Tuesday, 21 December 2010

#Helping #everyone #help #all with #charity #socialmedia & #happiness #os #cc #nfp #nesta #charity #bigsociety

  Would you like to work together to help everyone help everyone by creating a perfect job for yourself by setting up a free charity communications agency so ALL charities can have free communications (saving them money and enabling them to partner on communications strategies)? Or just want to use your skills to save lives!

If so tweet to @whymandesign saying what you want to do and what skills you have.

Do you know of any charities / partners that would be interested in this? E.G. http://www.WEBiversity.org uses free video to help all (We particularly would like to work with Programmers to enhance open source projects by reskinning software and enhancing UI/X Design:)

Ed http://www.WhymanDesign.com

Using the Internet for good or bad?

This is something everyone should be aware of so we can all work together to individually share and heighlight selfless good work and help the selfish to learn how being selfless helps everyone most.

The Internet, World Wide Web and social media (Inventions of any kind too e.g. TV/car) are infrastructure tools just like the telephone so can be used to amplify good or bad meems.

This is a MASSIVE area of danger as well as potential. Just like with any new idea / invention / creation the users and inventors / creators have to be aware of the positive and negative effects of using that new tool / technique

How best to enable the 'good' meems to be shared and grow using this medium compared to the 'bad' meems? Aggregating and organising information and data in a way that helps us all share good meems so we all benefit. For example information that enables us ALL to be happy all the time RIGHT NOW! http://www.WEBiversity.org has video sharing this.

Do help us develop http://www.WEBiversity.org to do this.

For example...

Why do organisations have a habit of doing one thing well but then missing the greater opportunities of adding to that success as they rest on their laurels? http://www.TRAIDmark.org helps solve this.

#Rules / #Game / #Meaning of #LIFE! = #42 #love #collaborate #innovate #selfless #os #cc #nfp #nesta #charity #bigsociety

FREE School 4 All...

How can i help you?
How can you help everyone?
Tweet your ideas to @whymandesign please an ill try to help!

What is the Meaning of life?!

What are the rules of life?
Have fun helping others?

Guidance for life?


what is the aim of the game of life?
To beat other people or for everyone to enjoy life by having fun by helping others?


Have Fun and help everyone have fun.
Do what your good at and don't let anyone tell you you cant do something if you enjoy doing it.




What other life advice do you know?


Tweets about Helping everyone help everyone below. Share what you know or have seen with everyone by tweeting it or sharing on social networks.

What is the best way you know that everyone can help everyone easily? Sharing free knowledge to make anyone happy free?

