Sunday 17 October 2010

tweets on #education #society & how #creative #innovation & #crowdsourcing #helps #everyone #nesta #gov

  • #how best 2 #educate #society to #tweet #important #conversations with #solutions so #best #issues r #solved #bigsociety #nesta #gov
  • #how best to #educate #society to #improve #conversations so #ignorant do not #talk about #trivial #issues #bigsociety #nesta #gov
  • #how to #educate #society not to #watch #listen or #talk about #trivial #issues but to #do #fun #charity #bigsociety #nesta #gov
  • #how to #educate #society #about the #game of #life so all get most from #life & not #win a #pointless game #bigsociety #nesta #gov

  • #How to #remind #everyone every #day about their #potential & #encourage them to #compassionately #innovate? #bigsoc...
  • Can we Help you? #How to #survive & #thrive while #working on a #job you #love & #giving what you #make away to #hel...
  •     Can we Help you? Want to #help #others and #work on a #job you #love?
        #How to #Diagnose #negative #meem 's that #spread like #viruses making all our #lives #worse and #how to #cure? #nes...
  • #How can #Gov & #Individuals #help #Everyone to help each other? #nesta #4ip #bigsociety
  • #What: #habits, #cultures, #fashions, #mannerisms, #behaviours, #words, #diseases have #negative #effects & #how 2 be #aware? #knowledge

  • Want #money to start a #voluntary #os #nfp #service? Tweet the #idea to @freet raid & say what you will #give #bigsociety #nesta #gov    1:32 AM Oct 16th via txt   #Can many if not all #tv #film #radio & #internet #products & #services ge nerate #funds for #charity    3:53 PM Oct 15th via Posterous   #Can #charity #spending be #spent as #efficiently as #possible? #bigsociety #nesta    3:49 PM Oct 15th via Posterous      #How can #gov #fund & make it easier to make #innovative #public #service rather than #venture #capital #bigsociety #nesta #gov    5:16 AM Oct 16th via txt        If #biggov costs x million that means the #public will be #given at least 1/x million to make #bigsociety ?@trustlibrary #nesta #gov    2:23 AM Oct 16th via txt        Let us use your #spare #resource eg #books or #space to help others? Rt ur offer @trustlibrary @freetraid #bigsociety #nesta #gov    2:16 AM Oct 16th via txt -- Regards Edward Whyman This message and any attachments are confidential and for the sole recipient only. You may not use any information contained in this message or attachments without permission.

    Posted via email from Research

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