Monday, 15 November 2010

How to help yourself by helping others or help others by helping yourself?! @TRAIDmark model used @trustlibrary & @webiversity enables anyone to create and collaborate on selfless enterprise that is run like a Not for profit or coop but where ALL surplus NET profit is donated to be spend on new innovative charitable work. = Coop + Philanthropy

This enables everyone to create their own philanthropic enterprise with Institutional Innovation.

E.G. recycles unwanted books by encouraging everyone to make THEIR OWN FREE LIBRARY with a couple of books ANYWHERE IN THE WORLD.

http://www.WEBiversity uses open source software to organise the free video/content that is on the web into educational pages and learning lesson plans so that anyone can learn anything for free. IMPORTANTLY it also enables all learners to contribute to crowdsourced and crowdfunded collaborative projects that they created that are instigated by the learning video/content at the Web University. Free organised education = knowledge + Wisdom = happiness for everyone. This allows the learners to asses and critique the work so can contribute to the enhancement of the work and its validity. This means that news and information will be enhanced in a geographic context and will enhance the amount of accurate knowledge that is shares socially which helps knowledge break down geographic barriers.

We organize information in an educational context for free using open source software so provide quality education for free for everyone AND empower learners to help others so everyone can help everyone.

-- Regards Edward Whyman This message and any attachments are confidential and for the sole recipient only. You may not use any information contained in this message or attachments without permission.

Posted via email from Research

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