Sunday 14 November 2010

Tweets from #bcl8 before the #barcampnfp

  • How best to enable #everyone to #help everyone be #happy right now by sharing #wisdom as #nfp? @trustlibrary @webiversity #nesta
  • How best to #link & #share related info & people for #good? @trustlibrary @webiversity #nesta #nfpbarcamp #bcl8 was great #os
  • How to enable any #inventor #creative #innovator #hacker to #survive & help others? #bcl8 #crowdsourcing donations #wef
  • #Monopoly = #EVIL ? RT @ajkeen: Facebook & Google are both monopolists of openness. Both believe in the open web & they both want to...
  • #drumbeat helps? Can @WEBiversity help? @futurechat: We need to co-create solutions to solve problems of #hunger, #education, #health #WEF
  • #wtfpl looks great. How to stop "#evil" use? RT @basdflasjk: #public #licenses: DBAD #bcl8
  • @gridinoc Great to talk about making a #jetpack #drumbeat #health version like @frontlinemedic with @oneworldhealth at #bcl8 #nhs #nesta
  • Check next weekends #barcampnfp after #bcl8 @wwjimd: @whymandesign @Webiversity @GregoryJRader @yodelheck @AlanRosenblith
  • It is #notforprofit how to #innovate #responsibly? RT @wwjimd: @whymandesign @Webiversity @GregoryJRader @yodelheck @AlanRosenblith
  • the nfp barcamp looks great:) @WEBiversity helps? RT @loleg #bcl8 @presleysylwia: Barcamp Oxford @nfpvoice @barcampnfp
  • #creative #innovate Fellows Friday with Joshua Wanyama - After studying architecture in Minnesota, Joshua Wanyama es...
  • How best to #link & #share related info & people for 'good'? @endersgame @trustlibrary @webiversity #nesta #barcamp #bcl #bcl8 #os
  • Great to talk to @flashgen @snim2 about #education & #learning & #software @trustlibrary @webiversity #nesta #barcamp #bcl #bcl8
  • How best to #help #everyone help everyone be happy? Free wisdom for all? @trustlibrary @webiversity #nesta #barcamp #bcl #bcl8
  • How 2 #help #all help all with #nfp #socent #os #charity #gov #startups? @trustlibrary @webiversity #nesta #barcamp #bcl #bigsociety
  • How to #enable #anyone to #make a #nfp #socent #os #gov #startup? @trustlibrary @webiversity #4ip #nesta #barcamp #bcl #bigsociety
  • Know a #programmer #hacker 2 make a #nfp #socent #os #gov #startup ? @trustlibrary @webiversity #4ip #nesta #barcamp #bigsociety
  • Want #ideas for #nfp #socent #os #charity #gov #startup ? @trustlibrary @webiversity #4ip #nesta #barcamp #bcl #bigsociety
  • How to share #wisdom with #nfp #os #charity #gov to #educate all out of #ignorance #free? @webiversity #4ip #nesta #barcamp #bcl
  • How to get #nfp #os #charity #gov 2 let us improve their service #creatively? @trustlibrary @webiversity #4ip #nesta #barcamp #bcl
  • -- Regards Edward Whyman This message and any attachments are confidential and for the sole recipient only. You may not use any information contained in this message or attachments without permission.

    Posted via email from Research

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