Sunday 6 December 2009

Space needed to give FREE ART AWAY. Do you know of any?

Space needed to give FREE ART AWAY. Do you know of any? Indoor or outdoor is fine and any location will be suitable we just want to reuse unused space. Post your locatioins on the website

We create collaboration activities that are linked up via the web and
hope to apply for funding to create the pioneering web based
collaboration platform.

Below are details about MUSTart main collaboration event...

Would you like to put on an interactive activity
at your event? We have put on previous successful activities at
VOICE09, the British Library and The London Games Fringe.

The main activity that we supply is...

Free Art Giveaway.
Make art out of books and give them away.

Check our website for video clips of these events

We supply and give away hundreds of books and encourage the public to
make art from the books and then give them away to strangers.

This process is an artwork in itself and responds to the people, place
and materials/books we use.

Take one free book, read/write/draw on it, give the book away as a free
art piece to a stranger. Its a great ice breaker and you will make
someone else's day. This is a collaborative artwork that is about the
process rather then the product and empowers everyone to create art and
selflessly give it away in so doing changing their behaviour and the way
they live for the better. Its subversive art and has existed in an
undercover way for a while now.

We are always developing new activities and are looking for a permanent
space to facilitate longer term projects too.

Video clips and images at


Posted via email from E's posterous

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