-- Regards Edward Whyman http://www.WhymanDesign.com http://www.twitter.com/whymandesign This message and any attachments are confidential and for the sole recipient only. You may not use any information contained in this message or attachments without permission.
Monday, 27 September 2010
#free #creative #help 4 u by #helping #charity! & #world #org #tweets RT @trustlibrary @webiversity @4ip #nesta #bigsociety
Thursday, 23 September 2010
Want to #Work with #Volunteers on #FREE #open #collaboration & #openinnovation
Want to #Work with #Volunteers on #FREE #open #collaboration & #openinnovation
Public Services?
How is it best to collaborate on building Creative Public Service Broadcasting? http://www.WEBiversity.org and http://www.TRUSTlibrary.org are two examples.
Should Government & organisation & charity spending be used in the most efficient way? The most efficient way is the most creative way as new inventions always create efficiencies that everyone benefits from.
Should Government & organisation & charity work be produced in an open way using open source software so the failures can be learnt from by everyone and the successes can be shared? Surely Mozilla labs have proven the benefits of doing this?
Should Military spending be used to prevent disease famine and extinction in an open peacefull way so as to prevent conflicts caused by lack of resources? http://tinyurl.com/yjvpg5m
http://www.TRAIDmark.org is one way for any Government & organisation & charity & business to create Institutional innovation that benefits everyone in an open way.
Can @directgov #solve #problems listed on @facebook #groups & @twitter? #appsforgood #tuttle @trustlibrary @webiversity help? @4ip #nesta
How to help #creatives #solve #charity #problems efficiently? #appsforgood #rtsfutures #tuttle @trustlibrary @webiversity help? @4ip #nesta
2. Sharing
Creativity is the solution the question is what do we want to achieve?
The direction is more important than the speed at which we are traveling!
What is the most important thing you & anyone has learned? How to help anyone share their #knowledge ?
Find the gift you have to use to give to the rest of the universe! (and make others smile or stop doing what your doing:)
How is it best to help others? how can companies be encouraged to do this more? #openinnovation
3. Sustainable Innovation
Creativity needs to be cultivate, nurtured and championed effectively
Make ideas that can only be used to help others positively& give them away for free how to sustain? @trustlibrary @webiversity @4ip
How to help #creatives #solve #social #charity #problems by giving them resources and food? @trustlibrary @webiversity help? @4ip #nesta
How to reward those who #collaboration on #openinnovation & protect others from @idea theft? @trustlibrary @webiversity @nesta_uk
Hire #creative people to #collaboration & reward everyone with free things #openinnovation
reward #collaboration & #openinnovation with time to solve humanitarian problems @trustlibrary @webiversity @nesta_uk #nesta @4ip rt
Create #collaboration #openinnovation with fan community:) how to reward them @trustlibrary @webiversity @nesta_uk #nesta @4ip rt
fund #collaboration #openinnovation with first right to refusal:) @trustlibrary @webiversity @nesta_uk #nesta @4ip pls rt
#Creditcrunch is social loss & private gains #opensource is private loss & social gain
reward #collaboration #innovation #openinnovation so it is sustainable! Give free tools! @trustlibrary @webiversity @nesta_uk #nesta
#innovation how best to manage and share #fail ure? #openfail ? #openinnovation @trustlibrary @webiversity @nesta_uk
#innovation is key to prosperity! how to empower everyone to collaborate on #openinnovation @trustlibrary @webiversity
Is there an #innovation #lab that makes #creative #publicservice that everyone can #help? @trustlibrary @webiversity
Empowerment and community collaboration in society for everyones gain...
