Tuesday 15 December 2009

@knightfdn @kiva collaboration between applicants

Hi Knight and KIVA

Would it be possible to help ALL the submitted applicants to work together like mo.jo did earlier this year? It would be great if KIVA and KNIGHT could work together to build both communities? @whymandesign can help you do this.

Keep up the great work:)
We are working on http://www.Playgroundgames.org which could be a good partner production that creates an aditional use (content/funding) for the software you fund? Who could I talk to about this?

We would like to propose a way to create an additional USP that will benefit your company by creating the cumulative mass needed to make your business a success by donating 100% of your companies Net profit to innovative charitable work.


This is one example of how to enhance any business that we are working on at http://www.whymandesign.com

Posted via email from E's posterous

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