Thursday, 10 February 2011

If you could help everyone what would you do? We all can help everyone so what to do first? #gov #os #cc #nfp #charity #bigsociety #rsa #tedx

Everyone can help everyone by sharing what we all know with our peers using social media.

Innovators and Entrepreneurs can and are creating a better future for everyone.

The question is what do we all want in the future and how to help each other make this happen?

What do we want?


How to help everyone help everyone?

Help everyone remove barriers?

Empower everyone to help everyone? Yes We can!

Love everyone?

Help everyone continue to learn?

Competing to control changing to collaboration
Why do some people try to control everything when others realize that you cant control everything (or even anything totally) so you can enjoy live and help others more by helping them do (what they want not what you want) more without controlling them?!

Is there a simple way to help everyone learn to control the inner control freak inside us so we can relax and enjoy living life while letting everyone live their own life without wanting to control things unnecessarily?

What simple ways are there to enhance the tools we have so that everyone can use them instantly to help everyone?

Democratize & Enable EVERYONE to develop & use all tools

EG Software
How to democratize and personalize all software so that EVERYONE can add to and enhance the software (taking into account the different languages we all speak not to mention the different learning styles)?

The best things in life are free (like breathing, seeing, touching, loving)

How to help everyone teach each other? Twitter is a good start but need more?

EVERYONE gives away LOVE for FREE (we all can give more as it is ALCHEMY:) and more... Essentially many big players are going into this space so the only way to compete is to create cumulative mass and a usp they can not steal with is to become a charity AND donate 100% net profit to NEW innovative charity work (you then also save lives and get rich on performance pay:) has more and explains more:) also sing along to too;)

Everyone can Imagine & create improvements for everything & Mobile Social Media on the Web could enable us all to do this all the time!

Can I/you/he/she/we help you help everyone? Yes we can!

How to facilitate this when the greatest benefit for the greatest number (everyone) is to open everything up and decentralize everything?!

A. Techniques

1. Do What you LOVE
DO what you love AND find ways to help as many people as possible (EG by giving away what you do/make for free so everyone can access it). You will then excel at what you love and by giving it away free others will share your work which will make you successful so you will be able to earn a good living enjoying your work. may help you (and help everyone make themselves even happier!:)

HELP EVERYONE you meet do what they love so they can then share their passion/skills/talents for everyone's benefit. This means collaborating with everyone you meet especially if they are doing similar things to you as everyone is different as you will compliment each other even more the more you collaborate. may help you (and help everyone make themselves even happier!:)

3. Charity
Everything EVERYONE DOES can be charitable (and often is but does not get classified as this).

If you help people your work is charitable so you should register as a charity so YOU CAN BENEFIT and HELP MORE PEOPLE with the kudo's and volunteer support/funds you will then get (If you don't help people then please stop doing it as you can enjoy life more & make more money by helping people:) explains how anyone can benefit from making what they do into a charity.

4. Open Mind
How best to continually remind ourselves how little humanity knows (compared to what we will know in the future) and how we are probably making lots of really silly mistakes so need to continually learn from our and others mistakes and share them while keeping our eyes and mind open to learn from others.

(example of what we dont know...unless you speak French)

5. Open Heart
Love everyone with an open heart and compassion for people and problems you dont know or understand. Help those that threaten or attack you as that is often a cry for help (video's made by their idols can help them learn very effectively:). may help too (lyrics are soooo great:)

6. Money (is a way to give)
Use money to get what you want but be careful as you can become a slave to money if you get seduced by weath and riches compared to making the most of the little time we have on this planet while alive! Time is more than money.

B. Technology

You have to work with what you have got


You can use the tools you have in different ways!

How can you use negative tools in positive ways?

How should you be wary of positive tools being used by selfish people in negative ways?

How can you use the existing tools and resources that you have to enhance what your doing AND help others enhance what they are doing?

How can USERS INFORM TOOLMAKERS & DESIGNERS about what we WANT & NEED SUSTAINABLY (idea theft harms so many people as you can only steal things that you own and ideas work best when they are shared with everyone so we all can benefit).

ENABLE everyone to help everyone by making TECHNOLOGY accessible to all (make it easy to use and humans will amaze each other)

Democratize & Enable EVERYONE to develop & use all software.
How to democratize and personalize all software so that EVERYONE can add to and enhance the software (taking into account the different languages we all speak not to mention the different learning styles).

What are the biggest opportunities that should be taken advantage of with this new communication network?

Sharing enables everyone to share everything with everyone!

Evolution can happen rapidly as everything is mixed together and evolves which can benefit us all.

Openness enables everyone to express themselves freely and honestly so we all learn from each other and about the truth (and negative activity can be detected).

Problems appear to happen when confusion is caused by a lack of clarity when problems are hidden behind ambiguity or privacy.

For example the terms Charity and Social Enterprise both cover a very diverse range of occupations and causes/challenges so can be ambiguous which causes confusion as some Charities and Social Enterprise do incredibly good work (for example 100% volunteer charities and Social Enterprise that donates 100% net profit to charity & incredible innovation) compared to others that drag down the reputation for Charities and Social Enterprise (for example by being incredibly inefficient, causing more problems than they solve, not innovating enough of hoarding finance).

What are the best organisations in any sector that do the most good in the most sustainable and innovative ways?
How can we help them help us all?

What are the key proven criteria that make an organisation 'good'?

They share information and knowledge in an open way eg open source or Creative Commons (as this benefits everyone exponentially and they benefit too from a larger fan base:)

2. Creative/Innovation
They Creatively innovate all the time with institutional innovation so they do not waste time, skills, resources, money on out of date techniques and technology.