The #direction is more important than the #speed How to find the right direction? #tedxtuttle @trustlibrary @webiversity help? @4ip #nesta
#love is the #carrot :) #hate is the #stick :( we can replace @hate with @love and #help others @trustlibrary @webiversity help @4ip #nesta
#selfish #fight to #compete ! #Selfless #help others & #Collaborate so we all gain #nfp #socent @trustlibrary @webiversity help @4ip #nesta
#Open #Collaboration is best way to #help others in #work #rest & #play ? #devnest can @trustlibrary @webiversity help? @4ip #nesta
How to #empower all to use their #skills to help others in #work #rest & #play ? #devnest can @trustlibrary @webiversity help? @4ip #nesta
What is the point? We do not need to know the answer just the question. #tedxtuttle @trustlibrary @webiversity help? @4ip #nesta
How to #share #knowledge on #disasters with #wikipedia & #ugc #uxdesign ? @trustlibrary @webiversity help? @4ip #nesta #libraryweek
How is it possible to fund #innovation without restricting it by defining outcomes? #tedxtuttle @trustlibrary @webiversity help? @4ip #nesta
Create #agile solutions by giving stakeholders access to problems & tools #appsforgood #tuttle @trustlibrary @webiversity help? @4ip #openvolcano10 #tedxtuttle
Public Service Applications and Websites...
How to fund #publicservice apps #devnest without restricting by defining outcomes? #tedxtuttle @trustlibrary @webiversity help? @4ip #nesta
What is the #publicservice apps guidance? #devnest #Twitter #Developermanifesto ? can @trustlibrary @webiversity help? @4ip #nesta
How to save apps that offer a #publicservice that go bust? #devnest #Developermanifesto can @trustlibrary @webiversity help? @4ip #nesta
#Opensource & #collaborate on #apps that #fail go #bust #publicservice #devnest #Developermanifesto http://www.traidmark.org @4ip #nesta
Tweets on Entertain Educate & Empower to help everyone enjoy every
second of everyones lives:)
See and share the best free education video's on the web
Get your own http://www.TrustLibrary.org in your community or entrance
foyet for 5% of the RRP in UK (or make your own:) http://post.ly/YCEs
#FREE #Educational #collaboration #locations 4 #innovation
#openinnovation #tuttle http://bit.ly/cDTuzP
What is the most important thing you & anyone has learnt? How to help
anyone share their #knowledge ?
Creative Public Service Broadcasting? How creative can/should it be?
How can #quiet #people be #heard & #noisy people learn to #listen? How
can every #choice be put to a #vote?
Why are humans #sacred of #change? how to change this #cultural #problem
that slows progress (causing harm)
Do you know how best to help anyone share & compare / sort #knowledge &
enable anyone to do good & live?
Find the gift you have to use to give to the rest of the universe! (and
make others smile or stop doing what your doing:)
Hire #creative people to #collaboration & reward everyone with free
things #openinnovation
reward #collaboration & #openinnovation with time to solve humanitarian
Evolution (institutional innovation http://wwww.TRAIDmark.org is one proven way to do this)
How can any organisation e.g. @ted @tedx @tedchris @poptech evolve? http://tinyurl.com/y93yekv http://bit.ly/a1oVCp #ofb some tweets here:) http://ow.ly/1738XI
All the videos from each session of the Open for Business http://bit.ly/a1oVCp #ofb some tweets here:) http://ow.ly/1738XI @4ip
Sir Ken Robinson talk on Creativity is here http://tedx.mirocommunity.org/video/907/sir-ken-robinson-do-schools-ki
Jeff Jarvis talk
and Bernard Amadei
and Chris Anderson
Can http://www.TRUSTlibrary.org & http://www.WEBiversity.org collaborate with you using the http://www.TRAIdmark.org business model which is also used by http://www.FREEtraid.org
This message and any attachments are confidential and for the sole recipient only. You may not use any information contained in this message or attachments without permission.
Any #product or #service that is used by the #majority of #people should be made into a #global #public #service & run as a #world #coop #nfp like #gov?
-- Regards Edward Whyman http://www.WhymanDesign.com http://www.twitter.com/whymandesign This message and any attachments are confidential and for the sole recipient only. You may not use any information contained in this message or attachments without permission.
#How can #knowledge and #wisdom that #benefits #everyone (#cumulativegain) be #shared #easier and more #effectively #gov #os
One way is for every point or concept to be started with a sentence and then paragraph that summaries the whole point (so we do not all have to read the WHOLE essay/book/thesis to get the point). The second is to reduce the ammount of #DUPLICATED information on the web so we dont waste time reading it. This can be done by linking all duplicate information together on the web using semantic technology. This needs to be done in an open way to EVERYONE that uses the web an access it free. The third is to reduce the amount of #USELESS information or #spam on the web. This can be done in many effective ways but needs to be done in an open way so EVERYONE that uses the web can access this. The fourth is to #ENCOURAGE everyone to learn the knowledge and wisdom by making it #ENTERTAINING.
