all success into failure and failure into success (and vica versa like Ying Yang)?

7. If human love is self replicating how best to educate and empower everyone to let everyone into all our hearts/minds so we all can grow to love more and more just by loving everyone we meet? If human hate is a negative self replicating meem how can everyone learn to become aware of this and prevent duplicating this negative meem via anger/violence/bullying/competition... Maybe by sharing the most inspiring and educational videos

8. Should we all love the 'bad' in every human and humanity like a parent and love the 'good' in every human and humanity like a child? How best to teach everyone the simple skills to handle naughty humans personally so they learn and praise every good

9. What other things or ways can you suggest this or any test is improved or shared? Share and comment at

10. How best to help everyone help everyone? Provide tools and techniques that enable and empower everyone to do this like crowdsourcing and crowdfunding? Can we fund you to create innovative solutions that benefit everyone? Do you have a space or resource that we could use when not in use to create simple ways to help everyone eg If your interested share your problems, ideas and/or prototype at

A. Would you like someone to solve any problem that you have? Would you like to help others solve problems that affect us all? This can be done by simply writing a blog post and sharing it with everyone you know! Post your question at

Here are two good video's that inspire and inform;search:question;search:question

What problems / questions and solutions / answers shouldwe solve first and how?

1. Question the question?! First question why you are asking the question you are asking (or trying to solve the problem that your trying to solve). Is it really a problem or have you just been culturally made to think it is a problem?

2. Question the answer?! Second question the answers that are commonly accepted by any society. These are often created a long time before with different technology so may be out of date or taught/controlled by people/organisations with a vested interest or

3. Question everything else?! Think of other areas you have not already thought about and become aware of them.

4. What are they key questions/problems that we all need to concentrate on? Living a happy life by conquering your mind so you gain peace by selflessly helping everyone?;search:happy

The Worlds Biggest Problems
Social, Political, Economic and Environmental Issues That Affect Us All
Other interesting list of problems

As we learn more we rediscover the infinite beauty of existence by rediscovering storing and reinventing what was always out there.

B. How best to help everyone to learn about simple techniques so everyone can improve themselves so they and we all can have even greater lives? EG sharing the best free video

How to protect every different type of animal and human so every individual's differences can be celebrated and recorded so everyone can share from the benefits of this? Create rights for every different type of person and animal equally so every difference is recorded for use by humanity for ever.

What are the biggest social, intellectual, emotional... failures that humans/society have that we can all try to solve asap right now with simple existing and new creative innovation?

As no one is perfect we all have failures (some people are so ignorant that they think they are perfect) what is the best way to help everyone teach and learn from each other constructively. For example if we all expect the best from others and encourage everyone with love and compassion then we will all gain the most from live (compared to fighting or competing with others).

A BBC television program suggested that if you don't feel the pain of others when they are suffering then you have psychopathic tendencies! Therefore if your normal you will want to help everyone but if you only want to help yourself then you have psychopathic tendencies so should learn to help improve yourself so you can train yourself to rediscover compassion. Everyone can learn and train themselves to become more compassionate.

C. How to help everyone learn that being selfless is the key to long lasting happiness and peace? How to enable everyone to share selfless wisdom so everyone learns about this so we can all live in simple selfless peace together?;search:love;search:selfless

D. What is the most effective way to run a selfless business, charity or enterprise? Is a Charity better than a Social Enterprise / Cooperative or is philanthropy from capitalism the best way to create wealth / value and use it to benefit everyone? helps;search:philanthropy

The key is how to help the most people. Creativity and Innovation have been proven beyond any doubt to be the best ways to do this. How is it best to enable that every job spec has creativity, innovation and selflessness as key parts of the jobs so that everyone is enabled to help everyone within their job (so we all benefit from this)?

What is the best way to rate all organisations so it is easy and simple to see which organisations are doing the most good for the most people? have shown one way this can be done. Can we help you do this in other ways?

Let me help you solve any problem with simple techniques that many people have been using for generations. Tweet the problem to @whymandesign AND post the problem in this group (while sharing your favorite video too).

E. What is the best way to enable everyone to collaborate together safely while knowing that what they work on can only be used for 'good' by being used in a selfless way to benefit everyone? Create simple and automatic structures that prevent everyone from idea/object/thought/product/industrial/financial/time theft and enable everyone to collaborate selflessly. This can be done very simply by automatically making every thought/idea owned by everyone (as all ideas/thoughts are part of the universe and not just owned by one person). Is there a way to organise the web so that only selfless organisations and information are visible so they can work together? is a free business structure that helps with the above. Help us to help everyone do this with open source software and video at

F. How to turn negative selfish vice into positive selfless virtue most effectively?
1. One way is to buy or take over the negative selfish vice like organisation and turn it into a positive selfless virtuous organisation.
2. Another is to create a duplicate version or the organisation using open source software and compete and win as you have an extra unique selling point of being selfless and virtuous EG by using the funds you raise to save lives by donating to new innovative ways to solve charitable problems effectively. explains more.

