Reusing & recycling any unwanted item to help everyone easily? Do you have a spare space, object, skill or resource that you do not use 100% of the time that others could borrow or that we can help you creatively enhance so everyone can benefit from it? Can we help you make your own local community space where anyone can collaborate on solving problems too? You can easily and quickly set up your own one now in a couple of minutes just using a few spare books! Why not try making a free by putting a few old books in a box with a sign in your local community (And see what happens:). Do you have a local space where you could make your own Trust Library so your neighbors can create a free public swap shop as a free public service for your local community. This could be constructed in your local school/hall/doorway. Try setting one up and see what happens or donate funds to @TRUSTlibrary & @FREETraid so we can buy more items to give away! check for inspiring video's too:) We design free public services using unwanted or waste materials / skills / space and would like to work with you on using your spare/waste resources to help everyone. What resource do you have that can be used to help others (everyone has at least one:). Can we help you creatively enhance the resource and what your doing so you benefit and can help more people? Tweet your skills and resource & aim to @whymandesign Please comment your reply on the facebook group:) Ed
Help everyone achieve the most out of life easily and quickly? Can we all get what we want just by learning the knowledge and wisdom to do so free online?
Is it as simple as making others happy makes us happy too (and is that all we need?)?
Helping everyone have happy lives by sharing free video to remind us all is all that we need? Less is more. There is so much duplication, procrastination and waste online that we need to help each other find the relevant and useful content to make the most out of our lives (make EVERYONE happy and productively help others:). Learn about and share the best existing techniques and technologies to do this?
Do watch and help do this by making a free open source charity education site Obstacles What are the obstacles to everyone achieving the most out of life?
Technical problems (good design helps everyone, bad design faouers a few?)
Emotional/intellectual problems (we all need to learn more and so need access to the best knowledge)
Social problems (how organisations and societies are structured/managed so we can all help each other without being stigmatized or punished) Do watch and help do this by making a free open source charity education site with the aim of solving all the problems above for everyone Creativity & Innovation Everything can easily be improved using creativity and innovation to invent and reinvent new ways to do everything using the new dimensions of the web, internet and social media (which use age old social dynamics and techniques). The question is do you want to SELFLESSLY (wise good guys) help everyone (empower everyone to help everyone and on and on:) or do you just want to find fame and fortune SELFISHLY (ignorant bad guys)? What simple creative ways can anyone invent or reinvent ways for us all the help each other more?
What is the selfless and the naive assume that everything is owned by everyone in a global commons? No one owns the earth so that means that we all share the guardianship of our planet as we care for it for the use by future generations.
Should all naieve and ignorant people (children/criminals/leaders...) be given a small animal like a kitten or puppy to care for so they are reminded about the innocent beauty of life and caring for other innocent beings?
Free knowledge/music/art for all (as it is made by 'genius' as a way to share their knowledge for all so to charge for it is unethical?)? Simple Solutions What simple ways can anyone get started (helping everyone to be happy which makes you happy...:) Find what you love doing and do it (giving away your talent for free to others while asking for donations:) eg Make your own free library in minutes using a couple of unwanted books! Make a drawing, poetry, or sculpture from recycled material and give it away to your local community
Do watch and comment on the facebook group too to share the video's with people you can help:) Ed @whymandesign
Here are some tweets illustrating how new technology needs to be designed carefully so that it helps everyone as much as possible (and restricts everyone as little as possible:) #reputation #ratings #numbers are #subjective #Danger of #favoritism #elitism #gaming so BE #sceptical ? eg #fame @liftconference #Lift11 #how to #enable #anyone to #standup for their #rights before #gov has had time to #protect #all? RT @liftconference @azeem #Lift11 Open everything right? #information #data #reputation is #public not #private so should be #os & #nfp RT @liftconference @azeem #Lift11 can @WEBiversity help u? Or make your own @TRUSTlibrary FREE:) RT @liftconference: Next on stage @antimega #Lift11
What stops us all from achieving the most out of life? What do/should we want out of life?
Happiness...? What stops us doing more? A.
Inspiration is a problem as we all need to be continually inspired and educated. Do help make so together we can help everyone help everyon. B.
Cultural stigma and out of date thought processes slow innovation and progress as often the closed minds from an out of date mindset try to control and stop others experimenting or changing. How to culturally enable everyone to develop and evolve personally so we can all take a look at ourselves and make a change? C.
Any new and old technology enhances human life but also restricts human life with its capabilities.
