Friday 29 October 2010

#Freemium is no better than showing people what they can not have? #free with #donations #help #all #nesta #bigsociety

Freemium is no better than showing people what they can not have? Free with donations helps all?

Like rubbing riches and success in the face of the poor or a dealer giving away a sample to perceptive customers.
It is the sign of a short sighted short term get rich quick business mentality.

More responsible business models exist and are needed that enable customers to get the best value so they are not used by irresponsible businesses.

Providing a service to the customers should be the main motivator for a responsible business.
Too often businesses are started with the wrong selfish mentality of getting rich quick which leads to irresponsible businesses that would be so much better if set up by responsible people.

Responsible businesses provide a service for customers first and do anything else second. This is done by creatively innovating new services. This is most frequently done by Beyond Profit organisations such as Not For Profits and Coops as the greed motivation to gain selfish profits are taken away making everyone in the organisation look after the customers first. Everyone can also make more innovation and here is a free way to enhance any organisation, product or service by enhancing your business structure. explains how. Do take the time to read and watch all the video's as it is proven by cooperatives that you can enhance your success AND innovate so  you can help 000's of others, enjoy your work more and save lives!

The question is do you want to (make yourself happy by) helping other people by providing the best service (so 000's of other people can have better lives)? Or do you just want to make your own lonesome self rich by providing a worse service to others so 000's of others lives are less good?

Do help create free entertaining education for all with explains how anyone can enhance what they are doing for FREE by making themselves feel great by using surplus funds to donate to innovative charitable work. Do take the time to read and watch all the video's as it is proven by cooperatives that you can enhance your success AND innovate so  you can help 000's of others, enjoy your work more and save lives!

Ed @whymandesign

-- Regards Edward Whyman This message and any attachments are confidential and for the sole recipient only. You may not use any information contained in this message or attachments without permission.

Posted via email from Research

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