Sunday, 31 October 2010

#How to #help #everyone help everyone & #find #happiness is in #everyones #head to be #discovered. #tweets

  • The web has made everything possible! How is it best to #crowdsource & #crowdfund this #nfp #os #cc @webiversity #nesta #bigsociety
  • The web has made everything possible! Want to help everyone help everyone do this using #nfp #os #cc @webiversity #nesta #bigsociety
  • The web has made anything possible! The key is #how you do what you do & how the most can benefit? #os #cc @webiversity #nesta
  • What are the top 3 things you want to achieve and why? Stop #war? Let us #help #free using #os #cc @webiversity #nesta #bigsociety
  • Let us #creatively #innovate any #gov #charity #socent #products #free using #os #cc @webiversity #nesta #bigsociety #4ip
  • #what are you #good at & can #donate to #help others? What do you #need & not know you need? #os #cc @webiversity #nesta #bigsociety
  • Let us #creatively #innovate all #gov #charity #socent #products & #services using #os #cc & #web @webiversity #nesta #bigsociety
  • The #web has enabled all #gov & #charity & #socent #products & #services to be #reinvented better! @webiversity #nesta #bigs ...
  • #how to get #funding & #support for #nfp #os #charity #socent that #help all & #gov ? @trustlibrary @webiversity #nesta #bigsociety
  • we have all we need! How to #remind all to #remember to #apreciate what we have & help others 2 be happy? @trustlibrary @webiversity
  • #how to #help #all to #enjoy all of #life by #laughing at self & #apreciating what we have eg #health @trustlibrary @webiversity
  • #how to enable #all to earn a living & #creatively #innovate 2 #help #all? #busking 4 #inventors @trustlibrary @webiversity #nesta
  • Enjoying what you have is easier & more effective than racing to get more & we all can do this for #free @trustlibrary @webiversity
  • #creative #innovate Can Business Make a Difference? TEDTalks Playlist
  • Can we Help you? Want free creative & innovative help to enhance any project / service? We can help & with #CSR #os ...
  • Want free creative & innovative help to enhance any project / service? We can help & with #CSR #os #nfp #charity too.
  • Want 2 make a drupal Not For Profit free education site? @tedx & @KIVA = @WEBiversity (prototype) @danfrydman @duvien @thesnufkin

  • Want to help others help everyone?

  • WanWa-- Regards Edward Whyman This message and any attachments are confidential and for the sole recipient only. You may not use any information contained in this message or attachments without permission.

    Posted via email from Research

    Saturday, 30 October 2010

    Want free creative & innovative help to enhance any project / service? We can help & with #CSR #os #nfp #charity too.

    Want free creative & innovative help to enhance any project / service? We can help & with CSR os nfp charity too.

    We would love to help enhance your work by using my UI Design and Social Media knowledge to help you enhance the Gaming features of the site to users are drawn to use it more and more for constructive outcomes.
    For example can your organisation run as a not for profit that donates/invests any surplus funds that you generate (in future profits & donations) into NEW INNOVATIVE solutions to human problems? This will enable you to grow to gain a cumulative mass with a USP that competitors can not steal so you can grow as big as Wikipedia/Mozilla while partnering with them. You and everyone involved will then get rich on performance pay knowing that you have created a self sustaining innovation & collaboration platform that saves lives. Long video's at explain more.

    It would be great if this is possible as it would secure the success of your enterprise AND generate philanthropic funds that are invested in innovative solutions so save many lives.

    3. has more positive points for pioneering selfless people like yourself:)


    -- Regards Edward Whyman This message and any attachments are confidential and for the sole recipient only. You may not use any information contained in this message or attachments without permission.

    Posted via email from Research

    Friday, 29 October 2010

    #Turning #problems into #solutions using #open #collaboration #os #nesta #bigsociety #likeminds

    How is it best to turn problems (text in the form of Blog Posts or Twitter comments) into solutions and how best to share this with everyone to get the most value out of selfless collaboration (such as on Wikipedia & Mozilla).