3. Aim/Objective
They aim to help EVERYONE as much as possible without limiting their objectives to old out of date historic norms or objectives. With the internet humankind can now work together to solve every human problem.

4. Structure/institution
The organisation is build in a forward thinking way so that the structure / institution does not grow into a slumbering giant that becomes part of the problem as the people within it are not able to achieve their potential (or help others achieve their potential) due to out of date aims.

5. Selflessness
For profit organisations often innovate but do not collaborate due to SELFISH vested interest. Not For Profit (Beyond Profit) and Charities are able to collaborate and share with exponential benefits as they can SELFLESSLY help EVERYONE. The internet means that selflessness can be rewarded by you and me as customers (as it is in EVERYONES interest to promote and share selfless work and organisations).

What are good ways of finding the BEST (selfless) ORGANISATIONS to use, work with and help?!

1. Search using 'YOUR search term' and 'Not for profit' or 'Open Source' or "Creative Commons' or 'charity'

2. Search for .org sites

3. Look on Social media sites of the 'good' organisations you know and share their content to help others while you do this (by sharing only 'good' organisations they benefit and can help more people).

Examples of the Best Organisations (working as not for profits AND innovating)?
Who else?...

What is your favourite organisation? Tweet to @whymandesign

How to help everyone help everyone easily?

Everyone can help everyone we just need a bit of help to do it even more effectively:)!

1. Techniques
How to help everyone share the best techniques for helping everyone?

EG Help everyone to share the best techniques/knowledge/wisdom.. - video - locations/books

2. Technology
How to enable everyone to make/modify/improve/destruct technology to best suit them?
Social Media can be used and is the first step in the right directions. There is however so much more that can be done if the technology that is used to link people up is improved as it currently creates an invisible barrier where it could significantly enhance anything we have seen in the past and present.

EG Crowdsource & Crowdfunding & P2 is one way to do this. Can we help you with video?

Want to creatively help or get help?:) For example any person/org can run as a Charity and BENEFIT from this explains how/why:)

Also can we help you by auto embeding video and Inspiring everyone to help everyone with
Comment at & Tweet your reply to @whymandesign please

Do you know anyone who wants to help everyone by making a charity startup (not for profit:)? There are three stages...

1. set up a site using existing open source software (to solve different social issues and run it as a Not For Profit / charity) explains why

2. Modify existing open source software to make new services very cheaply and efficiently.

3. Build new open source software and charitable services cheaply & quickly from scratch.

Also are you looking to start or develop your work/company? We would like to creatively help you  eg

We can all achieve so much more and help each other have even better experiences and lives right now.
What are they keys to do this?

What do individual humans and humanity actually need in life?
What are the most important things to provide for everyone first?


Everyone can learn everything they need on the Web!

Love is all you need?


How quickly can we provide existing and new services to everyone using new technology and the potential it offers?

Yes We can do ANYTHING. Imagine

4. Having fun expressing your self constructively? Sing Karaoke and help others?

Below are tweets made at the Nesta Creative Collaboration Conference.

  • #share #info that #selflessly #helps #everyone without #negative #effects eg #happiness @webiversity #nestacollcons #gov #rsa #tedx
  • #innovate or #die? #How 2 #allow #creativity #solve #all so all can #survive #happilly? @webiversity #nestacollcons #gov #rsa #tedx
  • How to stop #risk #aversion #stopping #innovation to the #detrement of all! #os #nfp @webiversity #nestacollcons #gov #rsa #tedx
  • There is always more that we dont know! Take #stats & #aims with a #pinchofsalt? @webiversity #nestacollcons #gov #rsa #tedx
  • #what are the #knownknowns #knownunknowns & #unknownunknowns we #needtoknow!? #os #nfp @webiversity #nestacollcons #gov #rsa #tedx
  • #what can we all do easily 2 #enable #everyone to help all? #smile & #help all #os #nfp @webiversity #nestacollcons #gov #rsa #tedx
  • #how to #enable #everyone to do more as we all can do more good to help all? #os #nfp @webiversity #nestacollcons #gov #rsa #tedx
  • how to #stand up for #rights with/out #regulation in #newtech eg #stickyness #ownership @webiversity #nestacollcons #gov #rsa #tedx
  • how to #enable #users & #public to stand up for rights with/out #regulation in #newtech @webiversity #nestacollcons #gov #rsa #tedx
  • how to #enable #regulation #adapts & does not #restrict #creativity & protects #newtech @webiversity #nestacollcons #gov #rsa #tedx
  • #nesta how to #protect the #naieve from #idea #time #money #theft ? All #org = #charity @webiversity #nestacollcons #gov #rsa #tedx
  • #nesta how 2 #enable all 2 #survive while #innovating existing/new services 2 help all? @webiversity #nestacollcons #gov #rsa #tedx
  • All #models over #simplified & #generalised to #communicate & #persuade so #translate @webiversity #nestacollcons #gov #rsa #tedx
  • #nesta how to enable #good #innovation that #works to #scale? Run as #os #nfp #charity? @webiversity #nestacollcons #gov #rsa #tedx
  • #nesta #transparency #builds #trust! how to #persuade all to #share & work to help all? @webiversity #nestacollcons #gov #rsa #tedx
  • #nesta how 2 scale up #good #selfless work better than #bad #selfish work to help all? @webiversity #nestacollcons #gov #rsa #tedx
  • #nesta @nesta_uk please share a list of contacts for this & all events & twitter stream @webiversity #nestacollcons #gov #rsa #tedx
  • #nesta how 2 #empower & #allow all to turn all #problems into
  • Posted via email from Research

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