Every organisation, company and government could be run more effectively as a Charity AND benefit the owners shareholders or taxpayers
Every company, organisation, government agency or sole trader can enhance what they do and save lives just by registering as a charity so that all their net profits are then spent on new innovation that benefits everyone and charitable causes. Founders, employees, partners and investors all gain from the large added goodwill that is gained that translates into profits that then are used to fund innovation that saves lives. The founders and shareholders can even more money from the enterprise as they gain by getting large performance pay packages that are greater than their original personal profit as the company is making larger profits from the extra goodwill it gains.
For example. A sole trader changes their status to a charity and donates net profit to new innovative charitable work. They then gain large amounts of goodwill from this and so get more and more work enabling them to get rich on performance pay WHILE saving lives with the extra funds that they raise which are then spent on innovative sustainable charitable work. http://www.whymandesign.posterous.com has more details. http://www.WEBiversity.org has more video'sHere is a screenshot from talking to Mamading Ceesay and also Bjoern Lasse Hermann from SuperCoolSChool about TRAIDmark and how it can help any existing or startup company and chairty.
Traidmark.org = YOUR WORK + Institutional Innovation + Philanthropy
Traidmark.org = Not / For Profit + Institutional Innovation + Philanthropy (generating goodwill which enhances success and make everyone richer with performance pay)
This is a FREE way for any organisation to get instant goodwill and create Institutional Innovation so you gain more success and can help more people.
Get RICHER and do good for FREE! Sounds too good to be true but it is true. The hard part is to give away 100% net profit (which sounds counter intuitive but is the genius part when you get over the egoic greed of wanting to own the profit). When you give away 100% net profit your organisation essentially becomes a charity fundraising organisation so the enhanced goodwill you get will create so much success that you will get more back in performance pay from working in your organisation. So you can get richer by giving away your wealth! The cooperative have been doing this for generations but they did not invest all the funds in innovative charitable activity and that is the second stroke of genius. By investing the funds in INNOVATIVE charitable activity your funds can solve problems in the most efficient way once and for all enabling you to go on and work on new exciting solutions to other problems. If you dont know how to find innovative solutions ask us @whymandesign @FREEtraid
All you have to do is pledge to donate 100% net profit into new Innovative ways to solve human problems and you will gain
Enhanced Goodwill - leading to customer/client/supplier/employee/customer loyalty and enhanced productivity which makes you more successfull and is an added USP you can use against your competition which allows everyone in your company to get richer through enhanced performance pay.
Save lives - You can save lives by using your net profit to innovatively create ways to solve human health/education... problems.
Funds are therefore continually iinvested in new charitable projects that benefit everyone creating an infinitely scaling cycle of success.
Your could say...
Traidmark.org = COOP where funds are donated to INNOVATIVE charitable use rather than given to members
Traidmark.org = SHAREHOLDER owned company where dividends are donated to INNOVATIVE charitable use rather than given to shareholders
Traidmark.org = CHARITY where funds are donated to INNOVATIVE charitable use rather than given to the same old charitable use
Traidmark.org = GOVERNMENT where funds are donated to INNOVATIVE charitable use rather than given to the same old government.
How to enhance ANY organisation or startup so you become more successfull for FREE
How to enhance ANY organisation or startup so you become more successfull for FREE &
A. Help everyone collaborate together on charity work,B. Save lives by donating NET profit (after R&D costs),
C. Gain lots of new customers & suppliers & volunteers who want to help,
D. Gain more goodwill so you get a cumulative mass enhancing your organisations success
E. get personally richer through performance pay by giving away ownership of the organization/company to the world! http://www.Traidmark.org FREE Business Structure EVERYONE can use = YOUR WORK + 100% Net Profit Philanthropy (spent on INNOVATIVE NOT FOR PROFIT WORK to help/save lives) It sounds impossible but has been proven to work by cooperatives for ooo's of years... http://www.TRAIDmark.org explains the full benefits where you agree to pledge to donate surplus funds you generate into NEW INNOVATIVE charitable work which attracts customers so you gain more success and get rich with performance pay WHILE saving lives by donating funds raised to NEW INNOVATIVE charitable work (that you can create if you want to).