Copywrite and Patents or Ownership can be a big problem as it restricts sharing thoughts and ideas (that should belong to everyone as and idea or thought can be had by anyone) for the greatest benefit for the greatest number. For examples software enables humans to interact in new ways/dimensions AND use the massive computing power of computers... BUT One of several negative sides is that it only allows you to converse using text (compared to the other learning/UI/thought styles:) What are the best ways to prevent current and future innovations from restricting human creativity & Innovation? Comment below to share to help everyone. All innovation should be open and shared so that everyone on the planet can collaborate on solving human problems and enabling everyone to have the happiest life possible (you dont need wealth but do need education:).
Can we help you enhance what your doing by creatively innovating and helping you use social media to help yourself and everyone else as much as possible? If so do tweet to @whymandesign Below are a list of great Crowdsourcing & Crowdfunding startups that can all benefit from registering as Charities as they will gain massive goodwill and volunteer support. explains about even more benefits. has a list of inspiring startups plus...
Use inspiring video to help us all remind and teach each other daily? What is the best website that just has good quality inspiring content? Do help us make one at List problems and create open innovation solutions for them all as a Charity? helps Inspire everyone to have a Positive Mental Attitude and crowdsource solutions? Create real world locations where anyone can talk about and solve local and global problems? is one way to do this. What else? Can we help you enhance what your doing by creatively innovating and helping you use social media to help yourself and everyone else as much as possible? If so do tweet to @whymandesign
Where we were, are and will be? What can you imagine and create now and in the future? See what China is doing with social media which look interesting... Great short comments from the Google founders... And the changing dynamics of global social networks as users grow in different areas and the networks compete and evolve...
Anyone can help everyone right now just by improving one action or activity a day? What are the easiest and best things to do to help everyone? 1.
Smiling at everyone is easy and brightens up everyones day AND makes you feel good. 2.
Watching and listening slowly and carefully to everyone we meet makes them feel good and reminds us how beautiful everyone is and how all anyone wants is to be happy and how we can all help each other be happy just by being nice 3.
Share or give away as many items as possible to help others when they are not in use as it costs you nothing but can help others if given to the most suitable people as possible 4.... How to remind yourself to do this and more? Maybe by watching an inspiring video every day eg from Is culture the most democratic force/mem there is as it allows everyone to take part in any way they like without using language? Below are some tweets made at Culture Hack Day... Should freedom of information equal freedom of data #foi = #fod v data protection act #dpa @webiversity #rsa #tedx #chd11 How to discover #fact & #fiction using #information to make #knowledge & #wisdom & #culture & share? @webiversity #rsa # ... How to empower #everyone to discover what they want to be & their #superpowers & #achiliesheels!? @webiversity #rsa #tedx #chd11 #everyone is an #equal #super #hero! what are your #superpowers & #achilies #heels? #cc #os #imagine @webiversity #rsa #tedx #chd11 How to encourage all to selflesly share all #eg #cc #os as we can share all now? #imagine @webiversity #rsa #tedx #chd11 How to #protect the #naieve while #enabling all to be #creative & #experiment with #freedomofspeech? @webiversity #rsa #tedx #chd11 How best to #prevent #idea #theft & #ownership while #enabling all to be #creative? #Ideasforgood ? @webiversity #rsa #tedx #chd11 How best to #enable all to #Share #simple #solutions & #reinventions #free #sustainably? #compassion @webiversity #rsa #tedx #chd11 How to #translate Diff #cultures as that is where #misunderstanding happens? #compassion @webiversity #rsa #tedx #chd11 Financial value v cultural value aaaa
Help everyone achieve the most out of life easily and quickly? Can we all get what we want just by learning the knowledge and wisdom to do so free online?
Is it as simple as making others happy makes us happy too (and is that all we need?)?
Helping everyone have happy lives by sharing free video to remind us all is all that we need? Less is more. There is so much duplication, procrastination and waste online that we need to help each other find the relevant and useful content to make the most out of our lives (make EVERYONE happy and productively help others:). Learn about and share the best existing techniques and technologies to do this?
Do watch and help do this by making a free open source charity education site Obstacles What are the obstacles to everyone achieving the most out of life?
Technical problems (good design helps everyone, bad design faouers a few?)
