First watch & share this video as it explains how humans work and makes anyones life better:)
1. Would you like investment to develop your idea and/or startup so that you can enhance its success? We can help you with investment and also partnerships plus creative strategies such as running it as a charity http:/// explains how you benefit and save lives:) Contact us at stating what your company/ideas is and what investment you need for what equity. Even if you dont have a company or idea then we also can help...
2. Do you want a dream job? Co Founding programmer needed to work on hacking education so everyone can live happy lives just by learning how to observe our minds and become happier by selflessly helping everyone. We know what needs to be done but need a programming co founder to collaborate with in building and developing the website and app software as so much could be done to build on exisiting open source software!
We would like to work with and pay a programmer to work as the technical co founder (we have technical skills but will concentrate on the finance and marketing) on a Charity not for profit open source creative commons startup?! We have a prototype at and would like to work with you to make an open source version that will enable every charity to have their own education website. If you are interested do join the Facebook group and also email us at with your C.V. questions and expectations.
3. Are you an entrepreneur r craftsperson but dont have an idea for a business? Contact us and we will give you an idea for a business that donates 100% net profit to charity so it saves lives AND you get rich with performance pay. explains more. tell us your skills and contacts and how much pay you want at
4. Do you now of someone else who would like help to enhance their ideas, company or even a failing business? Then contact us at and comment on the http:/ facebook group as we can help ANY idea or business with proven techniques eg
5. Would you like to be commissioned to create a song or video explaining either in 3-30 minutes how anyone can observe their ego so they can master their mind and become happy/er by selflessly helping everyone? To apply please share your video or song entry or idea on the facebook page and state what support/funds you need to make it.
6. Why not do any if not all of these yourself on almost no budget by 'bootstrapping' so you create the things you love at almost no cost. Or try to crowdsource for ideas/skills and crowdfund to get finance to pay for things so that anyone can create anything> We can help you if you comment at facebook page
How to help everyone most? Eg help everyone educate everyone free
A. How best to shape the future or your life? Imagine how good it can be and remind yourself (and everyone you know) of that every day then you increase your chances of achieving a better life significantly. For example show this video to everyone you know as it explains how human are hardwired to be ABLE to be happy if you choose to be selfless and wise
B. How to protect individuals and ideas from selfish people wanting to own ideas as this hurts everyone as it prevents everyone from benefiting from open innovation and collaboration? Educate everyone by enabling them to learn about their own EGO and how to control it?
C. What is the best way of allowing everyone to invest in innovation WHILE protecting everyone from selfish people who want to take money off vulnerable people? Invest in a way that enables surplus profits to be used to spend on new innovation that benefits everyone eg (for example how to protect individuals from being conned in spam scams or crowdfunding scams where irresponsible people ask for money for projects that are flawed or just con people out of cash.
D. We need to make all information safe from selfish ignorant people so that everyone can collaborate with everyone and share all information in a safe way to protect us now and all future generations. How best to do this?
Educate everyone so we all continually learn to be selfless and wise so we can all make the world a better place just by controlling our own mind and ego. is one way tot do this. And making all information decentralised to prevent egotistical selfish people from trying to get power and money by controlling it and also prevent anyone from being corrupted by power.
E. Everything must be reinvented to survive with every new technology that is created eg the web so it is irrisponsible and dangerous of anyone who is not able to continually be creative and innovate in EVERY job (not to mention how many people are harmed by those that fail to creatively innovate effectively).
F. Job searches, recruitment and human resources ass need to be reinvented and redesigned asap as the process is out of date as the web enables any job and any applicant to be processed and managed in a far more effective way. At the moment there are many major problems that would not be acceptable in any other process and everyone is being harmed by the lack of creative innovation using new techniques and technology right now.
G. How to help all new technology frontiers so that they are utilised for the greatest benefit for everyone and not just for the benefit of a selfish few? Eg would it not have been better for one simple open source microfinance platform to be created that everyone could use rather than hundreds of different microfinance platforms that are not linked together?
H. How best to enable all problems are solved with simple techniques? Educate everyone so we all learn how being selfless makes us happier AND enables us all to collaborate and make significant enhancements that benefit everyone. Can we work with you to do this at
I. Understanding the Ying Yang of seflish ignorant's misguided zero sum gain verses the selfless wise correct cumulative sum gain.
