We are in amazing times with the internet enabling everyone to selflessly collaborate to help everyone. How can we all help everyone by enabling everyone to learn to become selfless then become empowered and enabled/tooled/skilled to help everyone best? Is the first step to help everyone learn to help everyone with free viral video eg http://www.WEBiversity.org (and how to help everyone overcome the ignorant 'no' mentality and' know it alls' who can not imagine improvements everywhere? Is the trick to encourage and empower everyone you meet?) A. Every human that has food water and shelter has everything they need. How best to help everyone remind each other of this and help everyone learn to observe the mind and ego so we can enjoy every second of our lives? How best to help link everyone up in positive ways for work/leisure and love eg http://www.dateforchange.com ((it appears to not be working but we would love to work with you to help set up a simple charity run networking/dating website like this). B. How to enable any money or finance to be invested sustainably in impact investment in sustainable social enterprise eg with responsible crowdfunding innovation that benefits everyone openly? How to make sure this emerging industry is managed so that humans are not misguided into funding wasteful/bad products and help everyone fund the most innovative/good products that can scale sustainably? Any organisation or company can gain success by becoming a charity and make the workers and shareholders richer over the long term. Yes it is that simple and http://www.webjam.com/traidmark explains in more detail. What simple ways are there to enable everyone to simply learn and then invest in the most effective ways the benefit everyone? Is the first step to help everyone to lean tor become selfless eg http://www.webiversity.org C. What are the most important problems to solve for all humans and what are the best ways to help everyone creatively innovate to solve them?
How to prevent any/all problems right now by supporting and educating/empowering everyone to solve the problems right now (as humans can solve any problem right now they just need support to do this and manage the solutions in sustainable open ways so they can benefit EVERYONE eg Open Source. D. How to help protect everyone from technological erosion or corruption and egeing and record as much information from everyone (especially older people) so we can pass this all on as open data to future generations? Should all data be made open as it benefits everyone and is more valuable to everyone if it is open? Should all ideas and technology be made open source as it benefits the majority the most and also beneifts the individuals that own the 'rights' more as they will then be enabled to develop what they previously 'owned' so that it can be used more effectively for everyones gain. E. How best to enhance travel and tourism so that it benefits local communities in the most sustainable way? What simple things can business and tourists do when travelling to help everyone? Eg create free www.TrustLibrary.org at any location they stay or make art and give it away? F. How to prevent humans from killing each other in local and/or global ways through ignorance? Educate everyone to be peaceful and respect all life (like all humans/animals have done over time)? Which videos could do that best eg http://www.WEBiversity.org G. What is the best way to help everyone learn to do anything with our minds if we learn to view/phrase things in our life in the correct way... EG using mindfullness/meditation to help anyone learn to become aware of their mind/ego and actually stop worrying or doing things we dont need to worry/do. How can everyone enable everyone to learn to love everyone and give enough respect to everyone so that we all can feel that we are expected to raise to all challenges by creatively collaborating in a selfless way so that we are all empowered to raise to all challenges due to the implied respect that we all give each other (spiral of success)? How to prevent any individual from getting into a downward spiral of anger/vice/depression/hate/competition best eg by sharing free viral video http://www.webiversity.org If we look at everything in life in a happy "glass half full way" we make our life happy and a joy to live so we dont want/need any vices as we are content with just being and helping others. H. Every problem can be solved simply just by posting the problem on the web and encouraging everyone to solve it in an open source creative commons selfless way EG Mozilla/Wikipedia... How best to organise this in a responsible decentralised way so that everyone can access and share varied solutions eg Healthcare/Education? I. How best to help everyone learn that you gain more by giving all you have for the benefit of humankind? Eg love is best shared as it benefits the most people as is knowledge and all the inventions/art/music... that we all already take for granted due to our ancestors selflessly sharing (standing on the shoulders of giants).
If you would like know any moreor are making a charity run startup (or a startup that donates 100% of its net profit to charity do contact us as we can help with contacts advice and funding http://www.whymandesign.com
1. How to help everyone selflessly innovate to benefit everyone most? First everyone has to be enabled to continually learn so that we can become wise/selfless so we learn to enjoy every second of life by selflessly helping everyone using our skills effectively eg http://www.webiversity.magnify.net/video/Happiness-Secret-Win-Friends--2;search%3Aself 2. What is the best way to help anyone to learn to become selfless and encourage everyone they meet to do more rather than the jealous haters and trolls that try to knock others down because of their own failings? Maybe by sharing videos like this so that we can all continually learn to become more and more wise and selfless? http://www.webiversity.magnify.net/video/AuthorsGoogle-Alan-Gregerman;search%3Agenius 3. What is the best way to help any organisation to selflessly innovate to benefit everyone?
