Tuesday 14 September 2010

#Bil & #Ted / #TEDx #conference #developments

The Bil Conference sounds like a great way to complement the inspiring Ted Conferences. It can now be possible for EVERYONE to get involved if Bil introduce an open structural design.

Bil can also be enhanced in these ways...

Creating self sustaining hubs all year round (working model at http://www.FREEtraid.com)


http://www.Traidmark.org = Not For Profit + Social Enterprise Innovation germinater
Traidmark.org enables you to gain from hard work while funding innovation from within a Not For Profit organisation.
(The NFP invests Net profit in NEW Innovative NFP Startups so is forced to continually evolve because of this structure which creating even better serves)

This adds significant customer loyalty and enables hard work to be rewarded through pay while investing in innovative solutions to social problems.

Posted via email from Whymandesign.com Development

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