The more you give the more you get. http://www.TRAIDmark.org You could say that the TRAIDmark.org business structure is halfway between a Charity and a Company where you get the BEST OF BOTH WORLDS with caring compassion for everyone AND the Innovation that enables you to help everyone efficiently.
Investors can invest in startups and gain by being paid performance pay as a member of the team without owning the startup. This means that they can donate funds into new startups (which can save them funds in tax too!) and get paid performance pay for their work enhancing it. This means that the startup will forever be run in the best interest of the customer AND can fund innovations that benefit everyone. 2. ENTREPRENEURS
Anyone can set up their own enterprise at almost now cost using the web as a bootstrapped startup so can use this free business structure to help then succeed while also charitably helping others.
Customers & Employees can demand that this happens to any company organisation or government department as it is in the best interests for everyone. The best way to do this is to contact the owner / Board members directly by contacting them on the phone/twitter.
Any organisation or company that closes down can be saved by doing this. Either the assets can be taken away to pay off debts and the rest of the organisation can be donated to a charity OR the whole organisation can be turned into a Not For Profit Charity (which has positive tax savings). This will instantly SAVE JOBS in the organisation and give it a goodwill boost that will enable it to be saved from bankruptcy (like a phoenix).
Cooperatives have been successfully growing fro many years such as http://www.co-operativebank.co.uk & http://www.co-operative.coop & they can be enhanced by using the TRAIDmark.org model to spend the funds they generate on Innovative new charitable work.
Here are a few organisations already doing this (many donate 1-50% but that is often just a token gesture where as 100% helps save/improve many more lives:)...
Bodies that can benefit...
Organisations that can benefit...
Philanthropists that can benefit...
If you know anyone at any of these organisations please do tweet them this article in order to help enhance their work to help the most people.
Tweet @TRAIDmark for more details.
If you would like creative, Innovation & Social Media enhancements for any organisation contact http://www.WHYmandesign.com as we would love to help you help others even more.
Here is a second extra screengrab with extra details from talking to Mamading Ceesay and also Bjoern Lasse Hermann from SuperCoolSChool about TRAIDmark and how it can help any existing or startup company and chairty.
Cooperative (or Social Enterprise) + 100% Net Profit Philanthropy (spent on INNOVATIVE NOT FOR PROFIT WORK) = Traidmark.org FREE Business Structure EVERYONE can use.
Cooperative (or Social Enterprise) + 100% Net Profit Philanthropy (spent on INNOVATIVE NOT FOR PROFIT WORK) = Traidmark.org FREE Business Structure EVERYONE can use.
The more you give the more you get. http://www.TRAIDmark.orgTraidmark.org is a free way to enhance any organisation by donating net profit to innovative charitable work while motivating employees with performance pay. Essentially it is like a coop but where 100% net profit is donated to new charitable work.
Cooperatives have been successfully growing fro many years such as http://www.co-operativebank.co.uk & http://www.co-operative.coop & they can be enhanced by using the TRAIDmark.org model to spend the funds they generate on Innovative new charitable work. Here are also a few examples of BRAND NEW Innovative Entrepreneurs selflessly donating 100% net profit to innovative charitable work...
http://www.the-clarity-project.com & http://www.thetrulylovingcompany.com
Tweet @TRAIDmark for more details.
Cooperative (or Social Enterprise) + 100% Net Profit Philanthropy = Traidmark.org FREE Business Structure
Cooperative (or Social Enterprise) + 100% Net Profit Philanthropy = Traidmark.org FREE Business Structure
The more you give the more you get. http://www.TRAIDmark.org Traidmark.org is a free way to enhance any organisation by donating net profit to innovative charitable work while motivating employees with performance pay. Essentially it is like a coop but where 100% net profit is donated to new charitable work.1. Traidmark rewards organisations that donate net profits to good causes while making the exact percentage donated clear to consumers so they can make informed purchasing choices.
2. Traidmark promotes a proven business structure that was created as a way for companies to benefit (by gaining fundamentally important goodwill that boosts business) from funding innovation with up to 100% net profits. It can be used by Government, charities, start-ups or blue chip companies. Traidmark.org...1 Creates funds for innovative charitable work
2 Makes any organisation more 'efficient' by using net profit to fund NEW innovative charitable work.
3 Boosts any companies success rate with a large rise in valuable goodwill leading to customer loyalty.
4 Increases any companies productivity (due to workers increased motivation due to believe in the organisations outcomes)
5 Enables people who created your project to get rewarded financially though performance pay. http://www.webjam.com/traidmark/
Here is a list of Philanthropic Heroes...