Is the best way to share video or can we also link up the organisations so they can learn from each other and collaborate rather than compete so that everyone benefits? Or just to make them and us all aware of them and their potential so we can use their services and help them in any way we can. Please share this list to help anyone use this list... Here is a list of SOME of the most exciting open and selfless not for profit organisations that could benefit significantly by collaborating in every part of what they do with each other and everyone using open innovation... How best to help all these organisations collaborate together as so much extra value could be created just by doing this?... Open Source, Not For Profit (NFP) organisations that could collaborate or even join to benefit everyone...
Open decentralised impartial web software by http://www.mozilla.org eg http://www.mozilla.org/en-US/firefox/new/ (How can we help save https://www.drumbeat.org ?)
Open web (access to knowledge...) http://www.webfoundation.org/ http://www.w3.org/ http://okfn.org/
Wiki encyclopedia http://www.wikipedia.org and http://wikimedia.org
Free books & media that are open for anyone to share http://archive.org http://www.gutenberg.org http://www.ourmedia.org/
Local Wiki that enables anyone to contribute on a local level http://www.localwiki.org
Peer to Peer (p2p) legal video sharing like Youtube/iplayer http://www.miro.org
Content Management System (CMS) like Drupal/Wordpress http://www.bettermeans.orgÂ
Free travel hosting and volunteering like Couchsurfing / Airbnb http://www.bewelcome.org & http://www.bevolunteer.org
Volunteering http://www.do-it.org.uk/ and http://www.avaaz.org/en/ and http://www.volunteermatch.org/
Charity Recruitment http://www.workingforacharity.org.uk and http://www.w4mp.org/ and http://www.idealist.org/
Free civic engagement software like http://www.mysociety.org/ created http://www.fixmystreet.com/
Democracy and voting software like http://liquidfeedback.org/
Open Government http://data.gov.uk/
Crowdfunding software that anyone can use free http://catarse.me/en and www.spacehive.com plus more here http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Comparison_of_crowd_funding_services (How can we help save https://www.drumbeat.org ?)
Reusing and recycling everything free http://www.ilovefreegle.org/ and http://www.uk.freecycle.org/
Open ecology http://opensourceecology.org/
Open Data http://www.theodi.org/ http://data.worldbank.org/
Creative Commons free content that anyone can share http://www.creativecommons.org/
Open law for charity http://www.lawforchange.org http://www.i-probono.com/
Technology advice for charities http://home.techsoup.org and http://www.ctt.org/ and http://www.ctxchange.org/
Open free business structures that benefit everyone with 100% net profit donation to INNOVATIVE charitable work eg http://www.webjam.com/traidmark
Organisations loaning finance to help everyone http://www.kiva.org/ and http://www.muhammadyunus.org/
Charities funding exciting selfless innovation are http://www.knightfoundation.org/ http://www.nesta.org.uk/ http://www.wellcome.ac.uk/
Organisations supporting selfless social enterprise and open source communities and ecosystems http://www.ted.com/ http://www.thersa.org http://www.nexters.co.uk/the-nexters
Organisations investing for good http://www.bigsocietycapital.com (using money from dormant bank accounts for Impact Investing) http://www.bigissueinvest.com/
Organisations innovating for the benefit of everyone eg TATA http://www.tata.com/ourcommitment/sub_index.aspx?sectid=i6eUTkvtRos= How best to enable that all data and information is opened up so that everyone can access it for the benefit of everyone?