TED & Tedx have proven how this can be done. The fifth help #EMPOWER everyone to use the knowledge that they have gained to benefit everyone.
KIVA has proven how this can be done. We would love to work with other to create an open source free university for everyon. Prototype http://www.WEBiversity.org Contact @whymandesign if you read this article. Also contact if you want creative help or want to help others?
-- Regards Edward Whyman http://www.WhymanDesign.com http://www.twitter.com/whymandesign This message and any attachments are confidential and for the sole recipient only. You may not use any information contained in this message or attachments without permission.
Wednesday, 22 September 2010
#How can #everyone be #empowered to #help everyone and #enabled to #creatively #innovate? #gov #ogov #os #ted #bigsociety
-- Regards Edward Whyman http://www.WhymanDesign.com http://www.twitter.com/whymandesign This message and any attachments are confidential and for the sole recipient only. You may not use any information contained in this message or attachments without permission.
@Wikipedia article rating comment. can you add #crowdsource & #crowdfund on #EVERY page to #help #everyone @moka #gov
@whymandesign http://www.WHYmandesign.com http://www.WEBiversity.org shows one tiny example of the potential.
-- Regards Edward Whyman http://www.WhymanDesign.com http://www.twitter.com/whymandesign This message and any attachments are confidential and for the sole recipient only. You may not use any information contained in this message or attachments without permission.
Tuesday, 21 September 2010
#What #legal & #social #problems are there if you want to #do #good? #bigsociety #nesta @4ip #gov
Entertainment can be fun AND productive. So we could all do fun things that help others. The problem is that many existing 'fun' things do not help anyone and are as good as procrastination. Legal and Social rules and regulations restrict creativity as you are not allowed to do things differently.
This means that we ALL loose out by not being allowed to help each other by innovating which often bends and breaks rules. For example.
If you want to improve your local street it is not socially or legally acceptable to put furniture on the street corner so anyone can use them. If this is done the council then PAYS for people to clear things away.
You are not allowed to take things out of public dumps. If the community were allowed to do this they would be recycling in the most efficient way by REUSING objects AND would use the objects to also invent new uses. This means that an important change in the way society and the legal system needs to be looked at urgently because at the moment creativity and innovation are suppressed which means that we ALL lose out (just because a small minority are not being educated to act constructively, though they could be). One key problem is that we are not aware of what we are missing out on BECAUSE we have not been able to create or invent the exciting new public services that the community would have been able to create (had the legal and social restrictions not been in place). There are many simple ways to solve this but it would need government and legal organisations to open mindedly creatively enhance the way they work. Which people in these organisations can do that? Would you like to know creative solutions to this and any other problems? If so contact @whymandesign
-- Regards Edward Whyman http://www.WhymanDesign.com http://www.twitter.com/whymandesign This message and any attachments are confidential and for the sole recipient only. You may not use any information contained in this message or attachments without permission.
#Competition & #winners makes #elites which is #bad for the #majority. #Collaboration & #sharing #helps #all
-- Regards Edward Whyman http://www.WhymanDesign.com http://www.twitter.com/whymandesign This message and any attachments are confidential and for the sole recipient only. You may not use any information contained in this message or attachments without permission.
Sunday, 19 September 2010
#Socialmedia #enables #celebrities, #writer & #academics to #launch #tribes in the #crowd to do #good & #bad.
A celebrity such as @stephenfry could launch any project on Twitter then use any Facebook group to manage that activity. Flashmobbing proves that the format works. What other amazing things can celebrities do?
Friday, 17 September 2010
Want #free #creative #help for any #org #charity #nfp #gov? Re Tweet to @whymandesign saying #who #you have #helped & #how to qualify.
We will then help to enhance what your doing in many different ways. Also share your tweeted comment on Facebook in this group...
