Monday, 18 March 2013

What are the best ways to help everyone #helpall? eg #openlife @WEBiversity #nfp #socent #gov #tedx #rhok

So much can be done right now that almost all (if not all) human problems can be solved. All we need to do is encourage everyone so they are able to solve them. How best to enable everyone to do this? Is the best way to inspire/educate everyone with viral video eg

What is the best way to educate and empower everyone to create facebook/google/twitter groups about any problem so that everyone can help solve them? Can a viral video inspire everyone to collaborate just as PSY Gangnam Style has inspired the world to dance together?! Maybe videos like

1. Open ideas can solve all problems if we cultivate educate and support everyone so we all continually learn to think in new ways that benefit everyone eg

2. How best to enable everyone to survive while using their brain as effectively as possible to help everyone selflessly? Is the best way to share proven techniques on social media eg Busking

3. What are the best free techniques that anyone can share to help everyone make the most of life? Eg Do what you love & walk away from negative people

4A. How best to help everyone learn to be more compassionate and selfless as that makes them happier and helps everyone? Is the best way to learn to master your mind/ego

4B. How best to help everyone master their mind by becoming aware of their ego and how the mind worries about unessesary things when out of control...

5. How best to help everyone learn the free techniques that anyone can use to enhance their relationships with everyone?,_Women_Are_from_Venus

6. How to enable everyone to travel so we all learn to open our minds? Open exchange eg

7. How to enable everyone to share good things and love with everyone while sharing the learning from bad experiences? Eg sharing everything nice that you experience on social media...

8. How best to enable anyone to learn about positive and negative spirals and help them break/build on them so they can transform their lives (everyone needs to do this at least a little bit)

9. What is the best way to help all do what they love and give away for free? Eg Busking or donating to anyone that creates good things?

10. What are the best conversation techniques that everyone can learn to enhance communication eg questions... What is your passion?...

11. What are the best ways to enhance any organisation or process so that it can benefit everyone the most? Eg how to develop/enhance so that everyone can help develop it.

12. What other open ideas can we share that can benefit everyone eg

13. What simple ways are there to enhance everything that everyone does so they benefit everyone more? Eg making everything open and linking everyone (and importantly educating everyone to be selfless so they are happier and everyone then helps everyone as the selfless gene has proven this works even better in an interconnected world).

14. How best to add value to everything on the web in open ways so everyone can converse and share (eg enhancing how Wikipedia is edited so it can be updated in different dimensions) Eg this page should have more detail but it is not possible to improve it

15. As there are and always were so many people how can we link up with those we need to link to while helping others link in different ways? Can an auto link system help do this in a decentralised way so we all can interact in any way (while being educated to be selfless and help everyone so we all help each other)? Can auto aggregation and rss/twitter streams be used in an open way so that all big data can be used by everyone to help everyone?

Can we help you with these and other simple proven creative solutions to problems eg

So much can be done with simple proven techniques that have been used for thousands of years all that humans need to do is continue learning with an open mind and yes mentality encouraging and sharing with everyone they know using social media. We have all we need we just need to want all we have?

If you would like any help with creative innovation using proven techniques or ways to enhance any activity/organisation with the web, mobile or social media please contact

1. What is the best way to list the worlds major problems and enable everyone to solve them while going about their everyday lives? Is the best way to find and share entertaining viral videos that educate everyone and share them on open platforms so that everyone can contribute? eg

2. How best to enable everyone to comment/share anything in an open freedom of speech way so that it is accessible for all (this means it has to be visible to all in an opt out way so people are aware of it)? Any piece of the web or even real world object/entity that people are not enabled to comment on in an open way surely is against their freedom to speak so it should be mandatory that anyone can comment anywhere without the comments being reviewed or vitoed (any problems with computer spam is a different issue and must not be used as a poor/lazy excuse if people are not creative enough to solve this problem).

3. How best to help anyone create their own selfless creative/innovation/startup that is run responsibly while creating the most useful creative/innovative products/services that benefit everyone in an open way? Is the best way to run open innovation collaboration spaces on open networks such as Wikipedia/Mozilla?  Can we help you do this with

4. How best to encourage any creative innovator, social entrepreneur startup, student, unemployed or retired person to travel the world on a shoestring while doing what they already where doing? Is the best way to run charity travel groups so that anyone can travel while doing the most good?