One of many dangers are that this information, community and data gets locked down into silos that are inaccessible and therefore can not be joined re/mixed together to add any value so can become redundant by over control and conservative behaviour. One way of helping these organisations is to create free new ways to benefit everyone and share them online eg http://www.webiversity.org (way to auto aggregate and add value to video) http://www.TRUSTlibrary.org (way to create free libraries anywhere) and http://www.webjam.com/traidmark (way to create sustainable income for anyone to work on charitable causes) It would be great to help any rf these or other organisations enhance what they do with simple changes that have proven to work. Enabling anyone to help any organisation needs to be made easier and could be done right now with proven techniques if the organisations enable and allow this to happen eg open innovation. How best to enable anyone to have fun while helping the most people possible? eg creating free libraries in minutes http://www.TRUSTlibrary.org or sharing the best free videos on the web eg http://www.WEBiversity.org What are the best ways to enable anyone to earn a living while selflessly creatively innovating in the most effective ways to help everyone? EG anyone can donate 100% of their NET profit to innovative charitable work right now and get richer as their trade and therefore performance pay will increase. http://www.WEBjam.com/traidmark explains more. How best to enable any and all funds are invested in the most beneficial way that benefits everyone?g organisations so that they can sever everyone better with simple changes eg by sharing the best free video for everyone http://www.WEBiversity.org How best to enable the young and old and disabled and dishartened and athetic and 'successful' keep up with the rapid change in technology so they can use the tools to help everyone the most? Is the best way to keep educating everyone with the best free viral videos eg http://www.WEBiversity.org If you have any positive additions to this please do message me on facebook in the http://www.WEBiversity.org group How best to help anyone creatively innovate in an open way that benefits everyone effectively? Can we help you enhance anything your doing with proven creative techniques and ideas? If so tell us what your doing on Facebook and we can help. http://www.whymandesign.com A few examples of ways we can help you and anyone creatively innovate are... 1. The Playground Games production was created and successfully pitched to the BBC World Service as a way to link up the 2012 Olympic Games sport coverage with wider cultural, geographic, historic and educational issues on a global scale using the World Service;'s reach to enhance peoples lives on a global level using the power of social media and web 2.0. 2. The UK Vision Song Contest was created for the BBC & Children in Need after winning a BBC wide pitching competition where we pitched to the Controller of BBC1 Peter Salmon, The Head of BBC Vision Peter Fincham and other BBC executives. 3. Oxfams Progreso chain of coffee shops that donate 100% net profit to charity was enhanced with a number of proven and innovative innovations such as implementing customer recycling, training and employing homeless people plus running sporting and other events for charity. 4. The UnLtd award winning http://www.TRUSTlibrary.org open source public service innovation that turns wasted or unused space and recycles products to enhance communities and empower the public to solve local and global issues. 5. We created the free and open source / creative commons business model for anyone to use that combines the value of charitable compassion with the relentless progress of business / social enterprise to enhance ANY organisations to it can fund innovation that benefits everyone. If you know of any organisation (every one) that could use this do pass on the details to them and us. More at http://www.webjam.com/traidmark 6. We created http://www.WEBiversity.org as a free example of how anyone can help everyone in simple ways if given flexible enough tools to educate and enable them to help everyone. If you know any organisation we could help with this do contact us. 7. We have enhanced many charities and social enterprises by adding value in many proven ways using the large and continually growing potential of the web and social media and can do this for you. What is the best way to educate everyone so we all can selflessly collaborate on creating innovative new ways to help everyone? And how best to protect everyone from those that want to claim ownership of creativity, ideas and designs?
TRUSTlibrary.org Setup Guidance
Thanks for looking into how to make your own FREE Trust Library. The aim is to help others get free books and then give them away so that we can all easily help each other have a nicer day! The key is to make the Library easy to spot using the most accessibly location while making the library look as stylish as possible using the resources you have. For starters we have created the website with documents to download to make it as easy as possible for you to improve your neighbourhood by creating a trust library. The best part is that you can make it however you want and show others what you made here. So to help you here are some pointers (essentially put books in boxes with posters and list the location on TRUSTlibrary.org)...
Download all the documents on http://wwww.TRUSTlibrary.org.
List yourself on the Volunteers page and then to chat with other volunteers to get the latest advice. http://www.webjam.com/TRUSTlibrary/volunteers
List your name & what you can 1. GIVE 2. WANT 3. Email Contact 4. Your Donation 5. Suggestions
EG I would put this...Ed Whyman
1. I want to volunteer and will promote this site on Facebook/Twitter
2. I want to make exciting collaborative artworks using recycled material.
3. http://www.twitter.com/whymandesign
4. I have subscribed to donate £9 a month and have set up a trust library using my unwanted books.
5. Add other things you want:)
6. I also can provide art to display in the shops. examples at at http://www.whymandesign.com
Book Stamp Design (text to use to stamp every book that goes through the Library)You can create & get free stamps and postcards/T-shirts from http://www.VISTAprint.com
FREE BOOK FREEtraid.org Read/Review/Draw/Give & Donate TRUSTlibrary.org rate__/99 write review....
Please list the location of the Trust Library you are looking to make on the website and when it is made please take pictures and video's and link to it from the relevant Town page. (If no town page exists ask for one by commenting on the http://www.webjam.com/TRUSTlibrary/volunteers page.)