We are looking to work with individuals, companies and charities to help enhance their work AND work on these charitable activities? Do tell us how you can/not help and why @whymandesign http://wwww.WHYmandesign.com. Here is a list of community projects we would like to work with you on. Choose one you can help with and get involved by joining the website and facebook group and commenting there. If you can not see a project you like propose a project to work on at http://wwww.UGCunion.org and on the facebook group http://www.facebook.com/group.php?gid=7940249916 (of course we will give you free gifts when we meet you just because the more you give the more you get:) A. Displaying art free in your space... http://www.MUSTart.org Facebook http://www.facebook.com/group.php?gid=68523314201 Do you have am empty wall or space (entrance foyer...) that we can use to display art for free that will benefit the local community? If so contact @whymandesign.We have been hard at work with a national charity who have 50 empty uk shops we are using to create TRUSTlibrary.org in and putting free artworks in the windows with MUSTart.org. artwork examples are http://www.gilbertywhyman.com B. Raising funds for charity in empty space... http://www.TRUSTlibrary.org Facebook group https://www.facebook.com/group.php?gid=348867089849 Would it be possible to save you money while your property is empty by using it for charity activities (that save you having to pay rates on the empty building?). If you know someone who does tweet @whymandesign. Can we help you save money by creating a charity art gallery in your empty shops. You will save your self from having to pay 100% of the business rates by doing this and all we ask in return is for you to donate 50% or more of the savings to us so we can continue to recycle and give away unwanted books and make recycled art for the public. C. Collaborate on creating charity jobs... http://www.FREEtraid.org Facebook Group http://www.facebook.com/apps/application.php?id=45131776517&v=wall We are looking to work with other people who are interested in innovatively solving charitable problems in clever ways that also creates jobs for unemployed people in a self sustaining way. FREEtraid.org is one example. Contact @whymandesign if interested. D. Making education free for all... http://www.WEBiversity.org Facebook http://www.facebook.com/group.php?gid=352077702670
We are looking to work with programmers and hackers on making a free open source drupal education site. http://www.WEBiversity.org is the prototype. Contact @whymandesign if interested in working on this. E. All of these charitable not for profit social enterprise or charities use the http://www.TRAIDmark.org business model that creates institutional innovation and is FREE for anyone & everyone to use as it benefits any enterprise/charity/gov. Traidmark Facebook group http://www.facebook.com/group.php?gid=19887357352
#tweets on #how to #help #4ip #nesta #charity #bigsociety #gov
Tuesday, 14 September 2010
#How can the #community #help #Ted #kiva #wikipedia to improve? #os #app store? #tedx
version of existing software so we can help the public to solve other
social issues (Ideally using that http://www.TRAIDmark.org business
structure)? Maybe working with someone like
http://www.ONEworldHEALTH.org or http://www.earth.org which
is closing so maybe this is something I could help you take on so
everyone can share local knowledge? Also can http://www.WEBiversity.org
share video’s and create http://www.TRUSTlibrary.org with you? Ed @whymandesign http://www.WHYmandesign.com
#ugcunion is a way to #share #simple ways for #anyone to #solve a #social #problem
is an evolving voluntary media organisation that uses existing social platforms to facilitation innovation and positive change that empowers users to generate content that addresses social problems. Events to infiltrate**
Previous events infiltrates***
Projects to create****
Rules of UGCunion (not many)***** We are drawing a diverse selection of people who want to and are able to volunteer their skills to work together on projects of their choosing in order to address today’s and tomorrows problems.
1. Register your interest/projects/tasks on Wikipedia or here http://cofundos.org/project.php?id=103 2. List what you want/need/can/would like to do
Facebook group here...
http://www.facebook.com/group.php?gid=7940249916 Some multimedia clips here...
http://www.flixya.com/user/UGCunion or http://www.flixya.com/user/UGCunion
Tweet #ugcunion to share events you are running ***
Previous successfully infiltrated events: Search #ugcunion for info
To do/problem list 1. Create a group that addresses global media/education 'problems'. 2. Create a group that works up simple easy to implement solutions to health problems. 3.
Subversive art...