5. How best to help make tourism/aid/trade income used in the most effective way that benefits everyone? Is the best way for it to be spend on new creative innovation that benefits everyone in open decentralised ways? Could this be done best by purchasing everything from individuals / sole traders who create/craft/make innovative products so the creative/innovation cycles in funded from the ground up anywhere in the world?

6. How best to make all money/finance/investment help the most people? Is the best way to rate all organisations so that investors can objectively see which organisations help the most people the most? eg

7. How to make the most of all travels on a day to day basis. How can any travel from walking down the street to commuting or a round the world trip be used to help many people? What would be the best way to automatically find the best products/services that benefit everyone as you walk round eg on a map?

8. What is the best way to enable anyone to work out of poverty? Is the best way to educate and empower everyone so we all learn to selflessly creatively innovate openly for the benefit of everyone so that everyone can help everyone at the same time eg

9. How best to enable everyone to help enhance specialised and generalised areas so that we call can help using the massive power of the Amateur and free social time to help everyone? Is the best way to list the major world problems from drought to love and auto share everyones contributions in an opensource way? This could start by sharing the best educational videos eg

10. How best to help everyone earn a living while creatively innovating in a selfless way so that they can help everyone? Is the best way for everyone to just DO WHAT YOU LOVE and earn income in any way you can from busking/donations to finding work that incorporates your skills/interests? What other ways could this be done eg government paying everyone to selfless innovate for the benefit of everyone?

11. What simple ways are there to help anyone set up a local community of selfless creative innovators so that they create useful output while also covering new ground in open ways so that everyone can collaborate on a global scale (reducing wasteful repetition/competition/monopoly/ignorance)?

12. Can mobiles and web apps be enhanced so that they can serve everyone eg with open data and sharing of groups automatically so the web and data becomes open for all?

13. How best to update all techniques and processes so that they make the most of the free and open technology that the web, mobile and social media make available to all? Is one way to educate everyone with free online video eg

14. How best to link and organise all blogs/words/data/machines/objects so that we can all use the networks power to help everyone the most?

15. How to update all HR and recruitment processes so that they take account for and use the potential of the web, mobile and social media so everyone can have the best job and help the most people with their skills? There is a real danger that the status quo is harming all employers and employees and applicants because it could be done so much better but has not been improved.

16. How to enable all organisations to make the most of the massive game changing potential of the web, mobile and social media? Is the best way to educate everyone with free video eg so that everyone learns about the positive open potential of technology and the future and then goes on to pay creative innovators so they can add significant value in every aspect of society.

17. How to update all legal and law processes so that they are up to date with the latest web, mobile and social technology (as they are out of date if they are not currently)

18. How best to protect everyone in the ever more interconnected world from legal/civil/cultural changes/loopholes and out of date legal/civil/cultural rules? Is the best way to enable everyone to help update the improve them with open innovation?

19. How best to help everyone learn how to make the most of their life eg the 80/20 rule and to become aware of vices and virtues that affect every human not to mention culture and peer pressure that holds everyone back? Sharing viral videos may help eg

20. How to update all scientific and medical processes so that they are up to date with the latest web, mobile and social technology (as they are out of date if they are not currently)

21. How best to enhance all human activities so that they actually help everyone? Eg make any/all orgs/services independent charitable organisations that enable open creative innovation so that everyone can help everyone?

22. How best to enhance eating/drinking/sleeping/dating so that they help everyone? Is the best way just to auto share good things we find so everyone can benefit in an open source way?

23. What is the best way to enable the most people (everyone) to creatively innovate in ways they enjoy that benefit the most people while protecting all ideas/design from the selfish ignorant and organisations that want to own/control/restrict them? Is the best way to share all income from all human output with everyone in new open ways using the power of the web to reinvent everything?

24. How best to help everyone use all tools so that everyone can enhance them and earn a living while doing this?

25. How best to help everyone reinvent existing status quo organisations/techniques/tools using the power of the internet/mobile/social that is proven to be able to reinvent anything in far better ways?

26. What is the best way to help everyone learn and control their basic animal instincts and learn to watch and master their mind so they can make their mind and life happy just by thinkingabout how to make themselves happy by helping everyone...? Is sharing good viral videos the bes way eg

27. How best to protect everyone from the selfish ignorant and ideas being used in a selfish way (many are currently being used in selfish ways to the detriment of everyone)?  Is the best way to educate everyone to learn to become wise and selfless eg and share information on the dangers of ideas?! eg What is your dangerous Idea?