    Problem is shared by posting it as a Blog, tweet, video...

    Anyone comments/share solutions

    Problems and solutions are linked up from different places on the web to organise them (hard part:)

    The solution is actioned by anyone (equally hard) Volunteers or funding from Charity & Government helps enhance this part & cooperative Not For Profit Innovation can solve this in a self sustaining way.

    Extra unexpected outcomes that no one could have expected will be created by linking people and problems up in a not for profit selfless open source way.

    Other things will happen

    We are looking for programmers to help everyone help everyone using innovative re-uses of open source software to do this. If interested contact @whymandesign

    Do help create free entertaining education for all with explains how anyone can enhance what they are doing for FREE by making themselves feel great by using surplus funds to donate to innovative charitable work. Do take the time to read and watch all the video's as it is proven by cooperatives that you can enhance your success AND innovate so  you can help 000's of others, enjoy your work more and save lives!

    The question is do you want to (make yourself happy by) helping other people by providing the best service (so 000's of other people can have better lives)? Or do you just want to make your own lonesome self rich by providing a worse service to others so 000's of others lives are less good?

    Ed @whymandesign

    -- Regards Edward Whyman This message and any attachments are confidential and for the sole recipient only. You may not use any information contained in this message or attachments without permission.

    Posted via email from Research

    #Listing #org #structure such as #socent #os #nfp #coop in order from #selfless #good to #selfish #bad. #nesta #bigsociety

    Listing org structure such as socent os nfp coop in order from selfless good to selfish bad.

    What is the most important thing do do in your life (have fun while helping others) and how is it best to educate everyone so we can improve what we are doing so we can help the most people with our skills and ambitions?

    The premise is how to give the greatest happiness (health/education) to the greatest number.

    What you do (outcome) and HOW you do it is key (process/effectiveness).

    Here is a list of ways humans interact with society...

    Which are you? Which would you like everyone to be?

    Is everyone rewarded/educated enough for being selfless (why is everyone not selfless?)?

    Selfish (Bad as it benefits a few)




    Tax Avoider

    Destructive/inefficient Business/Gov

    Constructive/efficient Business/Gov

    Social Enterprise









    Selfless (Good as it benefits everyone)

    Add your improvements in the comments below. Examples of all of these being sustainable have been proven (e.g. using donations) the question is how much good they do with INNOVATION too.

    How is it best to make everyone move a few places up the scale so we can all help each other have happier lives? Persuasion, negotiation...?

    Education with entertainment are key and we would like to work with you to do this.

    Do help create free entertaining education for all with explains how anyone can enhance what they are doing for FREE by making themselves feel great by using surplus funds to donate to innovative charitable work. Do take the time to read and watch all the video's as it is proven by cooperatives that you can enhance your success AND innovate so  you can help 000's of others, enjoy your work more and save lives!

    The question is do you want to (make yourself happy by) helping other people by providing the best service (so 000's of other people can have better lives)? Or do you just want to make your own lonesome self rich by providing a worse service to others so 000's of others lives are less good?

    Ed @whymandesign

    -- Regards Edward Whyman This message and any attachments are confidential and for the sole recipient only. You may not use any information contained in this message or attachments without permission.

    Posted via email from Research

    The #Good, The #Bad and the #Glee full! #How #helping #Everyone #Selflessly is better than #selfishness? #nesta #bigsociety

    The Good, The Bad and the Glee full! How helping Everyone Selflessly is better than selfishness?

    What is the most important thing do do in your life (have fun while helping others) and how is it best to educate everyone so we can improve what we are doing so we can help the most people with our skills and ambitions?

    The comparisons speak for themselves showing what humans could/should do but how we get distracted by short term ignorant gains at the expense of everyones long term larger gains.

    The premise is how to give the greatest happiness (health/education) to the greatest number.

    What you do (outcome) and HOW you do it is key (process/effectiveness).

    Here is a lists of opposite ways humans interact with society (two sides of the same coin but one helps the many while the other helps the few...

