Tuesday 14 September 2010

#Introducing the #web!? As simple as 1 2 #Infinity / #Singularity

Consumer habits continue to change with web usage creating new opportunities for even better customer service and ethical trading. One key problem is how web usability is still not accessible for novices and often is infuriatingly restrictive for all users due to a lack of careful usability design. If only those websites were aware of the loss of trade caused by this lack of usability they would instantly improve their service. Over time this will happen and we are interested in assisting and measuring how this process of change occurs.

This nice game is one example of how things many people take for granted need to be taught in a clear educational manner to certain types of learners.


Which leads on to the government service called http://www.myguide.gov.uk which illustrates many more.

Once on the web the first big choice users face is, 'Which service do I use' when there are so many similar offers?

Most users learn from their peers choosing the fastest services that are easiest to use. Then they choose to use ethical products/services provided by Not For Profit and Social Enterprise organisations which are nicely listed on websites such as http://www.idealist.org and http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Non-profit_organization.

Posted via email from Whymandesign.com Development

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