28. What is the best way to help the open and selfless innovations grow and flourish best? Is the best way to just share open and creative things that people are making so that we all learn from each other while helping open the world to creative selfless innovation? eg The Peer to Peer foundation are doing this eg

29. How best to enable everyone to make the most of their talents and skills so that they can contribute the most to society while making themselves happy by doing so? Is the best way to teach everyone about their merits in a positive way using online video

30. What is the best way to speed up the rate of progress and socientific/technology development so that we can all benefit from the prosperity of creative innovation? Is the best way to help everyone learn to become selfless so that we can all openly creatively innovate so that the 7 billion on this plannet can all help each other (especially now that we are all linked via mobiles and the web)? eg

31. How best to help everyone link up and help everyone in effective safe and open ways so we can all collaborate and keep information/people safe from the selfish ignorant and organisation/gov/commercial failure... Is the best way to create open decentralised tools like p2p/wiki... while educating everyone so we all learn from each other how to become selfless creative and therefore happier and more effective/productive?

32. How best to educate the selfish ignorant (animal/childlike "i want.... success/riches/it...) so they learn to become selfless and help everyone (rather than harming everyone by closing/controlling information/resources as all ideas/data/resources have always been there so do not belong to anyone)? Is the best way to educate everyone with viral video eg

33. How best to help everyone learn the most from history (rather than useless facts or the propaganda that always has been created by the "winning" organisation that recorded history in monuments/language/song/fashion)?

34. How best to help any person location object, thought, data... to automatically connect to related things that are useful to them so everything is aware of its auto connectedness and can use the connections in a simple way to benefit it and everyone? Is the best way to open up all data starting with enabling anyone to add value to it by linking/sharing and enhancing the information? How best to help organisations like Wikipedia evolve this this becomes possible?

35. How best to help enhance any existing organisation or structure eg museums/statues? Is the best way to create an online location like where anyone can comment and share similar to or or but where the information and data is open so that anyone can use and enhance the content in a positive constructive way?

36. How best to make everyone aware of the worlds most important problems and to solve them in the most effective way using creative innovation? Is the best way to list the problem in an open way in an open platform like but then enable everyone to make copies of that version and update/enhance the content with creative innovation in a decentralised way?

37. How best to help remind everyone about the best things in life while helping to continually enable everyone to learn constructive things that enable us to all live happier longer lives? Is the best way to share video online on open decentralised networks so that anyone can share and collaborate?

38. How best to enable anyone to find the best product or service to use that benefits the wider community without costing much more? Is there a simple way to automatically share better products to everyone when they search/share?

39. What is the best way to enhance the way technology serves humans so we maximise our time/life/enjoyment? Is the best way to help educate everyone so we all learn the latest simple techniques to make the most of the latest tools and design the tools so they serve the majority of people in the most effective and useful ways?

40. If anyone is too busy in life (even too busy to read this!!!) then that is a sign that you need to stop doing anything and organise your life as you are running round like a headless chicken. The key is to always stop if you find your too busy and organise what your doing. It is critically important to take out the 20% of things that take up 80% off your free/time eg TV/paperwork/commuting/work(change it so you do something better)!

41. What is the best way to help anyone help the most people they can as sharing as much happiness with the most people enables happiness to scale and grow around the world? Eg by sharing positive videos/images on social media so that everyone can help educate and remind everyone to enjoy every second of life with mindfulness video...

42. How best to help anyone learn and train their brain to concentrate on enjoying every second in life by looking on the bright side with the glass half full and sharing everything they have so they gain happiness by helping others in a continually scaling/growing spiral of success (compared to the negative selfish no mentality that spirals egotistical minds into a downward spiral of depression)? Is the best way to train yourself to always share all issues openly and try to help others solve any issues so any negative vice like thoughts can be turned into virtuous actions as the negative thoughts are used to help others solve the same problems in a high scalable way using the network effect of the web.

43. The technique above could also be used to help learn from and make the most of any negative experiences everyone has had in the past (no matter how big or small as these are all relative so on minor experience at a certain time could be as negative as a major experience for another and therefore can be turned into as major a positive lesson to be shared and therefore help many people in a positive way making it a many times over cumulative sum gain!).

44. What are the simplest and most effective ways to solve any problems that you have? 
1. Calmly sit down and think about the problem and think if there is anything you can do to solve the problem. If there is nothing you can do work on not worrying about the problem by learning mindfulness (as the mind/ego is prone to worry about things unnessesarily [this is a hangover from living as apes?!]
2. Search for solutions online and Blog about the problem and any solutions that you can think of and share it with your social networks so that anyone can help you find solutions and learn from your experiences.