    Which are you? Which would you like everyone to be?

    Is everyone rewarded/educated enough for being selfless (why is everyone not selfless?)?

    Good Bad

    Open Closed

    + -

    Share Hide

    Give Take

    Everyone Me

    Selfless Selfish

    Solution Problem

    Virtue Vice

    Common Private

    Nurture Nature

    Heaven Hell

    Ying Yang

    Selfish (Bad as it benefits a few) Selfless (Good as it benefits everyone)

    How is it best to make everyone move a few places up the scale so we can all help each other have happier lives? Persuasion, negotiation...?

    Education with entertainment are key and we would like to work with you to do this.

    Do help create free entertaining education for all with explains how anyone can enhance what they are doing for FREE by making themselves feel great by using surplus funds to donate to innovative charitable work. Do take the time to read and watch all the video's as it is proven by cooperatives that you can enhance your success AND innovate so  you can help 000's of others, enjoy your work more and save lives!

    The question is do you want to (make yourself happy by) helping other people by providing the best service (so 000's of other people can have better lives)? Or do you just want to make your own lonesome self rich by providing a worse service to others so 000's of others lives are less good?

    Ed @whymandesign

    -- Regards Edward Whyman This message and any attachments are confidential and for the sole recipient only. You may not use any information contained in this message or attachments without permission.

    Posted via email from Research

    #How to #remind #everyone to #selflessly #concentrate on having #fun & #solving #important #problems? #nesta #bigsociety

    How to remind everyone to selflessly concentrate on having fun and solving important global problems?

    We all get distracted by irrelevant problems in daily life because they regularly jump in front of our path and often get confused by the variety of different daily problems we face. How is it best to remind everyone to solve those problems easily in many different ways which are proved to work?

    For example

    Remind everyone to have fun living with what we have right now.

    To make ourselves happy simply by helping others.

    To watch our own minds. And how our minds are easily confused and conned into thinking we need the latest product or gadget when all we need to be happy is to appreciate (concentrate on seeing, hearing, smelling) what we have right now (Health/eduation...).

    Daily reminders will help us all enjoy every second of our lives while helping others to do this too. Is there a good way to help everyone do this using existing resources? Maybe create gifts that you can give away to others to remind them? is one way.

    Do help create free entertaining education for all with explains how anyone can enhance what they are doing for FREE by making themselves feel great by using surplus funds to donate to innovative charitable work. Do take the time to read and watch all the video's as it is proven by cooperatives that you can enhance your success AND innovate so  you can help 000's of others, enjoy your work more and save lives!

    The question is do you want to (make yourself happy by) helping other people by providing the best service (so 000's of other people can have better lives)? Or do you just want to make your own lonesome self rich by providing a worse service to others so 000's of others lives are less good?

    Ed @whymandesign

    -- Regards Edward Whyman This message and any attachments are confidential and for the sole recipient only. You may not use any information contained in this message or attachments without permission.

    Posted via email from Research

    #Freemium is no better than showing people what they can not have? #free with #donations #help #all #nesta #bigsociety

    Freemium is no better than showing people what they can not have? Free with donations helps all?

    Like rubbing riches and success in the face of the poor or a dealer giving away a sample to perceptive customers.
    It is the sign of a short sighted short term get rich quick business mentality.

    More responsible business models exist and are needed that enable customers to get the best value so they are not used by irresponsible businesses.

    Providing a service to the customers should be the main motivator for a responsible business.
    Too often businesses are started with the wrong selfish mentality of getting rich quick which leads to irresponsible businesses that would be so much better if set up by responsible people.

    Responsible businesses provide a service for customers first and do anything else second. This is done by creatively innovating new services. This is most frequently done by Beyond Profit organisations such as Not For Profits and Coops as the greed motivation to gain selfish profits are taken away making everyone in the organisation look after the customers first. Everyone can also make more innovation and here is a free way to enhance any organisation, product or service by enhancing your business structure. explains how. Do take the time to read and watch all the video's as it is proven by cooperatives that you can enhance your success AND innovate so  you can help 000's of others, enjoy your work more and save lives!

