Wednesday 30 December 2009

@creative Is there always another better way to do do everything? Business model & collaboration

@creative Is there always another better way to do do everything? Business model & collaboration

Are You/I/We creative enough to create the third way of doing any activity? If You/I/We are not creative enough to do this what should we do? Should we find someone who is creative enough to come up with different solutions? And if we do that how do we know they are creative enough? One way to do this is to create an open call for anyone to comment and state different creative ways to solve all human jobs, activities and/or problems. is working on doing this.

An Idea costs nothing to say but the value of these creative solutions is in the research time it takes to cultivate and educate and sustain the people that create so they should be rewarded by being financially sustained so they can live.

Inspirational video at...

Posted via email from E's posterous

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