45. What are the best ways to help anyone live with less sleep (as the 8 hours of sleep a day could be considered to be 1/3 of your life wasted even though more sleep can help you live longer if you want to live longer?)? Is the best way to go on a 30 day holiday to train yourself to get into the habit of having less sleep eg in a yoga retreat?

46. How best to help everyone find heroes/mentors to learn from and also share their knowledge (eg tech/style/culture knowledge)? Is the best way to find inspiring videos and create open conversations so that anyone can contribute eg

47. How best to help link everyone up so we can all learn form each other and learn to respect everyone we meet? Social media kind of links people up but so much more can be done. How best to enable anyone to improve the current technology so that everyone can help enhance the way the world is connected in an open decentralised way so it is protected from elites that inevitable get corrupted as power (wealth/success) corrupts total power corrupts totally?

48. How to give wise creative pioneers full recognition when they are alive so anyone can find them and contribute or give feedback/support? Most creative pioneers appear to only get recognised years after they have achieved breakthroughs or only after their death! How best to solve this? Celebrating the lives of past pioneers using social media maybe one easy way to help accelerate this...?

49. How best to find and share new and old information/knowledge/wisdom so that everyone can learn from it and add to it in an organised way eg building on so it is editable by everyone in every way eg with or and

50. How to have the most positive effect with everything that you do? Eg by sharing anything you do so others can learn form it and making sure that you spend the most of your time doing positive things by stopping and considering your life/actions on a regular basis.

51. How to make your you do the most good with your income/finances so you get the most bang for your buck while helping the most people? Is the best way to make sure that your income and pension are invested in the most reponsible organisations and to make sure you spend on products that help the most people (eg bulk/buying cheaper products and giving the surplus away which makes you and others happier)?

52. What companies do the most good for society as a while and which help the poorest in the most effective and sustainable way? EG 
1.Google gives access to ordered information and creates lots of free/libra software such as android making mobile phones cheaper for all.
2. The Grameen bank and Kiva helps the poorest work their way out of poverty in sustainable ways by giving sustainable and scalable micro loans.

53. Should all banks and pensions and governments ONLY invest in organisations that create sustainable added value that benefits everyone? This could be implemented easily and would enable most finance to go towards new innovation that benefits everyone. 

54. How best to share and add value to decentralised movements or innovations that benefit everyone in an organised way so they can add even more value (as almost all creative innovations that benefit everyone start in this way but an individual or group sharing a new technique or technology such as fire/wheel/smallpox/penicillin? EG how can volunteers and parents and retired people share and link up so multiple layers of complexity can be organised and mixed so they benefit everyone?

55. How to compare and learn from different cultures so that they can learn from each other eg cultures that are top down with those that are bottom up and cultures that celebrate the family compared to the individual and money compared to religion or ones that prioritise one for all with those that prioritise all for one!

56. How best to educate and empower anyone to creatively innovate for the benefit of everyone in open ways in their local community? Is the best way to help anyone create a simple free local resource so that anyone can do this while sharing what they do online in blogs/social media? EG

57. How best to keep encouraging and inspiring everyone to keep calm and carry on while doing simple things that benefit everyone in sustainable ways? What videos inspire this the most in the most engaging and educational ways eg

58. What are the best ways to help individuals collaborate in simple ways that enable them to create charitable products/services at no cost? Is there a proven way to enable and empower volunteers to create effective new innovative solutions that scale so they can benefit everyone eg (but that creates effective solutions that solve the most important problems?)

If you are interested in any of these areas or interested in helping everyone with creative innovation please contact

Enjoy every second by sharing everything that can help everyone?

1. What simple techniques are there to help everyone travel as much as they can and help as many people while travelling and learning from the university of life?! has just created the brand new which could be used to help share the best travel knowledge/advice/secrets and techniques to enable everyone to travel eg by using Could a global map of cafes/hotels and businesses that help the local community be created so that you could travel the world knowing your money is going to good causes?

2. How many existing travel destinations could be enhanced with simple creative innovations and how best to share these tools/techniques so everyone can benefit? Eg anyone can create a free in any location in minutes to share knowledge by recycling used books for free and any organisation can gain customers by donating a large percent of its profit to innovative charitable organisations.