    The question is do you want to (make yourself happy by) helping other people by providing the best service (so 000's of other people can have better lives)? Or do you just want to make your own lonesome self rich by providing a worse service to others so 000's of others lives are less good?

    Do help create free entertaining education for all with explains how anyone can enhance what they are doing for FREE by making themselves feel great by using surplus funds to donate to innovative charitable work. Do take the time to read and watch all the video's as it is proven by cooperatives that you can enhance your success AND innovate so  you can help 000's of others, enjoy your work more and save lives!

    Ed @whymandesign

    -- Regards Edward Whyman This message and any attachments are confidential and for the sole recipient only. You may not use any information contained in this message or attachments without permission.

    Posted via email from Research

    Monday, 25 October 2010

    #collaborate #helping #enable #anyone to #help #everyone #crowdsource & #crowdfund #os #nfp #bigsociety #nesta

    Would you like to help enable anyone to help anyone with crowdsourcing? We would so get in contact if you want to collaborate

    I understand the trick is to manage the conversations between people so they are organised so lots of input does not turn into confusion:)

    We have tried to make a prototype that enables anyone to crowdsource on a project by project base and are looking for a programmer to make an open source application so anyone can do this which is running as a not for profit (beyond profit) using the benefits gained from this (that wikipedia / mozilla get) explained at

    Can we help you help others crowdsource together

    Ed @whymandesign

    -- Regards Edward Whyman This message and any attachments are confidential and for the sole recipient only. You may not use any information contained in this message or attachments without permission.

    Posted via email from Research

    How can we help you by #creatively #innovating ? Would you like to be #helped? @4ip @nesta_uk #bigsociety

    Can we creatively enhance your work by helping develop and then
    implement efficient ways to save funds while enhancing output and were
    hoping we could help you save funds AND create a new sustainable revenue

    For example...

    Can we help create collaboration spaces where anyone can come together
    to work on solving charity problems using empty space in a clever way
    that also saves you money AND collects donations for charity? Who can we
    talk to about enhancing the use of your entrance foyer or spare
    rooms/carpark space? We created as the
    starting point and would like to help enhance your great work. Please do
    reply with your thoughts and how you think this is possible on the relevant facebook group?


    Would it be possible to help enhance your work using the power of social
    media to encourage more people to help with your existing and future
    projects using crowdsourcing?

    We are creating a charity crowdfunding collaboration drupal site using
    pioneering open source modules and were hoping we could develop this
    with you to enhance your great work?

    We are also aiming to use the site to collect donated funds for
    charity by using a re skinned version of different software for
    charitable use as a not for profit? Could you use the business model to benefit your organisation too?

    Would it be possible to work with you to make a re skinned
    version of existing software so we can help the public to solve
    other social issues (Ideally using the business
    structure)? Maybe working with someone like or which
    is closing so maybe this is something I could help you take on so
    everyone can share local knowledge? Also can
    share video's and create with your

    The aim is to create custom branded open source software (so the same
    software that exists is used to solve different social issues). Can we
    do this starting with enhancing the and prototype sites?

    I created which has access to 50 shops that are spread
    across the uk and we were hoping to work with you to use the spaces. We
    are aiming to install the libraries in any university and were hoping we
    could do this with you by working with the your contacts. All that is
    needed is for the network and universities to be informed of the volunteer org so we can talk to them about how easy it
    is for them to create TrustLibrary spaces.

    Also do check out one of the best books I have ever read What is your favourite book? Is there a
    free version online or a film review?

    Posted via email from Research

    Sunday, 24 October 2010

    #helping anyone #create their own #nfp #os #community #space to #help #others using #emptyshops @trustlibrary #bigsociety #nesta

    would you like to have a fun community shop where you can do anything you like that helps your community?

    If so join and the facebook group and say what you can give and what you want (and where you are) and we will link you up.