  • #Yeswecan #solve the #worlds #biggest #problem with #creative #innovation @trustlibrary @webiversity #os #nfp #cc #gov #bigsociety
  • #Yeswecan #solve any #problem by #collaborating using #open #innovation @trustlibrary @webiversity #os #nfp #cc #gov #bigsociety
  • #Yeswecan give free things away & #imagine what others can do with them! @trustlibrary @webiversity #os #nfp #cc #gov #bigsociety
  • #Yeswecan #imagine we could #help you! what #problem do you have? @webiversity helps #os #nfp #cc #gov #bigsociety #nesta
  • #Yeswecan #imagine if #charity helped everyone help everyone? We could! @webiversity helps #os #nfp #cc #gov #bigsociety #nesta
  • #Yeswecan #imagine if #government helped everyone help everyone! @webiversity helps #os #nfp #cc #gov #4ip #bigsociety #nesta
  • #Yeswecan make everyone happy now by helping everyone you meet @webiversity helps #tedx #os #nfp #cc #gov #4ip #bigsociety #nesta
  • #Yeswecan #help #everyone #helpeveryone can #ogov let us improve it? @webiversity helps #os #nfp #cc #gov #4ip #bigsociety #nesta
  • #Yeswecan make everyone happy now by sharing #inspiring #video @webiversity helps #tedx #os #nfp #cc #gov #4ip #bigsociety #nesta
  • #Yeswecan help everyone help everyone by helping gov empower us @webiversity helps all #os #nfp #cc #gov #4ip #bigsociety #nesta
  • What #problem do you want #solved & how can you/others #help you/others @webiversity helps Rt for info #os #nfp #cc #gov #bigsociety
  • Want to help everyone help everyone & #invent own #job? @webiversity helps Rt for info #os #nfp #cc #gov #4ip #bigsociety #nesta
  • #Competitions is #Dead, #Long #Live #Collaboration #innovate #selfless #os #cc #nfp #nesta #charity #bigsociety http://post.ly/1LAVC
  • Great #positive #journalism @nytimes @guardian @guardiansocent Can @WEBiversity help? @steve4good #usa? #Ideas - http://nyti.ms/g56ICp
  • How to educate all to change @webiversity ? RT @b33god @charityfocus: #SethGodin nonprofits need to be more artistic http://bit.ly/dKfL72
  • Can #mozillaMEDIC & @frontlinemedic ... help #nhs @nhsinnovations eg @WEBiversity RT @societyguardian NHS reforms http://gu.com/p/2ypc5/tf
  • Can @WEBiversity help? RT @tedx: #TED participants to explore their own, @tedxhuntsville organizer @amyleerobinson: http://on.ted.com/8luJ
  • Can they let @mozlabs & @frontlinesms use this? & can we help make #mozillaMEDIC & @WEBiversity @mpelembe #ChromeCause http://goo.gl/HTPLv
  • Can @WEBiversity help? @peoplecentred: @donmacca @symbionomics #neweconomy #attention #rsascin #economics #bigsociety http://bit.ly/ijyOw9
  • Competitions is Dead, Long Live Collaboration

    As the world is linked up the age old proven selfless collaboration techniques are proven to be more beneficial than then now out of date selfish competition techniques because reputation is in the hands of the social media populous (which is great for everyone so do not be scared:)

    Selfishness people could only get away with it if they did not get caught (competitors, conman, robbers, thief's, rapists, murderers... all have the same selfish motivation of beating others so they can get what they want).

    The internet enables us all to...

    A. Reward and share average, good and great work (Carrot)
    B. (compassionately educate) Punish and ignore bad or worse behaviors just like the way you treat an immature child so they learn to play nicely (stick).

    This is an AMAZINGLY exciting CULTURAL change that is already happening that we are all part of and can help enforce by..

    A. Reporting a problem using open social tools such as Twitter & Facebook...
    B. Suggest a solution when reporting the problem
    C. And highlight people who are doing great work in any field

    What are you doing already and how can I help you? What would you like to do? Tweet to @whymandesign and Ill creatively help enhance what your doing.

    New ways of thinking as a global community of people wanting to be happy together.
    (relearning the local community of friends, cultural mentality in an interlinked global community of friends of friends).

    Now the World Wide Web has linked up the world using the Power of the Internet we can and should all think differently about how we interact for several reasons (actually rediscovering what humans/animals have done for 000,000's of years before the industrial revolution created cities)!!!

    You can help more people by GIVING away what you make so that the 000,000,000's of people on this planet can use them (imagine how stupid it would be to keep something closed so that only 1 person could use it). This applies to everything (money, property, resources, ideas, data...). This selfless generosity has a knock on effect as it enables us all to continue reminding and teaching each other how great life CAN and IS when we help each other creating a spiral of

    Charitably help anyone we see in difficulty be it anything from recording the problem on facebook/twitter to actively going out to help them (be it a homeless person or someone stuck in an office job for life).

    Mobile phones are reinventing how we think again in the next wave of creative innovation.
    Now we can interact with anyone in any way (video/voice/text/image...) ANYWHERE in the world.

    This means that everyone can help everyone everywhere all the time! What are the most important things that need to be solved first? Education through entertainment? How about using existing free educational resources and share them for all free? http://www.WEBiversity.org

    The Rules have changed...

    The Collaboration Culture inherently encourages (through peer review so it is up to us all to HELP each other play as nicely as possible:)...