#Cooperative (or #Social #Enterprise or #gov or #charity) + 100% #Net #Profit #Philanthropy = #Traidmark.org #FREE #os #Business #Structure
The more you #give the more you #get using #innovation @TRAIDmark #os #nfp #charity #cic #gov #ted
http://www.TRAIDmark.org explains how easy and counter intuitive it is to donate all your net profit to INNOVATIVE charitable work and get richer than if you were to selfishly clasp on to as much of the tiny profit you would generate without using this selfless business structure. If you register as a charity there are also may other advantages and benefits that will contribute to your success and therefore your performance pay. The irony is that people who do not use this are making themselves miss out. As it is free there is only one reason which is ignorance/awareness so please tell anyone you know so they do not miss out.
The premise is this. As we are all standing on the shoulders of giants by using the wheel, fire, tools to name just a few of our ancestors gifts to us... we are obliged to pass on what we create to future generations by NOT claiming ownership of them but instead working on projects that are run 'for the people' such as not for profits and charities. The hidden benefits of doing this can only fully be discovered by trying it. For instance when you create this people often find your work and offer to help in unexpected ways that help you personally and professionally. There are two groups, The have's and the have nots. Those that have wisdom know that selflessly helping others is key. Those that do not have wisdom think that selfishness is key. Both benefit and can collaborate using Traidmark.org We would like to help anyone wanting to help others. For instance canwe help you using the http://www.TRAIDmark.org business model (where you
get rich with performance pay and you gain from added goodwill created
by donating funds to charity?) This is essentially a cooperative or Not
for Profit but where any surplus funds are invested in NEW Innovative
Not for Profit activity that solves different social problems innovatively. It solves several issues.
A. It invests any wealth generated into more Innovation creating
Institutional Innovation
B. It stops organisations getting large (large organisations become
C. It stops anyone running any organisation from getting corrupted by
power/wealth as all organisations are small and efficient.
D. It rewards success (through the application of Innovation) in a
clever way that encourages selfless hard work by enabling the successful
people who use the business model to go on an invent then develop new
innovations so they create the freedom co continually make new ways to
help others. It also rewards hard work with performance pay so anyone
motivated by greed can still get rich (without owning the organisation).
Traidmark.org was created to help people like you make the largest impact with your donations. The key is for you to donate to INNOVATIVE new charitable work that is more efficient than traditional charitable work. This is ideally charitable work that solve the cause of a problem in a sustainable way rather than pick up the pieces. Often this can be done by creatively inventing solutions.
Traidmark.org = FREE Goodwill + Innovation + Freedom to help others
We would like to give you a FREE way you can beat your competition while improving your work which is called the http://www.TRAIDmark.org business model (where you get rich with performance pay and you gain from added goodwill created by donating funds to charity?) This is essentially a Cooperative or Not for Profit but where any surplus funds are invested in NEW Innovative Not for Profit activity that solves different social problems innovatively.
It solves several issues.
A. It invests any wealth generated into more Innovation creating Institutional Innovation
B. It stops organisations getting large (large organisations become inefficient)
C. It stops anyone running any organisation from getting corrupted by power/wealth as all organisations are small and efficient.
D. It rewards success (through the application of Innovation) in a clever way that encourages selfless hard work by enabling the successful people who use the business model to go on an invent then develop new innovations so they create the freedom co continually make new ways to help others. It also rewards hard work with performance pay so anyone motivated by greed can still get rich (without owning the organisation).
Traidmark.org = Not / For Profit + Institutional Innovation + Philanthropy (generating goodwill which enhances success and make everyone richer with enhanced performance pay)
Traidmark.org = Not / For Profit + Institutional Innovation + Philanthropy (generating goodwill which enhances success and make everyone richer with performance pay)
This is a FREE way for any organisation to get instant goodwill and create Institutional Innovation so you gain more success and can help more people.