G. How to enable everyone to earn a living while selflessly innovating?
All of humanity used to be hunter gatherers and farmers where it benefited everyone to selflessly help others. How can we enable everyone to do this more effectively in modern society and prevent the selfish ignorant from breaking/burning or even preventing (with selfish laws/systems/ignorance) others from selflessly innovating. Educate everyone so we all become wise and selfless

H. What is the simplest way to enable everyone to help everyone using existing techniques and technology?

How can everyone be enabled to use modify and enhance any piece of technology by designing them in clever ways that enable us all to use and share our skills without having to learn whole new complex language systems? Firstly can we work with you to help everyone learn to conquer their own world (so they don't have to waste their time tying to be famous/successful by conquering others worlds) with .

I. Enlightenment 2.0
As the enlightenment was created by the dissemination of knowledge with printing AND the creation of knowledge by the ability of everyone to record everyone's individual wisdom with drawing AND writing how can we make sure Enlightenment 2.0 happens in the most effective and beneficial way for everyone by learning from the mistakes of the past?
How can everyone be enabled to help and build on every technology be it software, hardware, wetware... Educate everyone so they become wise and empowered to help everyone and we all will find a way

J. Open Everything How is it best to enable everyone to open up everything so we can all share everything together (which reminds us all about how life is better when shared:).
What simple ways are there to enable everyone to create things in an open way. Can we turn all organisations into Open Organisations so that anyone can contribute to their development? Democracy was the first step in this but now social media makes it practical and almost free to enable everyone to help everyone directly. What legal and structural ways are there to make this possible in sustainable responsible ways. eg Educating everyone for free and enabling decentralized sharing

K. Review responsibly
How to enable everyone to 1. Consume and 2. Review everything responsibly? provides a great first stage solution but now that social media and are here how can decentralised information be aggregated responsibly while protecting the individual and the global community (freedom of speech / information / data / privacy). Can we work on simple solutions and ways to do this starting from

J. How best to translate EVERY individual and industry into the Digital, Social and future ages?
Every individual and industry has to fundamentally reinvent how they use every part of their time now that new free global tools/techniques are available. How best to enable everyone to do this responsibly while learning from past mistakes and predicting present and future ones? Educating everyone with simple techniques to protect everyone and enable everyone to make the most of the web is key. Can we work with you to do this simply with

K. How to protect everyone from everyone? How to protect the selfless wise from the selfish ignorant.
What simple historical ways should we reinvent to protect everyone from everyone so we all continue to sustainably grow as a global community? How can simple songs, rhymes and games be reinvented so we all learn the simple skills needed to have content lives without harming others? EG share the best free educational video's

L. How to prevent age old problems continue to cause danger and harm?

How is it best to enable everyone to share and learn about age old problems while solving them WITHOUT making the problems worse by sharing negative meems/vice? Educate everyone for free responsibly by showcasing the best free education

M. Journalistic code reinvented by everyone simply.
All of journalism could change our whole society with one simple improvement. All journalists could showcase positive virtuous activities and ignore negative vice-like activities (in the same way you ignore naughty children and reward good behavior). This would mean that only good positive activities get 1. free pr, 2. shared as a positive meem so copycats do positive things 3. provides a positive reward/feedback loop 4. makes everyone feel happy and secure so we all act more and more happy. does this and we would love to help them and you enhance your work with this and other simple techniques eg

N. How to help everyone stop being a victim of social status within our culture/society (as we ALL are no matter how much we think we are now)!

What is the best way to enable everyone to become aware of how our social status is abused by society... so we all are victims of social status which controls our lives and how we all act?! Educate everyone with the best free videos

O. What are the simplest ways to enhance the work that everyone does?
Enhancing collaboration and sustainable innovation are key as they enable everyone to help everyone. Most importantly educating everyone to become wise which is selfless so everyone makes themselves happy by helping others. Do help do this by sharing the best free video.

P. Every organisation, company and government could be run more effectively as a Charity AND benefit the owners.
Every company, organisation, government agency or sole trader can enhance what they do and save lives just by registering as a charity so that all their net profits are then spent on new innovation that benefits everyone and charitable causes. Founders, employees, partners and investors all gain from the large added goodwill that is gained that translates into profits that then are used to fund innovation that saves lives. The founders and shareholders can even more money from the enterprise as they gain by getting large performance pay packages that are greater than their original personal profit as the company is making larger profits from the extra goodwill it gains.

For example. A sole trader changes their status to a charity and donates net profit to new innovative charitable work. They then gain large amounts of goodwill from this and so get more and more work enabling them to get rich on performance pay WHILE saving lives with the extra funds that they raise which are then spent on innovative sustainable charitable work. has more details.

Q. How can Government and the Law protect everyone as a whole the most so we all benefit the most?
What is the best way for innovation and ideas to be cultivated and shared so that they benefit everyone in the world the most? How best to update the outdated laws and legislation's so that they work to serve the people in the most beneficial ways possible? Should all ideas be registered to the public and licensed to individuals so that the public gain the most from the ideas AND everyone has access to ideas / intellectual property SO ideas therefore benefit everyone the most with enhanced competition/collaboration?

R. The world is and always was amazing. The trick is to appreciate how amazing it is all the time so we can enjoy every second of life.