Infiltrate existing events and install your own artwork by either posting it to the event or if you have the balls actually going there and installing it without anyone knowing(watch out for the inflatable swimming pools arriving by post!). Dont forget to document it and upload it to the UGCunion website
4 Create events to group people together (or subversive groups that infltrate other existing events*)
'''Why not create your own event... UGCamp''' (UGC audiovisual mashup party) UGCamp and Barcamp Event Producers handbook 1. Work out what you are interested in developing?
2. Choose catch dot com name (or whatever)
3. Book a room in a bar/café/house
4. post information on these pages and email the details to your mates.
http://cofundos.org/project.php?id=103 Do you want to create an event that inspires and empowers friends/family/co-workers using existing resources. Below are details for creating your very own workshop where any friends/family/co-workers swaps skills while working on collaborative projects that they instigate and complete within 24 hours. The event is launched with live music and drinks where everyone is encouraged to post an event/workshop that they want to run during the afternoon on a whiteboard. Preconceived events can be seeded on the whiteboard to get the ball rolling and a list of prizes linked to achievement categories are listed to spur on the activity (e.g. most innovative interactivity!?). Aims Cross fertilise ideas Gain contacts Teach a skill to others Learn something new Inspire, empower and reward committed employees Produce projects for the good of humanity Format Promote – email/youtube/myspace/facebook Date/time – Evening Location – local bar/cafe Hospitality - Food/Drink/Alcohol Facilities - Wireless internet/main stage/mini stage/... Facilitators - volunteers/runner/existing security! Aftermath – email/facebook group
Creating an event like this uses many existing resources making it good value for money creating a platform to make and release innovation. *****
There are no rules of UGCunion except.
1. Respect all living things
2. Only tell people you trust so our activity remains unnoticed;)
Creative Commons License
#barcampbar is a #free way for #anyone to #create #collaboration #space using #emptyshops & #barcamp
Who would want to go to an average bar when you can custom make your own! Party hard but Party well; so that everyone has fun and learns something (e.g. there may well not be a point to life but humans have proven that caring for others makes both parties happier than selfishness). The party/bar could be run just after another event (and could even use the same space making it easier to organise). If anyone is interested in producing a custom made website with us we are looking for programmers.
We are also looking for good locations to set up permanent Bar Camp Bar's so please get in contact if you know of a good space.
#Can #anything be #free? #creations #cost the #producer something if just #r&d
There is so much potential with new media but the one key problem holding the long tail of innovation back appears to be how innovators earn a living and how they get social feedback on their work without it being copied.
And rewarding people in a way that encourages them to collaborate and share is key as that creates so much more public and private value if done in the right way. Financial and social rewards appear to be the two key areas.
These need to be measured in short and long term rewards relating to short and long term gains/progress. Which reward processes work for different people in different places along the production process from researcher to inventor to producer, retailer and manager? Is anything free? Surely everything costs the creator something. How is it best to give creators rewards to make more work?
#Bil & #Ted / #TEDx #conference #developments
Creating self sustaining hubs all year round (working model at http://www.FREEtraid.com) 2. http://www.Traidmark.org = Not For Profit + Social Enterprise Innovation germinater
Traidmark.org enables you to gain from hard work while funding innovation from within a Not For Profit organisation.
(The NFP invests Net profit in NEW Innovative NFP Startups so is forced to continually evolve because of this structure which creating even better serves) This adds significant customer loyalty and enables hard work to be rewarded through pay while investing in innovative solutions to social problems.
#creative #commons #caution & #celebration of the #potential #cc #os
Once an idea/product is created check that you cant think of any negative ways to use that idea or ways that others could use it to fulfil selfish motives at the expense of others. 2.
Be careful who you tell about your ideas/product. It is best to let those doing positive selfless work gain access to good ideas/products before those doing selfish work. This will enable a double positive effect to take place as you help them gain an additional advantage which boosts their work. 3.
Make sure the idea/product does good even if it is stolen so that the person who steals it will be unintentionally using it for good. 4.
Always remain open to others helping to enhance your product/idea and give positive feedback to others work too. 5.
Make sure your product/idea does not use others goodwill. Using volunteers is one good example of this. Volunteers should always get at least one positive thing out of their experience as well as the positive feeling of giving something back. This is imperative so that those volunteers are rewarded and gain something extra so that they can do an even greater job next time. 6.