Why are the selfish ignorant so adamant that they are correct? Why are they not able to look outside the box and see the proven results of educating everyone to become wise and selfless? The ignorant are adamant that they are correct because they are not able to open their minds to the many possibilities outside their narrow thought processes.
J. Vice verses virtue and how the ego is humanities number one problem/virus (maybe even evolution is humanities number one problem/virus as there are many proven and far more effective and compassionate ways to develop.
K. Humans learn almost everything from our environment so what meem's, thought viruses and other unintended problems are we all passing on from one generation to the next EG pointless competition where one person wins but many loose when everyone could be equal (as in fact all humans are if we are honest:)?
L. The human brain is wetware (living hardware) that we can learn/load any new thoughts/software on to it so we need to question what useless things are we all learning to do and what other useful things can we all learn to do? What useless (or dangerous/damaging) things are we all learning to do without being aware of?
M. As we can train ourselves to think anything with the software of our brain what are the best things that we could teach and share with each other? How to enjoy every moment just like a child? How best to help everyone learn to be selfless so we all become happier by selflessly helping everyone?
N. What are the best ways to help everyone learn and remind each other to observe our minds and every second of life so we all can live in bliss for our entire lives?
O. What are the most important known and unknown problems that humanity is facing today? What are the simplest proven solutions to these and how can we help share the solutions?;search%3Alaw
P. How did previous generations face the problems they faced and persuade their older generations to change to embrace that generations innovations? EG Equal rights or rule of law?
Q. All new technology needs to be designed so that it benefits EVERYONE in the most EFFECTIVE way for example so that it shares the most wise information so everyone can learn to become wise and therefore selfless EG Youtube and Google could list wise knowledge above spam/marketing information.
R. How to enable everyone to benefit even more by sharing wise selfless knowledge? Eg reward open source, creative commons and selfless work? is one way to do this.
S. What are the most important things that everyone needs to know and in what order should we all learn them to make the most of them EG learning to be wise and selfless before any other skills so we only use our knowledge and skills to help everyone.
T. How best to enable everyone to link up and collaborate with everyone selflessly in the most effective ways while protecting the innocent and everyone from the selfish ignorant?
U. How best to enhance education to solve every problem AND enhance healthcare to cure every problem that has not been prevented with education? Should all healthcare and education be run as open source and creative commons and run as not for profits that are run by selfless empowered people? is one free way to do this.
V. What are the simplest ways to help everyone have happy lives all the time eg just by sharing inspiring video that makes everyone happy? eg
W. How best to enable everyone to invent their own jobs so they can create jobs they love doing and make jobs so solving the unemployment and long term jobs problems?
X. How much wealth does anyone need and can we enable everyone to have enough to live on so we all can creatively innovate selflessly so humanity progresses at a faster rate while everyone is happy? can help everyone.
Y. All funding needs to be given out in a SELFLESS manner so that it is used to fund OPEN Techniques and Technology that benefit everyone in a SCALABLE GLOBAL way. If all funding is broken up to individuals giving what they can using Crowdfunding and Crowdsourcing then this can solve the problems. helps everyone help everyone and benefit.
Z. There are so many great people working on different projects and software. Are there any good ways to link the people and software up as that appears to be a massive problem as everyone is duplicating things without being able to collaborate (due to EGO creating competition and/or the software and systems/orgs restricting collaboration:) This harms everyone and actually kills many people due to the lack of progress that would otherwise save lives. Can we help you educate everyone with proven knowledge so we all learn to be come selfless and therefore wise? If so contact us at the facebook page.
What simple ways are there to help everyone help everyone?
A. How can we help the wise selfless educate the ignorant selfish while protecting the wise and innocent from the ignorant selfish using competition or bullying to get their way? Share the best educational video in the right order with everyone you know eg
B. As our mind and therefore world is what we make of it everyone can invent the perfect mind and life and therefore world by repeatedly thinking about the GOOD things that you want in life every day. All anyone has to do is constantly remind themselves and everyone they know to think about the good things in life and in everyone so we all can help each other have happier lives selflessly and this makes us all happy.