As the Web has linked everyone and everything on the planet there is not stopping the curve or progress which is interlinked to knowledge which leads to Wisdom and Enlightenment for all so we all can continue to learn more and more to enjoy every second of life just by appreciating it and helping everyone selflessly. All we now have to do is stay healthy and concentrate on enjoying every second and helping everyone we meet selflessly while continually learning from everyone. Find and share inspiring video's to help all at

A-H of ways to Help all creatively innovate selflessly so we all can have happy healthy lives!
A. What are the best simple ways to enable anyone to help everyone in a sustainable way?
This has always been possible (but cultures forget how to do this as ignorant people say it can't be done) and now the web has made this even more possible for everyone anywhere round the world right now.;search:help

1. Educate anyone free so we all can learn to become wiser EG (everyone has to be educated to become selfless/wise otherwise anyone can become selfish & knowledgable and harm others for self benefit (like a feral child).

2. Empower everyone to act on their wisdom so they are able to assess/support/critique/act on past/resent/future problems/solutions. aims to do this with video.

3. Sustain everyone so we all can live happy lives while concentrating our time/talent/resources on selflessly creatively innovating to help everyone.;search:sustain

B. What are the best simple ways to enable anyone to earn a living while selflessly helping everyone...

1. What existing and new ways are there to enable anyone to earn a living while creatively innovating to help everyone?

EG Busking has enables musicians to earn a living while concentrating on their creative talents full time.
Artists create and give away artworks while being given funds to earn a living
Craftsmen create delicate objects and earn a living while working on doing what they love.

What other ways do you know of doing this so that inventors and others that have long term gains for all (but often no short term feedback to gain income from)?

2. If an inventor wants to create free innovation that will benefits everyone and wants to share this for free what is the best way for them to go about doing this?

3. Which organisations provide support and funding for anyone who wants to selflessly creatively innovate to help everyone?
How can all organisations provide more support and funding for everyone who wants to selflessly creatively innovate to help everyone?
How can every individual provide more support and funding for everyone who wants to selflessly creatively innovate to help everyone?
How can Government, Companies, Charities, Organisations and individuals educate, empower and allow everyone to help them enhance what they do in selfless/wise ways? We would love to help anyone do this eg &

By not doing this well enough (as all organisations are not doing well enough given the potential of the web) all organisations are actually (self) harming everyone as we all are losing out due to lack of innovation caused by lack of support for creative innovators. This is often caused by institutional problems that can easily be solved by any individual selflessly becoming aware of and solving the problem by openly sharing and collaborating on solving the problem with everyone.

Here is another free video that will help inspire anyone...;search:happy
And more detail into the science...;search:happy

If you know of other ways of helping everyone help everyone please share it by commenting below and sharing it on the facebook group  We would be happy to reward you for doing this (if you need a reward?)

C. Helpall become Wise before Knowledgeable to help us all be selflessly happy and not selfishly ignorant (which itself is self harming and harms everyone).

What are the best ways to help everyone learn to become more knowledgeable and happier by being selfless so we all can learn more on our journey from ignorance to wisdom (as we all are ignorant but some are more ignorant than others)?
Simply by educating everyone for free and making wisdom learned/discovered before knowledge.;search:wisdom

It is fundamentally important to educate everyone quickly & easily to become wise before powerful so the ignorant/selfish do not learn how to harm others. How best to do this? Organise and prioratise content ranking so you find/learn wisdom before information/knowledge? EG

What simple ways are there that help everyone and every organisation learn to become wiser EG develop up Maslows hierarchy of needs

How can everyone be helped to learn to develop from the ignorant/vice of instant empty gratification of impulse pleasures to wise/virtue of long term infinitely sustainable selfless pleasure/contentment?;search:content

Do you know of a programmer we can work with to make simple solutions to human problems using open source software? If so please share their website at

D. It is not acceptable to allow 99% of innovations to fail if people do not share the learning from those failures and dont collaborate on making them successes. Often those working on the 99% that fail are not aware of the high chances of failure so are being misinformed and therefore misused by society in non efficient ways. The competition model has done this but a collaboration model enables the 99% of failures to be rewarded and also enables some of these to turn into successes. is one way of creating institutional innovation that benefits everyone.

E. How is it possible to help any/all charities and governments enhance what they are doing by creatively innovating every part of what they do as everything can (and always has been able to) be reinvented so it is done in a better way?

We can help any organisation do this with simple techniques and technology but need the organisations to let us (the creative public) to do this for them.

If this is not possible how is it best to creatively innovate all organisations and services without their permission so they provide a better service for everyone? EG find simple ways to educate and empower everyone to do this

For example how can charities, governments and individuals enable creative people to enhance what they do for the benefit of everyone? EG by asking creative people to enhance what they do and sustainably rewarding every creative person (as there is a 99% failure rate).

This means that every organisation has to cultivate and reward the creative ecosystem so that they enable 100% of people to creatively innovate so that the 99% that fail are able to survive and continue to innovate in order to get the 1% that succeed. This is fundamentally important otherwise organisations will only get a few innovations compared to the ongoing 000's of innovati

Posted via email from Research

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