Reward others good work in any way you can from positive feedback to giving them things that you don't need.
Please add things I have missed below...
#Problems that #slow #progress so hurt us all e.g. lack of #vision, #creativity & #empowerment
Duplication and confusion slow down learning/development/innovation/progress and can make progress reverse as individuals go off in the 'wrong' direction. For example if there are two sites doing the same thing then that splits the user/customer/supplier communities into two making the collaboration and partnership potential halved while enabling people to duplicate the same work. How can this be solved?... One way is to concentrate or rank organisations that are doing the 'most' good above others. So not for profit organisations that are efficient should be ranked higher than commercial organisations. So a not for profit search engine is a good start. https://www.anoox.com is one example. 2.
And finding content that you can reuse and remix is equally important. http://search.creativecommons.org and http://www.jamendo.com are two examples. If you know of a better way to solve this please add it to http://www.UGCunion.org 3.
The same goes for any form of assessment from exams to job applications.
Assessment is also a key area that needs to be looked at. How can assessment and feedback be collected in a scientific manner that does not neglect the unknown and unquantifiable? 4.
Centralised networks and organisations will fall down if the central core is disrupted. It is therefore imperative that networks and organisations are restructures to be decentralise and community based so that they can not entirely collapse. This also fosters collaboration and evolution which dramatically enhance innovation and progress for the benefit of everyone. http://yacy.net/ is one example of decentralised web search.
#Introducing the #web!? As simple as 1 2 #Infinity / #Singularity
#creating the #BIG #long tail of #Innovation for #everyone
FREE LOVE GIVEAWAY (and happiness too just help others and give your love away:)
That appears to be one main cause of suffering as many people think they are going without so take from others.Take a look at any selfish or 'evil'/'bad' person. They are always selfish and dont realise that they could give others happiness if they took time to step back and look at their life. Instead they think there is no time to look at their life (takes 5 minutes) so miss the chance to make their life happy and content. I keep forgetting to appreciate what i have and keep getting wound up by life's little problems based around things like my Career.
All of these anxieties come from comparing myself to others so it is inevitable that i am unhappy at least 50% of the time as i (and everyone else) expects to be getting at least above average out of life if not to at least 90%! (meaning i am unhappy 90% of the time!!!). Several different people suggested going for a walk whenever I feel bad (which works amazingly) and also to look on life not as a task but as a 'once in a lifetime' opportunity to see how many other people we can help and make happy. After all if you make someone else happy it makes you feel good so that can only be good. One other way is to look back at the simple things in life that I HAVE rather than look forward at the things i think i want. When i forget to appreciate these things i look up a video of someone who does not have one of these or try to find someone in the street who is missing one of these and try to help them a little. Below is a list of these things (if you cant do one move on to the next please)... I can Breathe (breath in and out 10 times slowly concentrating on the air flowing into and out of your lounges) [hold your breath for a bit]
I can Touch (move one part of your body very slowly and concentrate on the sense) [sit still then move a tiny part of your body]
I can See (look at one small object or your hand and enjoy being able to see this) [close then open your eyes]
I can Hear (close your eyes and listen to the quietest sounds and enjoy them) [put your fingers in your ears;p]
I can Smell (breath in slowly through your nose and see what you can smell) [breath in through your mouth then nose]
I can Taste (What does your mouth taste like, the air or your skin?) [Eat something tasty]
I can Give (find someone who needs something and give it to them...Hug, Kiss...) [Dont forget to give yourself something too by hugging others] Do you know any other ways to remind yourself to control your EGO so you stop thinking about yourself and concentrate on helping others who are less (and more) fortunate than you are? Please share this information and any other ways to enjoy life (no matter how obvious) to http://www.FREEHUG.org
We are also looking for people to collaborate on this project. Are you interested? Books that give lots of great advice on this are listed below as are lots of GREAT TED talks which explain about the benefits of selflessness (it makes YOU happy:) plus lots of free books can be downloaded from Project Gutenberg htt://www.gutenberg.org/
Saying #Yes / #No to #happiness in 8 hours?
