Friday 17 September 2010

#tweets on #how to #help #4ip #nesta #charity #bigsociety #gov

# #how can all #tv #games & #entertainment be #enhanced so #everyone is able to #help #all? @webiversity @trustlibrary #help. @4ip #nesta about 21 hours ago via txt

# #how can all #business #csr & #charity be #enhanced so #everyone is able to #help #all? @webiversity @trustlibrary #help. @4ip #nesta about 21 hours ago via txt

# How can #gov #enable #retired & #students to #enhance #socent #nfp #charity #coop? eg @traidmark @webiversity @4ip #nesta #bigsociety about 23 hours ago via txt

# How can #gov #enable #everyone to #enhance #public #services & #socent #nfp #charity & #coop? eg @traidmark @4ip #nesta #bigsociety 11:19 AM Sep 15th via txt

# All #games and #entertainment should #teach and #create something #constructive otherwise it is just #cheap? @4ip #nesta #bigsociety 11:18 AM Sep 15th via txt

# How can #gov #enable #anyone to set up new #public #services as #socent #nfp #charity & #coop? eg @traidmark @4ip #nesta #bigsociety 11:14 AM Sep 15th via txt

# #companies should be run as #socent #nfp & #coop with #trustees as they #effect us like #gov? eg @traidmark @4ip #nesta #bigsociety 11:12 AM Sep 15th via txt

# Can the #linguistics of #academic & #journalistic #research to be checked to stop #confusion or #manipulation @4ip #nesta #ahrc #ypmedia 6:08 AM Sep 15th via txt

# Can the #linguistics of #academic & #journalistic #research to be checked to stop #confusion or #manipulation @4ip #nesta #ahrc 4:24 AM Sep 15th via txt

# @raceonline_2012 #academic & #journalist #skills need to be #taught to #all as #internet has no #editorial #controll @4ip #nesta #ahrc 4:03 AM Sep 15th via txt

# @raceonline_2012 great #ofcom talk saying #12 to #15 is the #age #youth #embrace the #internet @webiversity @4ip #nesta #ahrc 3:58 AM Sep 15th via txt

# how to #empower #people in #gov & #citizens to #create #services they want & need @trustlibrary @webiversity @4ip #nesta #ahrc 3:47 AM Sep 15th via txt

# @raceonline_2012 how to #empower #people to #create #services they want & need @artlab @trustlibrary @webiversity @4ip #nesta #ahrc 3:37 AM Sep 15th via txt

# @raceonline_2012 #media talks on @trustlibrary @webiversity @4ip #nesta #ahrc 3:24 AM Sep 15th via txt

# #save #rent using #emptyshops or #space & save the #landlord #money & make #charity #art? Contact @trustlibrary to do this @mustart 2:46 AM Sep 15th via txt

# Can we Help you? #How can the #community #help #Ted #kiva #wikipedia to improve? #os #app store? #tedx

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