C. What solutions did our ancestors create to solve any problem (as almost all problems are a social/psychological problem? EG What did the Greek tragedies teach about selfishness competition and intellectual property or resource ownership?
D. Who has the right to 'own' something that was probably discovered by someone else before them anyway? What simple ways are there to solve this? Eg make all ip open so only those that do research for the love do it (rather than selfish people?) How can a non living company own the genetics of life forms?
E. How best to enable anyone to create a fund new innovation? Eg how to commission a number of videos about how being selfless makes anyone happy? We can pay anyone who would like to make this so contact us with details of what video you want to make?
F. Everything can be invented and reinvented now that the web links up everyone and everything. Every problem can now be solved due to the web linking us all up as we can collaborate selflessly on solving them. This means that we can (and always could) relax as humanity is continually learning more and therefore getting wiser so we will all eventually learn to become selfless and so will all be able to live in selfless harmony where everyone is happy all are time.
G. If fame/riches are taken away from everyone by replacing the proven to be outdated ignorant and selfish competition model with wise and selfless collaboration models then we all learn to do things we love so we all make ourselves happy by selflessly helping others and this can prevent almost all human problems while moving all the money in the world from bank accounts into the hands of inventors so they can invent new solutions to help everyone.
H. What are the biggest known (visible) and unknown (hidden) problems and how to choose the best ways to solve them and share this with everyone so that duplication and scale do not cause confusion and therefore ignorance (how to organise the web in a responsible way)?
I. What are the largest and smallest hidden effects that change the way humans and society work? EG how does the almost infinate amount of video, information and data affect how humans address knowledge? We get information overload then learn that you dont need to know everything or even anything as long as you know how to live in your own world.
This also leads on to how humans can organise their own minds so we all can continue to learn and improve eg like software is improved and enhanced over time.
J. Why have the many different types of selfless wisdom from the past not been passed on to everyone who lives today? As selfless wisdom has proven to benefit everyone why has it been prevented from being taught to everyone so we all can live happy lives by being selfless? What are the best ways for the information and knowledge that exists today to be used to benefit everyone in wise selfless ways? Shared openly for free so that we all learn to become wise and therefore selfless as we all have what we need right know but just need to continually learn and be reminded to selflessly help everyone so we all become happy by doing this.
K. What is the best way to enable anyone to create an open source charity product/service using evolving software technology? at the moment almost everyone is prevented from doing this by closed siloed software that is restricted and controlled by closed for profit or narrow minded organisations. How best to liberate humans and our data and connections from this erosion to a closed siloed state of the web?!
L. As founders syndrome (often called Founderitis) causes problems how is it best to enable all technology to interact and work together so that anyone can innovate and develop any technology?
How to prevent Founder Syndrome (where a founder prevents an organisation from progressing) This appears to be a problem that affects every organisation and is prob linked to the human ego. Where any human creates something (that is like their little baby) so they go back into basic animal instincts of competition (instead of compassion). What is the best video on youtube that you have seen that educates anyone about selfless wisdom and that they can make their life great all the time just by training their brain to care for everyone?
M. How is it best to enable any organisation or person or technology to link up and collaborate in safe ways so they dont have to build trust or 'click' due to cultural/social dynamics?
Eg how could it be possible to help link up & & so they all benefit from selflessly collaborating?
Or how could it be possible to integrate with and & so that anyone can use any part however they want with no technical skill?
N. How its it best to enable all decentralised networks to continually evolve so they don't get out of date and hold everyone back eg email and texting!
O. What is a better tool to replace emails and group emails as they take up everyones time? Commenting on an open list on a responsible platform? what platform would this be?
P. How best to enable that no one can use money to harm other humans? Make all money accountable transparent eg
Simplicity is heaven complexity is hell?
Is the simplest answer always the best one? Do we often overlook the best simple answer by striving to achieve things?
EG Does everyone just have to relax and do what they LOVE doing as they will then be happy when 'working' and become a craftsperson due to their passion so will then go on to exceed anyone's expectations?
1. Nothing in life really matters as we barely understand the vastness of TIME, SPACE, OTHER DIMENSIONS, Before the big bang, After the big crush...