Get RICHER and do good for FREE! Sounds too good to be true but it is true. The hard part is to give away 100% net profit (which sounds counter intuitive but is the genius part when you get over the egoic greed of wanting to own the profit). When you give away 100% net profit your organisation essentially becomes a charity fundraising organisation so the enhanced goodwill you get will create so much success that you will get more back in performance pay from working in your organisation. So you can get richer by giving away your wealth! The cooperative have been doing this for generations but they did not invest all the funds in innovative charitable activity and that is the second stroke of genius. By investing the funds in INNOVATIVE charitable activity your funds can solve problems in the most efficient way once and for all enabling you to go on and work on new exciting solutions to other problems. If you dont know how to find innovative solutions ask us @whymandesign @FREEtraid
All you have to do is pledge to donate 100% net profit into new Innovative ways to solve human problems and you will gain
Enhanced Goodwill - leading to customer/client/supplier/employee/customer loyalty and enhanced productivity which makes you more successfull and is an added USP you can use against your competition which allows everyone in your company to get richer through enhanced performance pay.
Save lives - You can save lives by using your net profit to innovatively create ways to solve human health/education... problems
Funds are therefore continually iinvested in new charitable projects that benefit everyone creating an infinitely scaling cycle of success.
Your could say...
Traidmark.org = COOP where funds are donated to INNOVATIVE charitable use rather than given to members
Traidmark.org = SHAREHOLDER owned company where dividends are donated to INNOVATIVE charitable use rather than given to shareholders
Traidmark.org = CHARITY where funds are donated to INNOVATIVE charitable use rather than given to the same old charitable use
Traidmark.org = GOVERNMENT where funds are donated to INNOVATIVE charitable use rather than given to the same old government.
Traidmark.org enables everyone to gain from hard work (performance pay) while adding value to any enterprise by funding innovation and running your enterprise as a Not For Profit or For Profit organisation that invests any surplus funds (or 100% net profit in the case of the for profit organization).So you gain popularity, volunteers, donations, collaborations and importantly goodwill by pledging to donate up to 100% net profit (or all surplus funds after R&D) BEFORE you become successful which in turn increases your chances of becoming successful.
Imagine if Warren Buffett or Bill Gates Li Ka-shing George Soros Howard Hughes (or any of the other philanthropists that are listed below http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/List_of_philanthropists) had pledged to donate their riches before they earned them. How much more funds could they have created using the added goodwill they would have cumulatively created over the years (not to mention the good work that they could have done to solve problems earlier if the money had been used as soon as it had been created). 1. This is a great way to enhance philanthropy by funding creativity and rewarding philanthropists and 2. importantly it means that everyone can become a philanthropist no matter what they earn. We can all be Microphilanthropists and gain greater success so we benefit personally too. One clear example is that Microfinance organisations can use this model to enhance the way they innovate.
It is that simple. All that you or anyone has to do is agree to donate all surplus funds to innovative charitable work (which you can set up and create so you are not giving money away but rather spending it on amazing new charitable projects you create).
This importantly increases creativity and inventions by creating institutional innovation by forcing any organisation to invest suplus funds into new innovative ways to solve problems. This is especially useful for governments and charities or philanthropic or training funds that have to be spend by certain dates every year as the funds can be saved by wise investments then used to fund pioneering innovation that will be able to efficiently solve problems through creative blue sky activities that build on and improve existing activities in an even more effective way.
This is how it works.
The organisation invests surplus profit in NEW Innovative enterprise (which helps make that organisation continually evolve because of this structure) which creates better services through institutional innovation. Everyone who works hard can still get financially rewarded through performance pay but there is a goodwill boost as everyone knows the organisation is solving human problems in the most efficient way possible by using innovation.
Anyone can implement the Traidmark business model. This is because any surplus created can be invested in innovative social enterprise which makes it a lot easier to 'do good'. So Traidmark is promoting the benefits of creating and running Not for profits that importantly invest any surplus cash in NEW innovative social enterprise not for profits. This enables good work to continually evolve and fund even more innovative work that is more efficient. Video explanation of the benefits http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Vp4xiNqWGe8
Here is an unedited conversation about the benefits of donating 100% net profit to NEW INNOVATIVE solutions to social problems (the conversation starts 8 minutes in after we iron our the setup problems and dificulties of outside broadcasts and multiconferencing! :)
Traidmark Logo
The Traidmark brand/logo aims to reward companies that donate profits to charity (measured in percentages of Net profit). We provide the logos on this website. All you have to do is copy the relevant logo and use it to help boost trade.