Social Sites (Facebook/twitter...)
As a volunteer you can get feedback on what you are doing on Facebook and Twitter by joining this group https://www.facebook.com/group.php?gid=348867089849 and follow http://twitter.com/TRUSTlibrary or use this #WEBiversity
Build your Library
Find a location and stick up the posters and signs there and around town so that others know where to go to find your library. Use recycled material such as cardboard boxes and modify/improve them by sticking posters on or painting them. Then put as many unwanted books as you can collect (after stamping them with the stamp
Get books
Use the people you already know to get books. Friends/family/collogues are the best contacts. At least one should know someone who is getting rid of books. If that is not successful then either call or walk in to your local charity shops and ask them if you can take any books that they can not sell away in exchange for a donation (You can get a lot of books for under £10 and if you can not afford that contact us and we can help). http://www.charityshops.org.uk or similar sites will give you the contact details for your local charity shops.
Book Review Information (post at http://www.webjam.com/trustlibrary/book_review )
Please list the books below in this order
1. Location found
2. Who you gave the book to (or will give to)
3. Book Name
4. Your Review
5. Link to the book review from http://www.WEBiversity.org
6. Your contact details (hear about when free books are given away in your local area by subscribing to our newsletter and follow us at http://www.twitter.com/trustlibrary
For a real example...
Ed Whyman
1. I found a book at the British Library.
2. I gave it to my Grand Mother!
3. Book Name: The Power Of Now.
4. I rate it 9/10 Great explanation of how everyone can make their life great by enjoying living now and combating unnecessary worrying.
5. http://webiversity.mirocommunity.org/video/
6. Contact me at http://www.twitter.com/whymandesign
Frequently Asked Questions
List all questions or suggestions on the Volunteers page http://www.webjam.com/TRUSTlibrary/volunteers
Future Development
We are looking for Train Stations, Tube Stations, Airports, Ports, Libraries, Hostel, Hotel, Charity Shops where we can give free books away with you. We are also looking at the best way to distribute the free books using existing transport infrastructure so that we can add value to your services. Do you have a Bus, Lorry, Train, Plane that has spare space that we can use to install a FREE Trust Library in your area?
List comments/suppliers at http://www.webjam.com/trustlibrary/partners
If you find a new location list it at http://www.webjam.com/trustlibrary/new_location
http://www.TRUSTlibrary.org is created by http://www.WHYMANdesign.com
Traidmark.org is a FREE business structure that enables you to gain from hard work (performance pay) while adding value to any enterprise by funding innovation and running your enterprise as a Not For Profit or For Profit organisation that invests any surplus funds (or 100% net profit in the case of the for profit organisatioin). enterprise + philanthropy + coop = http://www.webjam.com/traidmark = institutional innovation for gov org nfp or capitalism
Every organisation, company and government could be run more effectively as a Charity AND benefit the owners shareholders or taxpayers
Every company, organisation, government agency or sole trader can enhance what they do and save lives just by registering as a charity so that all their net profits are then spent on new innovation that benefits everyone and charitable causes. Founders, employees, partners and investors all gain from the large added goodwill that is gained that translates into profits that then are used to fund innovation that saves lives. The founders and shareholders can even more money from the enterprise as they gain by getting large performance pay packages that are greater than their original personal profit as the company is making larger profits from the extra goodwill it gains.
For example. A sole trader changes their status to a charity and donates net profit to new innovative charitable work. They then gain large amounts of goodwill from this and so get more and more work enabling them to get rich on performance pay WHILE saving lives with the extra funds that they raise which are then spent on innovative sustainable charitable work. http://www.whymandesign.posterous.com has more details. http://www.WEBiversity.org has more video's
Here is a screenshot from talking to Mamading Ceesay and also Bjoern Lasse Hermann from SuperCoolSChool about TRAIDmark and how it can help any existing or startup company and chairty.
Traidmark.org = YOUR WORK + Institutional Innovation + Philanthropy
Traidmark.org = Not / For Profit + Institutional Innovation + Philanthropy (generating goodwill which enhances success and make everyone richer with performance pay)
This is a FREE way for any organisation to get instant goodwill and create Institutional Innovation so you gain more success and can help more people.