2. Solve all your problems in life by doing work that you love (as you will enjoy your life and be a success and therefore not need riches/vice)
3. Enjoy every second as you experience it by reminding your mind to enjoy every breath you take and not to worry about things that your culture/society has imposed on you.
4. Train your mind so you can live in bliss all through life as it is THE WAY YOU INTERPRET LIFE that makes it good or bad!!!!
5. Love everyone for who they are with the flaws and merits that everyone has in different ways as everyone is and can be even greater with tolerance and more education.
What is our culture and society making us do without knowing it? Who does our actions harm (and who does our actions NOT help as much as it should?)? What things are you doing without knowing it and how can we all discover the many things and effects we are having without knowing it (in the same way that humans did many activities in the past that are illegal today what things are we doing now that we could stop instantly)? How can we help everyone discover their talents and flaws and the benefit/damage we all accidentally do to each other? Share the best free video's you find with everyone eg
What are the most important causes int he world? Help all women have equal rights as men so female (compassionate, nurturing, sustainable) traits can help societies help everyone way more than we can now. What is the best way to do this? Share all video that empowers women and men to do anything they want eg
Everything can be enhanced right now simply with creativity...
Everything can be solved with creativity and innovation as there is almost infinite possibility with reinventing things to work better. If you have a problem or cause or idea that you want to enhance do ask by emailing me and i will help you creatively innovate for free ( for a trial period (happy to take a percentage of the money that we save you to spend on new charity innovation to save lives).
A. How best to help organisations or individuals that do great work to continue to make the most of their discoveries/luck by continually building on it in an open selfless way so that everyone benefits the most? EG run any project/organisation as a charity or not for profit that invests any funds raised in NEW innovation that benefits everyone. explains more.
B. How to help publishers journalist innovate with open minds so that they help everyone learn the simple skills everyone needs to enhance their lives (eg meditation...)? How can the uneducated majority of the public make publishers, journalists... publish the most useful and relevant journalism so we all continually become enlightened with relevant news? Can a simpel formula be created for this eg (number of people affected) times by (number of people that could be affected in the future. Also should all journalism be explained in a journalism ledger so we know the reason why certain stories are published and others are not? Maybe can help? C. What are the best simple ways to help everyone help everyone selflessly?Share all the good things you know with as many people as possible eg on Facebook/Twitter so we all learn from each other. Ask important questions and ask for help so that we know how best to help each other in the most effective ways. Reducing the confusion of too much information on the web by ignoring un-useful information that does not selflessly educate everyone. Create free ways that everyone can help everyone eg &
D. How best to link up people, objects, data... so we can all benefit from the network effect? There are many simple ways that this can be done but the question is why have not Facebook, Twitter, Wikipedia, Mozilla... not already interlinked just people together well. Why do we all still have to put up with the status quo of basic Liking or friend of a friend networks. So much more can be achieved simply so the question is how to make all organisations innovate selflessly and sustainably so they benefit everyone the most?
E. Why do selfless and open source products and services not get as much support as they should? Selfless and open source productions benefit everyone so everyone should support them rather than compete with them. How is it best to get all government and organisations to fund open source work and cleverly innovate with creative people so they can save money and create wealth for everyone?
F. This leads on to the question of why does it take so long (even with the web) for positive wisdom to become shared through society/humanity? Does this just come down to simple psychology and the human ego still causing so many humans to compete for ignorant objectives? Is sharing wisdom all we need to do then to help everyone learn to enjoy every second of life? Eg
G. How best to help the next wave of technology so that it can be used to benefit the most people? Should all new technology be open so everyone can benefit the most from it? All the old out of date laws need to be reassessed as this is easily possible given the power of the web, the network effect and mobile access everywhere in the world.
H. Everything needs to be made accessible to everyone in order to have a globally democratic world where access is king. Fundamentally all new technology needs to be designed so that it is easy to use by everyone and so that everyone can contribute to the development of the technology and exceed anyones expectations as the amateur cottage industry is on the edge where most innovation comes from. Any technology that is not accessible for everyone to EASILY learn how to use AND develop therefore has a fundamental design flaw and will harm everyone by restricting progress/innovation
I. Why is there not a simple database of organised information that enables anyone to quickly see all the problems in the world ordered in priority and linked to all the solutions that people are working on? Wikipedia is the nearest to this but why has Wikipedia not been developed as there are so many extra simple features that could easily be added and would solve many humanitarian problems And could raise sustainable income for Wikipedia. How to contact wikipedia and other organisations about this so that they implement them?