What is the unmeasurable negative effect of people saying no or being negative on you me and society? Is it worse to ignore someone than say no to them? Probably... Here is a list of obvious ways to handle any situation from bad to good... BAD - Insult, Ignore, Say No, Suggest something, Encourage, Congratulate, Say Yes, Recommend - GOOD So it takes less effort to say to someone that they are doing well and makes you feel good too.
It appears to be all linked to the EGO that makes some people confused and think that they are better than others so don't want to care or help them which leads to the BAD reactions to any/every enquiry. As these people are negative to other people they get negative responses too leading to a cycle of negativity which makes the egotistical person feel worse and worse. The person who has control of their EGO and acts selflessly helping others gets rewarded many times over as others are nice back to them creating a cycle of GOOD where everyone wins. Often stress creates the negative cycle but this can be combated by looking at others who have 'less' making you feel humble and by laughing at ourselves as in the grand scheme of things nothing we do (nor our lives) appear to matter. 2.
This leads on to how you live your life. To enjoy it or to reach some goal that your parents/society has imposed on you? The TED talk below makes me step back and think about what is important and how money and status are worth less than self belief and pride...
Do not look for happiness but create it with what you have got.
When people have no choice they change their preferences to make them more happy about what they have. When they have choice they are always comparing what they have to others so are less happy as they compare with the average. On average nothing is average! 3.
Which leads to what you do with 8 hours of your life! well 3 sets of 8 hours.
8 hours working... If one person can do a job better than someone else should they take ove the job? How does that apply to what you do? Would you step aside if someone could do your job better than you? If you step aside then you would be able to do a different job that you are even better at. So everyone should keep looking out for someone who could do their job better than them. When they find that person they should give them their job so that they can go on to work in areas that they excel in.
8 hour sleeping... Is there a way to do good while you sleep? Create a website that offers advice/ helps others that will be online while you sleep.
8 hours relaxing... Is there a way to do good while you relax? Finding your passion in life and using that to build something that can be used to help others in your local/global community be it art/writing/acting/dancing/singing/playing... 4.
FREEtraid.com aims to help anyone maximise the positive effect of using any time in their day by sharing free advice on using any skill to give away free products/services in exchange for donations so that you can then fund even more great work. Its a gift economy that funds innovative work. @whymandesign
Sunday, 12 September 2010
#FREE ways to #improve your #life & #gov #4ip #nesta #bigsociety #tedx #kiva # #opentech2010 #overtheair
Wednesday, 8 September 2010
#What #stupid things can we #stop doing? And #how? #Evolution &/or #Revolution?
Monday, 6 September 2010
What organisation structure is best? #socent #charity #coop #gov #volunteer #nfp or #ltd
(Which is best? Charities can generate their own revenue to donate and companies can 'do good') Inventor
Volunteer organisation
Not For profit
Social Enterprise
Commercial Company Which do you prefer and why? Is it not possible to get investment for a charitable and innovative enterprise that donates large funds to new innovative charitable work? http://www.TRAIDmark.org is one way of doing this and well run cooperatives have been doing this for years. Why not create or invent your own better way.
#What #you #do and #how you do it? #enhance #output
Survive. Then what? Educate others or just help others? What do you do (which have you tried that you did not like? How can you solve that problem for others)? 1 Smile
2 Pay tax
3 Help others
4 Donate
5 Volunteer
6 Continue Learning How you do it? 1 While smiling
2 While learning
3 While helping others
4 While enhancing everyones lives
5 Without working too hard
6 Without working too little
Is it not possible to have fun, earn a living and help as many other people as possible? If you cant see a job letting you do this then create a job for yourself by trying something new. Is it not possible to get get investment for a charitable and innovative enterprise that donates large funds to new innovative charitable work? http://www.TRAIDmark.org is one way of doing this and well run cooperatives have been doing this for years. Why not create or invent your own better way.
Some #invisible #rules & #effects of #socialmedia with #pros & #cons
How to empower everyone to use the pro's and be aware of the con's? Pro
You can contact almost anyone on this planet (who do you want to help?)
Quality of content beats quantity of promotion (peers share good quality)
Harder for criminals/villans to hide
Easier for talent to be found and showcased (peers share new talent) Con
Nothing is private
Big brother danger from large companies (google/facebook)
Knowledge/wisdom can get lost in the crowd/chaos
Mob Mentality
Harder to protect the naive Add any missed points in the comments below.
