Saturday, 27 November 2010

#how to #Collaborate with any #contact to #help #others? #cc #os #nfp #nesta #4ip #bigsociety #gov #socent

How best to collaborate with any contact to help others?

How to find the best contact to collaborate with?
The internet and social media means you can use computer power to search though 000's of profiles to find people that best suit your needs with keywords.

Turning contacts into collaboration.
Set up a web page on a social media site (blog/facebook/wikipedia) and invite your contacts to view it and ask them if they can help. Keep the site open to the public so contacts that you have not yet met can see your work and help too.

Here are some example projects...

Then email/tweet/facebook the people sending them to the location of the project you started.

Here are a few tweets made after a great Barcamp in London

Great to meet at #bcl Want to make a #drupal #charity #startup eg @WEBiversity @johnantoni @abizern @eastmad @microapps @dylanmaryk

Great to meet at #bcl Want to make a #drupal #charity #startup eg @WEBiversity @az @iktorn @markralphs @ralphsmcintosh @digitalmaverick

Great to meet at #bcl Want to make #drupal #charity #startup eg @WEBiversity @rjmackay @torchbox @thelacproject @twitgift @ajleon @oscharity

Great to meet at #bcl #emerge10 #glamwiki Want to make a #drupal #charity #startup eg @WEBiversity @uuplanet @cr3ativ3 @peter_bowden @loleg

@gridinoc Great to talk about making a #jetpack #drumbeat #health version like @frontlinemedic with @oneworldhealth at #bcl8 #nhs #nesta

We are looking for programmers to help everyone help everyone using innovative re-uses of open source software to do this. If interested contact @whymandesign

Do help create free entertaining education for all with explains how anyone can enhance what they are doing for FREE by making themselves feel great by using surplus funds to donate to innovative charitable work. Do take the time to read and watch all the video's as it is proven by cooperatives that you can enhance your success AND innovate so  you can help 000's of others, enjoy your work more and save lives!

The question is do I/you want to (make yourself happy by) helping other people by providing the best service (so 000's of other people can have better lives)? Or do you just want to make your own lonesome self rich by providing a worse service to others so 000's of others lives are less good?

-- Regards Edward Whyman This message and any attachments are confidential and for the sole recipient only. You may not use any information contained in this message or attachments without permission.

Posted via email from Research

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