J. How to enable and empower everyone to help everyone and every organisation to take on board simple suggestions that can easily improve their work AND their service for the global public? Is there a simple way to implement this so that any suggestion that is made is recorded and managed openly in a responsible way? Could all online comments/social media be integrated so that they are all collected and ordered so they can be assessed and build on openly?
K. How can the public stand up for their rights in the most effective ways? Demonstrations and political battles appear to be a zero sum gain so dont have the most positive effect. Surely it is better to enable and empower everyone to solve the problems that they are campaigning about. How best to do this eg using and building on web data and social media? Educate and empower everyone first eg
L. What simple ways are there to help everyone have fulfilling lives while earning a living doing jobs they enjoy that also help everyone? Can the craft culture be rebuild and sustained so that everyone can get the most out of life by enjoying the craft of making things to help others?
M. What is the best way to make all organisations and individuals creatively innovate more so we all can help everyone the most through innovation improving everything we do? Should all organisations donate a percent of their net profit to new selfless charitable innovation? explains more.
N. All organisation and members of the public need to be empowered and enabled so they can help everyone more selflessly. How best to do this with education eg
O. All Finance organisations need to be regulated on a Global scale and do what is best for the global population (which essentially are the investors into the banking system with their retirement pension funds). How can the public make this happen? EG all pensions could be invested in funds that only invest in innovation that benefits everyone? explains more.
Wealth is relative so as a few gain more everyone else gets relatively poorer (as it is a zero sum gain so the rich are effectively taking from the poor!)! This means that just by taking money away from the richest it in fact makes all the poor relatively richer (and also makes the richest happier as giving your wealth away to help others selflessly makes anyone happy)! Then the funds that are taken away can then be spent on new open innovation that benefits EVERYONE as it can then be given away for everyone to use eg inventions such as the bicycle or use or fire.;search:wealth 2. How is it best to turn negatives into positives? Every negative thing can be used as a learning point or starting point on which to create a cure. Often logical mathematically minded people (or people who think they know everything!) think that one plus one has to equal two when in fact using innovation and creativity can mean that illogical and unexpected outcomes can happen that add things with value in new ways.;search:creative 3. Can all failing/bankrupt businesses be saved by turning them into charities? This can be done simply and will enable all employees of any business to keep their jobs so will boost any economy. The business then will be able to pay back any owed money sustainably so everyone wins as employees keep their jobs and no one loses any funds PLUS the organisation is run as a sustainable charity that then donates all future profits to innovative charity work. explains more and we can help explain if you need more details. This business structure is easy to implement and can be used to create brand new self sustaining charity work that invent new jobs for anyone in sustainable ways. It also creates institutional innovation so any organisation can become far more innovative because all net profit is then invested in new innovative charitable work so problems are always solved with new innovation that is therefore more efficient. 4. As innovation = wealth why not enable everyone to create innovation and manage that innovation in the best way that benefits everyone by managing it in an open sharing way so that those in need get helped and those with surplus share it (so they actually gain by having happier lives by selflessly helping others and having less!:). is one simple business structure that helps this.;search:poor 5. As technology and computers continue to evolve they will take over more and more of the jobs that humans do/did so almost all humans will become unemployed with no jobs for them to work on! Just as was proven in the last technological revolution (the industrial revolution) this means that a few will get vast wealth & power while a massive group will lose their wealth as their skills are devalued so will go into poverty. how to prevent this from happening? The best way is to make all new innovation cooperatively owned by everyone so that the funds can then be used most effectively to spend on effective innovation that benefits everyone in the most useful ways. is one way to do this.;search:poor 6. As every cause has an effect we should observe every change that humans create and find the (often hidden) effects of what we are doing EG global warming and wealth creation inflation/devaluation... This needs to be carefully managed by the population/government to protect everyone (often from their ego). aaaahttp://www.webiversity.magn
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