Is it not possible to use social media to have fun, earn a living and help as many other people as possible? If you cant see a job letting you do this then create a job for yourself by trying something new. Is it not possible to get get investment for a charitable and innovative enterprise that donates large funds to new innovative charitable work? http://www.TRAIDmark.org is one way of doing this and well run cooperatives have been doing this for years. Why not create or invent your own better way.
#Technology & #society are #helping #progress but how can it be #improved (how is IT getting in the way)?
1. Confusion with too many similar products leading to apathy.
2. Duplication (in a bad way where skill and effort are wasted duplicating) Open Source can stop this if everyone uses it.
3. Segregation where many different groups of people can not interact as they are divided by different technology/software/hardware. How to stop repetition?
Create only open source software.
Run as a not for profit so others can collaborate and not compete.
Make organisations/technology continually evolve so they do not rest on its laurels and stop providing good service.
Copywrite and Patents need to be reassessed for the 21st centure with the WEB, Open Source and Creative Commons. As we should expect the best we should also PLAN for the WORST.
How to plan for the Worst? Please RT your responses.
Friday, 3 September 2010
If #negative feeling can be channeled in a way that #motivates you to #help others then all #vice can be turned into #virtue
Virtue http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Virtue Dantes Vices Which of these Vices are you most guilty of?! (We all are of at least one:) And how can you turn it into a positive thing so you can use it to help others? 1. Pride or vanity — an excessive love of the self (Create Awards for all. We should all deserve and earn awards for our own individual skills)
2. Avarice (covetousness, greed) — a desire to possess more than one has need or use for (Philanthropy makes Avarice do good)
3. Lust — excessive sexual desire. (How? Society and family have made the sexes compete to impress each other. Make Virtues impressive.)
4. Wrath or anger — feelings of hatred, revenge or denial, as well as punitive desires outside of justice. (Channel negative energy into motivation to do something constructive.)
5. Gluttony — overindulgence in food, drink or intoxicants (Food/pudding as a reward for doing things. The less you have the more you enjoy so less is more.)
6. Envy or jealousy - resentment of others for their possessions (Envy motivates and reminds us that success is relative and not important)
7. Sloth or laziness; idleness and wastefulness of time and/or other allotted resources (Laziness is a mother of Invention) Roman Virtues! Which one of these Virtues are you most Guilty of?! And how can you enhance that and also improve the rest (we are all good at at least one of these). * Auctoritas — "Spiritual Authority" — The sense of one's social standing, built up through experience, Pietas, and Industria.
* Comitas — "Humour" — Ease of manner, courtesy, openness, and friendliness.
* Constantia — "Perseverance" — Military stamina, mental and physical endurance.
* Clementia — "Mercy" — Mildness and gentleness.
* Dignitas — "Dignity" — A sense of self-worth, personal pride.
* Disciplina — "Discipline" — Military oath under Roman protective law & citizenship.
* Firmitas — "Tenacity" — Strength of mind, the ability to stick to one's purpose.
* Frugalitas — "Frugality" — Economy and simplicity of style, without being miserly.
* Gravitas — "Gravity" — A sense of the importance of the matter at hand, responsibility and earnestness.
* Honestas — "Respectability" — The image that one presents as a respectable member of society.
* Humanitas — "Humanity" — Refinement, civilization, learning, and being cultured.
* Industria — "Industriousness" — Hard work.
* Iustitia — "Justice" — Sense of moral worth to an action.
* Pietas — "Dutifulness" — More than religious piety; a respect for the natural order socially, politically, and religiously. Includes the ideas of patriotism and devotion to others.
* Prudentia — "Prudence" — Foresight, wisdom, and personal discretion.
* Salubritas — "Wholesomeness" — Health and cleanliness.
* Severitas — "Sternness" — Gravity, self-control.
* Veritas — "Truthfulness" — Honesty in dealing with others.
* Virtus - "Manliness" - Valor, excellence, courage, character, and worth. Vir meaning "man". (Man being generic now:) Add your improvements/advice in the comments below.