Help share this free way to anyone to help themselves by helping others by sharing with anyone who runs an organisation.
@openletter @business @structure http://www.Traidmark.org = philanthropy + Social Enterprise Innovation for @gov @charity @business
Your REWARD for reading this far is the pdf of one of the best books by Andrew Carnegie (who donated most of his fortune to create libraries and inspired Traidmark.org and TRUSTlibrary.org :)
#Think and #Grow #Rich by #NapoleonHill #AndrewCarnegie http://bit.ly/11XLOC (is it better than http://ow.ly/1P0km ?)
Traidmark.org = Not / For Profit + Social Enterprise Innovation Germinater
Traidmark.org = Not / For Profit + Social Enterprise Innovation Germinater Conact @whymandesign & @FREEtraid for more details
Traidmark.org enables everyone to gain from hard work (performance pay) while adding value to any enterprise by funding innovation and running your enterprise as a Not For Profit or For Profit organisation that invests any surplus funds (or 100% net profit in the case of the for profit organization).So you gain popularity, volunteers, donations, collaborations and importantly goodwill by pledging to donate up to 100% net profit (or all surplus funds after R&D) BEFORE you become successful which in turn increases your chances of becoming successful.
Imagine if Warren Buffett or Bill Gates Li Ka-shing George Soros Howard Hughes (or any of the other philanthropists that are listed below http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/List_of_philanthropists) had pledged to donate their riches before they earned them. How much more funds could they have created using the added goodwill they would have cumulatively created over the years (not to mention the good work that they could have done to solve problems earlier if the money had been used as soon as it had been created). 1. This is a great way to enhance philanthropy by funding creativity and rewarding philanthropists and 2. importantly it means that everyone can become a philanthropist no matter what they earn. We can all be Microphilanthropists and gain greater success so we benefit personally too. One clear example is that Microfinance organisations can use this model to enhance the way they innovate.
It is that simple. All that you or anyone has to do is agree to donate all surplus funds to innovative charitable work (which you can set up and create so you are not giving money away but rather spending it on amazing new charitable projects you create).
This importantly increases creativity and inventions by creating institutional innovation by forcing any organisation to invest suplus funds into new innovative ways to solve problems. This is especially useful for governments and charities or philanthropic or training funds that have to be spend by certain dates every year as the funds can be saved by wise investments then used to fund pioneering innovation that will be able to efficiently solve problems through creative blue sky activities that build on and improve existing activities in an even more effective way.
This is how it works.
The organisation invests surplus profit in NEW Innovative enterprise (which helps make that organisation continually evolve because of this structure) which creates better services through institutional innovation. Everyone who works hard can still get financially rewarded through performance pay but there is a goodwill boost as everyone knows the organisation is solving human problems in the most efficient way possible by using innovation.
Anyone can implement the Traidmark business model. This is because any surplus created can be invested in innovative social enterprise which makes it a lot easier to 'do good'. So Traidmark is promoting the benefits of creating and running Not for profits that importantly invest any surplus cash in NEW innovative social enterprise not for profits. This enables good work to continually evolve and fund even more innovative work that is more efficient. Video explanation of the benefits http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Vp4xiNqWGe8
@openletter @business @structure http://www.Traidmark.org = philanthropy + Social Enterprise Innovation for @gov @charity @business
Some notable philanthropists
- Full http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/List_of_philanthropists list below
- Prince Karim Aga Khan IV ~ founder[1] and chairman[2] of the Aga Khan Development Network which focuses on health, education, culture, rural development, institution-building and the promotion of economic development[2].
- Jane Addams ~ co-founder of the Hull House settlement house in Chicago[3].
- Howard Ahmanson, Jr. ~ multi-millionaire philanthropist and financier of the causes of many conservative Christian cultural, religious and political organizations.
- William Allen - founded and endowed many institutions and causes including 'Schools of Industry' at Lindfield and Newington Academy for Girls.
- Michael Bloomberg ~ Donations include over USD$300 million to Johns Hopkins University.