    What fundamental or key areas are/not part of the Collaboration Culture that need to be included?
    Democracy (or a better way of getting the 'greatest happiness for the greatest number' [or for EVERYONE])
    Digital Equality

    Collaborating on doing 'good' rather than being selfish in making 'profit'.

    Do you have to be charitable and selfless in order not to be 'EVIL' and therefore part of the problem that causes so much suffering in the world? All we have to do to be 'EVIL' is to be ignorant (to the fact that we do not know everything so have to have compassion and self doubt about all our beliefs in order to be Wise campared to those that race towards an objective rather than stopping to think if they want to ACTUALLY get to the objective and who they might hurt by getting there:)

    http://www.TRAIDmark.org explains how everyone can benefit by selfishly helping others with innovation compared to just trying to get rich.


    Clay Shirky says that Cognitive Surplus will be the driving force of the next generation. If/as that is the case how can we all help each other to

    A. enable everyone to use their cognitive surplus as much as possible

    Can we enable everyone to do jobs where they use their brains to help everyone? The Gift economy proves this works.
    Can we empower anyone to help others with free education? Should all broadcasts have some educational & empowering feature? Yes

    http://www.webiveristy.org is one example of how anyone can help everyone using free technology.

    B. What is the best way to maximise the outcome of this?

    Everyone can share everything they do with everyone so instead of only 1 person benefiting everyone = 1,000,000,000,000+ can benefit. The Gift economy proves this works.

    Anyone should be informed of the most important problems for the majority of people so they are able to concentrate on helping the most people the most effectively.

    http://www.TRUSTlibrary.org is one example of how anyone can help everyone using free technology.

    Help yourself by helping others? The more anyone helps others the more they make themselves feel happy and content! And the more unhappy/busy they are before they do this the better the outcome.

    You can only do so much GOOD with your skills and time that you have to work with others to maximise you positive output by helping everyone to help everyone (most effectively by creatively innovating) so i / you / we all benefit in the immediate short and long term.

    All anyone has to do is see the beauty in every second of life and help everyone they meet to develop and learn which instantly makes you happy so you go on to help even more people. There is no competition or race that needs to be won as you have already won the race just by being alive and enjoying the pleasure of breathing eating seeing...



    http://www.TRAIDmark.org explains how anyone can do this by creating your own enterprise as a not for profit that donates surplus funds into NEW creative innovation that benefits everyone. E.G. http://www.WEBiversity.org aims to organize the worlds educational content so everyone can learn for free while crowdsourcing & crowdfunding.

    Who are the cultural heroes that selflessly help everyone by giving away free knowledge and wisdom to everyone effectively?

    The Dalai lama?

    Who else?

    Can we help you enhance what your doing? Yes we can! would you like some help or a free experience that helps you enjoy life more and have more success?

    How can we work with you to help everyone help everyone (And enjoy every second of life by reminding ourselves to relaxing and enjoy every moment of life by observing how beautiful every thing/emotion is).

    What are you working on and what help do you need? Please tweet to @whymandesign

    If your doing what you do in order to help others (and not just to get rich:) keep on doing it and collaborate with as many open minded people as possible.

    May I help you? Would you like to help me?

    I can help by adding value by creatively inventing, modifying or improving any/everything using Social / UX / UI / Design so 2+ problems can be solved with one solution.


    Would you like to work with open minded people to create simple (innovative & Creative) solutions that can help as many people as possible and run as Charitable or Not For Profit organisations. e.g. organize free education for all using Drupal? Prototype at http://www.WEBiversity.org using the http://www.TRAIDmark.org FREE Business structure/model that anyone can use (Philanthropy COOP model:)

    Help anyone make themselves happy instantly by reading the FREE BOOK and watching the video's at http://www.WEBiversity.org What is the best way that you help others?

    We are looking for programmers to help everyone help everyone using innovative re-uses of open source software to do this. If interested contact @whymandesign

    Do help create free entertaining education for all with aaaa

    Posted via email from Whymandesign.com Research

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