Get RICHER and do good for FREE! Sounds too good to be true but it is true. The hard part is to give away 100% net profit (which sounds counter intuitive but is the genius part when you get over the egoic greed of wanting to own the profit). When you give away 100% net profit your organisation essentially becomes a charity fundraising organisation so the enhanced goodwill you get will create so much success that you will get more back in performance pay from working in your organisation. So you can get richer by giving away your wealth! The cooperative have been doing this for generations but they did not invest all the funds in innovative charitable activity and that is the second stroke of genius. By investing the funds in INNOVATIVE charitable activity your funds can solve problems in the most efficient way once and for all enabling you to go on and work on new exciting solutions to other problems. If you dont know how to find innovative solutions ask us @whymandesign @FREEtraid
All you have to do is pledge to donate 100% net profit into new Innovative ways to solve human problems and you will gain
Enhanced Goodwill - leading to customer/client/supplier/employee/customer loyalty and enhanced productivity which makes you more successfull and is an added USP you can use against your competition which allows everyone in your company to get richer through enhanced performance pay.
Save lives - You can save lives by using your net profit to innovatively create ways to solve human health/education... problems.
Funds are therefore continually iinvested in new charitable projects that benefit everyone creating an infinitely scaling cycle of success.
Your could say...
Traidmark.org = COOP where funds are donated to INNOVATIVE charitable use rather than given to members
Traidmark.org =Â SHAREHOLDER owned company where dividends are donated to INNOVATIVE charitable use rather than given to shareholders
Traidmark.org =Â CHARITY where funds are donated to INNOVATIVE charitable use rather than given to the same old charitable use
Traidmark.org =Â GOVERNMENT where funds are donated to INNOVATIVE charitable use rather than given to the same old government.
How to enhance ANY organisation or startup so you become more successfull for FREE
How to enhance ANY organisation or startup so you become more successfull for FREE &
A. Help everyone collaborate together on charity work,
B. Save lives by donating NET profit (after R&D costs),
C. Gain lots of new customers & suppliers & volunteers who want to help,
D. Gain more goodwill so you get a cumulative mass enhancing your organisations success
E. get personally richer through performance pay by giving away ownership of the organization/company to the world! http://www.Traidmark.org FREE Business Structure EVERYONE can use = YOUR WORK + 100% Net Profit Philanthropy (spent on INNOVATIVE NOT FOR PROFIT WORK to help/save lives) It sounds impossible but has been proven to work by cooperatives for ooo's of years... http://www.TRAIDmark.org explains the full benefits where you agree to pledge to donate surplus funds you generate into NEW INNOVATIVE charitable work which attracts customers so you gain more success and get rich with performance pay WHILE saving lives by donating funds raised to NEW INNOVATIVE charitable work (that you can create if you want to).
The more you give the more you get. http://www.TRAIDmark.org You could say that the TRAIDmark.org business structure is halfway between a Charity and a Company where you get the BEST OF BOTH WORLDS with caring compassion for everyone AND the Innovation that enables you to help everyone efficiently.
Investors can invest in startups and gain by being paid performance pay as a member of the team without owning the startup. This means that they can donate funds into new startups (which can save them funds in tax too!) and get paid performance pay for their work enhancing it. This means that the startup will forever be run in the best interest of the customer AND can fund innovations that benefit everyone. 2. ENTREPRENEURS
Anyone can set up their own enterprise at almost now cost using the web as a bootstrapped startup so can use this free business structure to help then succeed while also charitably helping others.
Customers & Employees can demand that this happens to any company organisation or government department as it is in the best interests for everyone. The best way to do this is to contact the owner / Board members directly by contacting them on the phone/twitter.
Any organisation or company that closes down can be saved by doing this. Either the assets can be taken away to pay off debts and the rest of the organisation can be donated to a charity OR the whole organisation can be turned into a Not For Profit Charity (which has positive tax savings). This will instantly SAVE JOBS in the organisation and give it a goodwill boost that will enable it to be saved from bankruptcy (like a phoenix).Cooperatives have been successfully growing fro many years such as http://www.co-operativebank.co.uk & http://www.co-operative.coop & they can be enhanced by using the TRAIDmark.org model to spend the funds they generate on Innovative new charitable work.