- Bono ~ co-founder of Product Red and of the One Campaign for the abolition of AIDS and poverty in Africa.
- Warren Buffett ~ pledged USD$30.7 billion worth of Berkshire Hathaway stock to the Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation.
- Nicholas Murray Butler - president of the Carnegie Endowment for International Peace from 1925 to 1945.
- Andrew Carnegie ~ donated money to build over 2500 libraries world-wide. Founder of the Carnegie Foundations, Carnegie Endowment for International Peace, and Carnegie Mellon University.
- Anthony Ashley Cooper, 7th Earl of Shaftesbury - chairman of the Ragged Schools Union (during the Victorian era).
- Marisol Deluna ~ fashion designer and founder of Deluna By Design, Inc. creates silk scarves and ties for charitable endeavors globally.
- Richard Desmond – President of the Norwood Charity, raised around £14m for charitable causes with the RD Crusaders, helped build the Richard Desmond Children’s Eye Centre part of Moorfields Eye Hospital.
- Walt Disney ~ helped to fund California Institute of the Arts
- Anthony J. Drexel ~ founder of Drexel University
- Maulana Dr. Abdul Sattar Edhi ~ head of the Edhi Foundation in Pakistan.
- Mohamed Al-Fayed ~ founder of The New School at West Heath.
- Chuck Feeney ~ founder of Atlantic Philanthropies.
- Edsel Ford ~ co-founder of the Ford Foundation.
- Henry Ford ~ co-founder of the Ford Foundation.
- Bill Gates ~ co-founder of the Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation.
- Melinda Gates ~ co-founder of the Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation.
- J. Paul Getty ~ funded the construction of the Getty Villa, the original Getty Museum, and donated his art collection to it. Upon his death, left his fortune to the Getty Museum, which eventually expanded to the Getty Center in Los Angeles.
- David Gilmour ~ singer and guitarist of Pink Floyd whom was made CBE for his years of philanthropy and gave $7.5 million from sale of his London home to the homeless charity Crisis
- Edward Harkness ~ Various private colleges and boarding schools; medical facilities; Commonwealth Fund
- Thomas Holloway ~ Victorian patent medicine entrepreneur and founder of Royal Holloway, University of London
- Johns Hopkins ~ founder of the Johns Hopkins University and the Johns Hopkins Hospital
- Amal Hijazi ~ a Lebanese singer, who is known for her philanthropy
- Howard Hughes ~ Aviator, engineer, industrialist and film producer, donated US$1.56billion to various charities including the Howard Hughes Medical Institute.
- Yusuf Islam (also known as Cat Stevens) ~ founder of Islamic schools, Muslim Aid and Small Kindness.
- Michael Jackson ~ has donated more than USD$300 million to various foundations.
- Angelina Jolie ~ American Actress,who is well know for her humanitarian world wide and who is also a Goodwill Ambassador for the UN Refugee Agency
- Alicia Keys ~ American singer/songwriter and spokeswoman for Keep A Child Alive.
- Imran Khan ~ Founder of the Shaukat Khanum Memorial Trust which was behind the first cancer research institution in Pakistan.
- H. F. Lenfest ~ donated $5 million in coherence with Chester County to preserve over 1,000 acres (4.0 km2) of land in Newlin Township, Chester County, PA. The land is now owned by Natural Lands Trust.
- Julius Curtis Lewis, Jr. ~ Estimated lifetime donations of USD$130 million to various civic, spiritual; charitable organizations. Many in Savannah, Georgia.
- Li Ka-shing ~ founder and chairman of the Li Ka Shing Foundation, which focuses on two major areas: capacity empowerment through education and building of a caring society through medical and healthcare related projects. In 2006, Li pledged to donate one-third of his fortune estimated at over USD$10 billion to charity and philanthropic projects throughout the world.
- Juliette Gordon Low ~ Also known as "Daisy", founded Girl Scouts of the USA in 1912 in Savannah, GA.
- Catherine T. MacArthur ~ co-founder of the MacArthur Foundation.
- John D. MacArthur ~ co-founder of the MacArthur Foundation.
- Chris Martin ~ lead singer of British alternative rock band Coldplay. He is known for supporting the aaaa
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