3. How best to help enhance and improve existing travel, tourism or charity organisations with simple techniques? Any organisation can gain lots of new customers by donating a large percentage of their profit into innovative charities so the company grows by donating to save lives! explains more.

4. How best to help travel/tourism organisations collaborate on charitable or CSR projects so their resources can help the most people EG is George Lucas's foundation and
 is Wikimedia's education organisation. How best to link up these two great similar organisations and partner with any organisations such as Wikipedia's brand new Wikivoyage and Wikiversity plus how to innovate any organisatin eg build education spaces around the world with organisations such as...

more at http://

Or how to simply create extra features at no cost eg and share with the world. 

5. What is the best way to contact/collaborate with any organisation as emails/phonecalls/social media get stuck at reception level?! Is the best way to get round this just to start solving the problem independently and ask organisations if they would like to get involved?

6. What is the best way to create new things while travelling other than taking photos and making blog posts? Is the best way to keep your eyes open to take in as many new experiences as possible while keeping your brain working by thinking about ways to solve local problems and then sharing them with the world online eg

7. How to make a charity startup while travelling? Even if you have no idea about how to create a startup or even if you dont think you have any skills (these doubts mean that you are not arrogant so are a great place to start from as you should be able to keep your feet on the ground:). 

A.One way is just to go travelling and keep your eyes open for opportunities that could be exciting/inspiring and can help the most people in the most effective ways.
B. The second and often missed step is to research to see if someone has already solved a/the problem and see if there is a social enterprise or charity already providing a similar service or one that you could add value to (this can cut out most of the startup process and is a win win as they gain too).
C. The third and another often missed step is to ask anyone you know if they know of a better way to solve the problem or want to work with you on solving it (social media is the best tool for this as it contacts everyone and enables them to converse with you and everyone at the same time).
D. Gaining funds is not a problem as most creative innovations or startups dont need funds or even a business plan (many academics/business men see business plans as out of date as soon as you have written them as all business changes so fast with the web).
E. The reasons you want to create your startup/business is key and often overlooked in the hurry to make something. What is success for you and why do you want it? What problem do you want to solve why and who do you want to help most?
F. How the business can be scaled can be important if you want the organisation to grow or want to share the knowledge so anyone else can set up their own version (eg teach a man to fish).
G. Giving back is key as we all take so much free knowledge/resources/infrastructure by standing on the shoulders of giants that we are eternally indebted to the genius of past generations that have enabled us all to live with basic amenities such as water/heat/food/mobile/internet/health...
H. Just do it and learn (fail fast) as quick as you can learning and sharing with others on the web so everyone gains.

If you would like to give/get more advice/ideas or collaborate on social enterprise/charity startups do comment on the facebook group.
If you would like a startup or inspiration do contact at the same location as so much can be done with a few hours/days work.

8. How best to enable everyone to create their own creative innovation while earning a living? Is the best way just to be inspired by video and use the resources that you have to solve the problems at affect your community the most? There may be other simple techniques so message for more details.

9. If all ideas can be used for good and bad how best to help everyone learn enough to become selflessly wise enough to care for everyone and let everyone have the freedom and liberty to learn and creatively innovate in new different ways that benefit everyone (as more humans innovating benefits everyone)? EG educate everyone with free online videos

There are many more simple techniques that can be used to solve any problem so do message with your details on Facebook for more...!
If you know of any programmers or locations/resources we could use to create charity run tech startups please do contact via 

Love everyone , Live for every second and help make everyone you meet happier (which does the same to yourself:)

1. How best to enable everyone to find the most important things in life and conquer their fears and vices (often caught when young/immature like a child so can be solved with an educated mature responsible mind). Is the best way to share the simple and proven best videos that we find via social media eg

2. How best to enable everyone to find friends and that special loved one (in the 7 Billion people on this planet!!! which means we are all affected by the Paradox of Choice by Analysis Paralysis which could mean "You Cant Always Get What You Want But Sometimes You Might Get What you Need" which does not mean compromise but means open your eyes to the beauty in everyone and how we all overlook what is right in front of us due to "familiarity breeding contempt")? Is the best way to create a charity run open dating network where anyone can find contacts and dating partners in an open and responsible way? As this is such an important part of life how come this has not been solved in an open resonsible way on the web/net/wiki's? How is it possible to work with Wiki's such as to do this eg with Maybe learning to love everyone you meed is the best way as everyone can be great if we encourage and expect them to be great then every individual human and humanity is hard wired to e

Posted via email from Research


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