    We have 50 shops across the uk (almost one in every town) and need 50 people to run the shops for any community activity that they want. We also have access to a large office in london. Imagine how many people you can help by inventing and setting up your own community space.

    Previously we successfully set up a chain of community coffee shops called Progreso with Oxfam where he helped homeless unemployed people from the Crisis Cafe get trained and then work as Coffee Baristas.

    Do you know of any empty shops, office, residential or carpark spaces that we could also use to work with you to create community hubs where we help young/old people set up their own community Beyond Profit Social Enterprise. Tweet to @whymandesign

    -- Regards Edward Whyman This message and any attachments are confidential and for the sole recipient only. You may not use any information contained in this message or attachments without permission.

    Posted via email from Research

    Saturday, 23 October 2010

    Making everyone able to make themselves and others happy by #sharing #free #knowledge and #wisdom!

  • #How best 2 #share #free #knowledge & #wisdom so all #learn 2 make all #happy? @trustlibrary @webiversity #4ip #nesta #bigsociety #
  • #How 2 #help all to be #happy all the time by using #mindfulness & #meditation? @trustlibrary @webiversity #4ip #nesta #bigsociety #
  • #how 2 #make #all #conversations into #actions 2 #help make #everyone #happy? @trustlibrary @webiversity #4ip #nesta #bigsociety #
  • #how 2 #make #all #happier? Can #mindfulness make us all be #happy? @trustlibrary @webiversity #4ip #nesta #bigsociety #
  • If #biggov costs x million that means the #public will be #given at least 1/x million to make #bigsociety ?@trustlibrary #nesta #gov
  • #how to #educate #society #about the #game of #life so all get most from #life & not #win a #pointless game #bigsociety #nesta #gov
  • #how to #educate #society to #improve #conversations so we talk about #helping #others with #innovation #bigsociety #nesta #gov
  • -- Regards Edward Whyman This message and any attachments are confidential and for the sole recipient only. You may not use any information contained in this message or attachments without permission.

    Posted via email from Research

    Wednesday, 20 October 2010

    Collaborate on creating low cost or free public services with volunteers

    We are creating low cost or free public services and are looking to collaborate with programmers to create open source not for profit or charitable crowdsourcing websites that enable everyone to help everyone and save lives. This will lead to paid work and enable us to raise funds for charity too.

    Would it be possible to work with you to do this and use your software?

    There are 2 areas (real world and digital)

    Enable anyone to create Trust Libraries? We have up to 50 empty shops that we would like uk interns to manage/run to set up community libraries? We also have a showcase office space in London that we are looking to open in the coming weeks and need an intern to manage it too.


    We are setting up a crowdsource website and would love to do this with you or your interns.
    Do you have any programmer interns?

    A site can be set up relatively easily using Drupal software we just need a Drupal expert to help do this. If you know of any programmers who are interested in helping EVERYONE innovate using crowdsourcing for charitable causes it would be great to get an open source site set up on which to draw communities together.

    I am @whymandesign & 'whymandesign' on skype.

    Do tweet me your view and also check @WEBiversity which is a prototype.


    -- Regards Edward Whyman This message and any attachments are confidential and for the sole recipient only. You may not use any information contained in this message or attachments without permission.

    Posted via email from Research

    #Tweets about #making #everyone #happy using #simple #processes we can do #now. #gameoflife #nesta #bigsociety #gov