Here are a few organisations already doing this (many donate 1-50% but that is often just a token gesture where as 100% helps save/improve many more lives:)...
http://www.the-clarity-project.com" target="_blank"> http://www.the-clarity-proj
Thursday, 7 February 2013
How to #solve all #problems using the #web & #net? eg @WEBiversity #nfp #socent #gov #tedx #rhok #bigsociety #yeswecan
1. How best to enable everyone to find the most important things in life and conquer their fears and vices (often caught when young/immature like a child so can be solved with an educated mature responsible mind). Is the best way to share the simple and proven best videos that we find via social media eg http://www.webiversity.magnify.net/video/Happiness-Secret-Win-Friends--2
2. How best to enable everyone to find friends and that special loved one (in the 7 Billion people on this planet!!! which means we are all affected by the Paradox of Choice by Analysis Paralysis http://www.ted.com/talks/barry_schwartz_on_the_paradox_of_choice.html which could mean "You Cant Always Get What You Want But Sometimes You Might Get What you Need" which does not mean compromise but means open your eyes to the beauty in everyone and how we all overlook what is right in front of us due to "familiarity breeding contempt")? Is the best way to create a charity run open dating network where anyone can find contacts and dating partners in an open and responsible way? As this is such an important part of life how come this has not been solved in an open resonsible way on the web/net/wiki's? How is it possible to work with Wiki's such as http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Charity_dating to do this eg with http://www.datingforacause.com/ http://dateforchange.com/ http://www.slowdating.com/charity.aspx Maybe learning to love everyone you meed is the best way as everyone can be great if we encourage and expect them to be great then every individual human and humanity is hard wired to exceed our expectations http://www.webiversity.magnify.net/video/Friends-Haters;search%3Alove
3. How best to help everyone reduce stress in life so we all can live happier healthier AND LONGER lives?! Is the best way to help anyone learn how to become aware of their ego and then master their mind so that they are able to become aware of and stop all stress or negative feeling just by sitting quietly and observing and then mastering your mind and ego (the part of your mind that runs in circles worrying about things) http://www.webiversity.magnify.net/video/Mindfulness-The-key-to-a-health;search%3Astress
4. How best to make all resources (people, information/data, materials...) open and decentralised so that anyone can access them so that the selfless creative innovators are ABLE and empowered to creatively innovate for the benefit of everyone (just like the creative innovators in the past did with tools/fire/wheel/penecillin...) Is there a simple way that anyone can get access to anything eg by asking to use the resource for charitable work that will save lives? Is the best way to help educate everyone by sharing good videos on social media so we all can learn to become selfless and wise and help everyone eg with http://www.webiversity.org
5. How best to prevent the conformists from beating the creative innovators by conforming so they eventually fill organisations so they then stop creatively innovating and die which harms everyone? Is the best way to keep every organisations run without hierarchies or structures so that everyone works indapendantly collaborating together? How best to educate everyone about this danger and what is the best way to prevent and cure this organisational problem? Eg by educating everyone with videos www.webiversity.org
A. One way is to simply link them up openly using social networks such as www.wikipedia.org (but a major problem is that these networks are often locked down and at best enable the sharing of text video and images?!
B. A second way is to simply create a group on a social network talking about the best way to link up the organisations and invite anyone to join eg http://www.facebook.com/groups/edupedia/ is created to help www.edupedia.org have a Facebook group and also help it collaborate with creative innovators and other organisations.
C. A third way is to create example prototype websites showing how simple proven creative innovation can work and how it can benefit anyone. This means that you will have created a bootstrapped tech startup at almost no cost so you will be benefitting everyone while trying to contact the right people to show them the example of how to help enhance their work. For example www.WEBiversity.org is created to show has just by sharing video anyone can help everyone and www.TRUSTlibrary.org is created to show how anyone can make their own library in minutes just by sharing the books they has already read and http://www.webjam.com/traidmark is just one simple proven way for any organisations so save lives and have more success and get richer by donating 100% net profit to innovative charitable work.
D. A fourth and the most simple way is to just share great work that you see everywhere and openly encourage everyone you meet as everyone is amazing and can be even more amazing if you encourage and openly give only positive feedback as negative feedback almost always fails and damages people. http://www.webiversity.magnify.net/video/AuthorsGoogle-Alan-Gregerman;search%3Agenius has more videos explaining this.
E. A fifth way is to stop consuming products/services that damage you in the short/long term. This can be done as simply as by becoming aware of the products/services that you are consuming and how your mind/ego is manipulated by advertising to want objects/experiences (that you actually dont want/need!:) That is how/why advertising exists?!! This great clip from Guy Richies Revolver film explains more http://www.webiversity.magnify.net/video/Your-ultimate-enemy-your-person If we as consumers only buy what helps everyone then all companies/governments/charities will change to serve our needs.
Do share this post and any other usefull details on the http://www.webiversity.org facebook page.
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