Sunday 12 September 2010

#FREE ways to #improve your #life & #gov #4ip #nesta #bigsociety #tedx #kiva # #opentech2010 #overtheair

# "#Hell is the #impossibility of #reason!" #how to #share reason? #platoon #film #quote by @oliverstone #webiversity @trustlibrary about 6 hours ago via txt

# #what should we #concentrate on in #life & #why? #greatest #hapiness for the greatest number? #wisdom #gov @4ip #nesta #trustlibrary about 6 hours ago via txt

# #how can we make sure #wisdom & #knowledge always #educate #everyone from our #ignorance? #gov @4ip #nesta #opentech #overtheair about 6 hours ago via txt

# #What are the most #important #problems to #solve & #who is #funding #creative #solutions? #gov @4ip #nesta #opentech #overtheair 7:34 AM Sep 11th via txt

# How to stop #open #selfless #systems being #controlled by the #selfish? #os #religion #charity #gov @4ip #nesta #opentech #overtheair 7:26 AM Sep 11th via txt

# #problems can be #solved with #creative #innovation. Why are #creatives not #empowered or #rewarded @4ip #nesta #opentech #overtheair 7:14 AM Sep 11th via txt

# Is there a #miracle #fuel that can replace #coal and #oil to stop or reverse #climate #change ? #water ? @4ip #nesta #opentech2010 7:08 AM Sep 11th via txt

# @podnosh can @socialmediasurgery & @ukonlinecentres help @raceonline2012 in @trustlibrary #emptyshops @4ip #nesta #opentech2010 4:29 AM Sep 11th via txt

# Can @medicdojo #crowdsource & help #frontlinemedic #nhsinnovation & @oneworldhealth @4ip #nesta #opentech2010 #overtheair 4:13 AM Sep 11th via txt

# Making #fail open and public shares learning and makes ##failure small & fast! @4ip #nesta #opentech #overtheair 3:39 AM Sep 11th via txt

# Can @visionontv help #knightnewschallenge #collegeofjournalism & #schoolreport using #webmademovies @4ip #nesta #opentech #overtheair 3:13 AM Sep 11th via txt

# #mozilla #drumbeat & #p2pu #webmademovies are great #eg of how #os #openweb #help all @webiversity @4ip #nesta #opentech #overtheair 3:06 AM Sep 11th via txt

# #ted @WEBiversity Ben Cameron: The true power of the performing arts - Ben Cameron (2010) 8:26 AM Sep 10th via HootSuite

# #How can #different ways of making #life #better for #everyone be #shared #effectively? #os @webiversity @4ip #nesta #bigsociety 6:14 AM Sep 10th via txt

# #what are your #best ways to #empower #anyone to #creatively #innovate & #help each other? @webiversity @4ip #nesta #bigsociety 6:08 AM Sep 10th via txt

# #what are the most #important things for #society to be #working on & #how? @webiversity @trustlibrary #help. @4ip #nesta #bigsociety 2:20 AM Sep 10th via txt

# #ted @WEBiversity Carne Ross: An independent diplomat - Carne Ross (2009) 8:29 AM Sep 9th via HootSuite

# #How can we #help #creatives #invent & #innovate? What #reward & #support? @webiversity @trustlibrary #helps. @4ip #nesta #bigsoocietycr 8:05 AM Sep 9th via txt

# Can @TRUStlibrary help? RT @robinbogg @commutiny @hackofalltrades @UGCunion @NatWei empower citizens to follow other so Govt doesn't 3:07 AM Sep 9th via HootSuite

# Can we Help you? #What #stupid things can we #stop doing? And #how? #Evolution &/or #Revolution?

Share your reactions to these comments and ways to help improve others lives (or any words of wisdom) at &

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