  • #how #best to #link up #linkeminds #forgood using #os #nfp better than #facebook #twitter #linkedin #4ip #nesta #bigsociety #gov
  • #looking at #why we #what things means we can #solve the #need in #new #better ways #gameoflife #nesta #bigsociety #gov
  • #selflesness #collaboration #motivates the #educated #mind more than #selfishness & more #productive way? #nesta #bigsociety #gov
  • #all we #need in the #game of #life is #food #water #shelter #clothing #love #why not give that 2 #all #now #nesta #bigsociety #gov
  • #what do we #need in the #game of #life? Why not #give #food #water #shelter #clothing #love for #all #now #nesta #bigsociety #gov
  • #what are the best #words of #wisdom you have heard? #share & get a @trustlibrary @webiversity #book! #4ip #nesta #bigsociety #gov
  • #how to #teach #all so #wisdom can #educate all from #ignorance @trustlibrary @webiversity #4ip #nesta #bigsociety #gov
  • #bad #education = #ignorance = #unhappiness = #competition = #war :( @trustlibrary @webiversity #4ip #nesta #bigsociety #gov pls rt
  • #good #education = #wisdom = #happiness = #collaboration = #peace :) @trustlibrary @webiversity #4ip #nesta #bigsociety #gov pls rt
  • #what #made u #spark the #quest 4 #knowledge? Access 2 #Free #books & video @trustlibrary @webiversity #4ip #nesta #bigsociety rt
  • #what #made u #spark the #quest for #knowledge & #wisdom 2 be #selfless & #happy? @trustlibrary @webiversity #4ip #nesta #bigsociety
  • #how 2 #spark the #quest for #knowledge & #wisdom to be #selfless to be #happy? @trustlibrary @webiversity #4ip #nesta #bigsociety
  • #how 2 #add #value 2 #all #public #services with #crowdsourcing & #crowdfunding? @trustlibrary @webiversity #4ip #nesta #bigsociety
  • #how 2 #make #all #happier? Can #meditation & #reflection make us all #happy? @trustlibrary @webiversity #4ip #nesta #bigsociety
  • -- Regards Edward Whyman This message and any attachments are confidential and for the sole recipient only. You may not use any information contained in this message or attachments without permission.

    Posted via email from Research

    Tuesday, 19 October 2010

    #How #best to #inspire #everyone to #selflessly #help each other #every #day by #creatively #innovating? #ted #poptech

    How best to inspire everyone to selflessly help each other every day by creatively innovating?

    Amazing Inspirational Video's and Conferences are created by the (Beyond Profit) Not For Profit organisations...

    The question is how to enable anyone/everyone to get inspired by this free content that is out there waiting to be shared?


    How to build on the video content and inspiration so anyone/everyone can be inspired/entertained AND contribute (more than just commenting that does not produce much outcome).

    If you know a way or want to help others by solving/enhancing this please collaborate with us on the (Beyond Profit) Not For Profit

    Why not also use the (Beyond Profit) Not For Profit Innovation Business Model for free at (essentially a coop where 100% NET/surplus funds [after R&D/wages] are invested in NEW INNOVATIVE (Beyond Profit) Not For Profit work).

    Cooperative (or Social Enterprise) + 100% Net Profit Philanthropy (spent on INNOVATIVE NOT FOR PROFIT WORK) = FREE Business Structure EVERYONE can use.

    The more you give the more you get. is a free way to enhance any organisation by donating net profit to innovative charitable work while motivating employees with performance pay. Essentially it is like a coop but where 100% net profit is donated to new charitable work.

    Cooperative (or Social Enterprise) + 100% Net Profit Philanthropy (spent on INNOVATIVE NOT FOR PROFIT WORK) = FREE Business Structure EVERYONE can use.

    Cooperatives have been successfully growing fro many years such as & & they can be enhanced by using the model to spend the funds they generate on Innovative new charitable work. Here are also a few examples of BRAND NEW Innovative Entrepreneurs selflessly donating 100% net profit to innovative charitable work...

    Tweet @TRAIDmark for more details.

    If you want to help other people we would love to creatively help enhance your work.
    If you would like more information do tweet to @whymandesign

    -- Regards Edward Whyman This message and any attachments are confidential and for the sole recipient only. You may not use any information contained in this message or attachments without permission.

    Posted via email from Research

    #sustainably #rewarding #creative #innovation so we #all can #help each other to #live & be #happy #nesta

    -- Regards Edward Whyman This message and any attachments are confidential and for the sole recipient only. You may not use any information contained in this message or attachments without permission.

    Posted via email from Research