Wednesday 20 October 2010

#Tweets about #making #everyone #happy using #simple #processes we can do #now. #gameoflife #nesta #bigsociety #gov

  • #how #best to #link up #linkeminds #forgood using #os #nfp better than #facebook #twitter #linkedin #4ip #nesta #bigsociety #gov
  • #looking at #why we #what things means we can #solve the #need in #new #better ways #gameoflife #nesta #bigsociety #gov
  • #selflesness #collaboration #motivates the #educated #mind more than #selfishness & more #productive way? #nesta #bigsociety #gov
  • #all we #need in the #game of #life is #food #water #shelter #clothing #love #why not give that 2 #all #now #nesta #bigsociety #gov
  • #what do we #need in the #game of #life? Why not #give #food #water #shelter #clothing #love for #all #now #nesta #bigsociety #gov
  • #what are the best #words of #wisdom you have heard? #share & get a @trustlibrary @webiversity #book! #4ip #nesta #bigsociety #gov
  • #how to #teach #all so #wisdom can #educate all from #ignorance @trustlibrary @webiversity #4ip #nesta #bigsociety #gov
  • #bad #education = #ignorance = #unhappiness = #competition = #war :( @trustlibrary @webiversity #4ip #nesta #bigsociety #gov pls rt
  • #good #education = #wisdom = #happiness = #collaboration = #peace :) @trustlibrary @webiversity #4ip #nesta #bigsociety #gov pls rt
  • #what #made u #spark the #quest 4 #knowledge? Access 2 #Free #books & video @trustlibrary @webiversity #4ip #nesta #bigsociety rt
  • #what #made u #spark the #quest for #knowledge & #wisdom 2 be #selfless & #happy? @trustlibrary @webiversity #4ip #nesta #bigsociety
  • #how 2 #spark the #quest for #knowledge & #wisdom to be #selfless to be #happy? @trustlibrary @webiversity #4ip #nesta #bigsociety
  • #how 2 #add #value 2 #all #public #services with #crowdsourcing & #crowdfunding? @trustlibrary @webiversity #4ip #nesta #bigsociety
  • #how 2 #make #all #happier? Can #meditation & #reflection make us all #happy? @trustlibrary @webiversity #4ip #nesta #bigsociety
  • -- Regards Edward Whyman This message and any attachments are confidential and for the sole recipient only. You may not use any information contained in this message or attachments without permission.

    Posted via email from Research

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