Emotional/intellectual problems (we all need to learn more and so need access to the best knowledge)
Social problems (how organisations and societies are structured/managed so we can all help each other without being stigmatized or punished) Do watch and help do this by making a free open source charity education site with the aim of solving all the problems above for everyone Creativity & Innovation Everything can easily be improved using creativity and innovation to invent and reinvent new ways to do everything using the new dimensions of the web, internet and social media (which use age old social dynamics and techniques). The question is do you want to SELFLESSLY (wise good guys) help everyone (empower everyone to help everyone and on and on:) or do you just want to find fame and fortune SELFISHLY (ignorant bad guys)? What simple creative ways can anyone invent or reinvent ways for us all the help each other more?
What is the selfless and the naive assume that everything is owned by everyone in a global commons? No one owns the earth so that means that we all share the guardianship of our planet as we care for it for the use by future generations.
Should all naieve and ignorant people (children/criminals/leaders...) be given a small animal like a kitten or puppy to care for so they are reminded about the innocent beauty of life and caring for other innocent beings?
Free knowledge/music/art for all (as it is made by 'genius' as a way to share their knowledge for all so to charge for it is unethical?)? Simple Solutions What simple ways can anyone get started (helping everyone to be happy which makes you happy...:) Find what you love doing and do it (giving away your talent for free to others while asking for donations:) eg Make your own free library in minutes using a couple of unwanted books! Make a drawing, poetry, or sculpture from recycled material and give it away to your local community
Do watch and comment on the facebook group too to share the video's with people you can help:) Ed @whymandesign
Here are some tweets illustrating how new technology needs to be designed carefully so that it helps everyone as much as possible (and restricts everyone as little as possible:)
What stops us all from achieving the most out of life? What do/should we want out of life?
Happiness...? What stops us doing more? A.
Inspiration is a problem as we all need to be continually inspired and educated. Do help make so together we can help everyone help everyon. B.
Cultural stigma and out of date thought processes slow innovation and progress as often the closed minds from an out of date mindset try to control and stop others experimenting or changing. How to culturally enable everyone to develop and evolve personally so we can all take a look at ourselves and make a change? C.
Any new and old technology enhances human life but also restricts human life with its capabilities.
Copywrite and Patents or Ownership can be a big problem as it restricts sharing thoughts and ideas (that should belong to everyone as and idea or thought can be had by anyone) for the greatest benefit for the greatest number. For examples software enables humans to interact in new ways/dimensions AND use the massive computing power of computers... BUT One of several negative sides is that it only allows you to converse using text (compared to the other learning/UI/thought styles:) What are the best ways to prevent current and future innovations from restricting human creativity & Innovation? Comment below to share to help everyone. All innovation should be open and shared so that everyone on the planet can collaborate on solving human problems and enabling everyone to have the happiest life possible (you dont need wealth but do need education:).
Can we help you enhance what your doing by creatively innovating and helping you use social media to help yourself and everyone else as much as possible? If so do tweet to @whymandesign Below are a list of great Crowdsourcing & Crowdfunding startups that can all benefit from registering as Charities as they will gain massive goodwill and volunteer support. explains about even more benefits. has a list of inspiring startups plus...
Use inspiring video to help us all remind and teach each other daily? What is the best website that just has good quality inspiring content? Do help us make one at List problems and create open innovation solutions for them all as a Charity? helps Inspire everyone to have a Positive Mental Attitude and crowdsource solutions? Create real world locations where anyone can talk about and solve local and global problems? is one way to do this. What else? Can we help you enhance what your doing by creatively innovating and helping you use social media to help yourself and everyone else as much as possible? If so do tweet to @whymandesign
Where we were, are and will be? What can you imagine and create now and in the future? See what China is doing with social media which look interesting... Great short comments from the Google founders... And the changing dynamics of global social networks as users grow in different areas and the networks compete and evolve...
Anyone can help everyone right now just by improving one action or activity a day? What are the easiest and best things to do to help everyone? 1.
Smiling at everyone is easy and brightens up everyones day AND makes you feel good. 2.
Watching and listening slowly and carefully to everyone we meet makes them feel good and reminds us how beautiful everyone is and how all anyone wants is to be happy and how we can all help each other be happy just by being nice 3.
Share or give away as many items as possible to help others when they are not in use as it costs you nothing but can help others if given to the most suitable people as possible 4.... How to remind yourself to do this and more? Maybe by watching an inspiring video every day eg from Is culture the most democratic force/mem there is as it allows everyone to take part in any way they like without using language? Below are some tweets made at Culture Hack Day...
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